Republican voters are dying off

Is that a fact? Interesting study conducted decades ago indicated that the vast majority of liberal college students moved their political affiliation toward the center and right of center once they were married and employed. Common sense over ideology or is it a case of reality knocking on the door? Interesting in that this thread states "conservatives are dieing off" so, it must be safe to assume those that built this economic Juggernaut and fought to preserve our freedom are those very same people dieing off, and unfortunately for the left a great many were and are loyal but conservative democrat's

Once even college kids start experiencing the effects of liberal policies they normally change. They might sincerely believe in redistribution of wealth, until they understand what it means. How many college kids are willing to go accept grade distribution? They just went around asking students if they were willing to accept a lower grade to bring up the grades of those failing. Not many went along with that plan. When they start working, they see the same thing with their earnings.

In the last 30 years 80% of the increase in after tax income has gone to the top 10%.

The wealth has already been redistributed.
Is that a fact? Interesting study conducted decades ago indicated that the vast majority of liberal college students moved their political affiliation toward the center and right of center once they were married and employed. Common sense over ideology or is it a case of reality knocking on the door? Interesting in that this thread states "conservatives are dieing off" so, it must be safe to assume those that built this economic Juggernaut and fought to preserve our freedom are those very same people dieing off, and unfortunately for the left a great many were and are loyal but conservative democrat's

Once even college kids start experiencing the effects of liberal policies they normally change. They might sincerely believe in redistribution of wealth, until they understand what it means. How many college kids are willing to go accept grade distribution? They just went around asking students if they were willing to accept a lower grade to bring up the grades of those failing. Not many went along with that plan. When they start working, they see the same thing with their earnings.

In the last 30 years 80% of the increase in after tax income has gone to the top 10%.

The wealth has already been redistributed.

Maybe that's because they know how to get wealthy?

Prosperity and Free Enterprise should be taught starting in grade schools
Once they pass free abortion. this will be the end of the minorities. You really think there will be anymore poor babies born nnaaa.
Too much is made of interpretations of trends that aren't real to life, or if they are, won't hold up over the long haul.

Take, for instance, that Hispanics are going to add to the Democrat Party's membership. As a matter of actual fact, Hispanics taken as a whole, not removing illegal immigrants from the sample, shows that more Hispanics approve of Arizona's enforcing federal law than don't.

They even (the whole Hispanic demographic) support the requirement of voter ID at the polls more than they oppose it.

Even among the illegals, the demographic is heavily conservative, religion vs atheism, about marriage, independence from the support system that traps so many African Americans, and an opportunity economy rather than a dependence economy. And undocumented immigrants will be more likely to become Republicans (or conservative voters) in the future, when they become citizens.

ABout 37-percent of all abortions are performed to eliminate the birth of an African American child. Could that high percentage in a minority that is still only 12% of the whole US population suggest a reason the African American population is growing so much slower than certain other minorities?

It looks like the Republican Party can, and the Democrat Party can't ,,, look forward to expanding their voting ranks through attracting minorities.

Here's a very telling chart on the reason for abortions
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Here's the problem, Chris...the Democrats have become the "give away" Party...taking from the have's to give to the have-not's in return for votes...a concept that works great until you diminish the haves to the point where the Democrats will start looking for the "almost-have's" for the revenues to keep their entitlements alive.

Hispanics have migrated to the US seeking greater economic opportunities. The more that they make...the less liberal they become.
well the right still does have the racist vote

Do you remember when you called High Gravity an Oreo, young lady? :eusa_whistle:

Tsk, tsk.....
Isn't being called an Oreo an accusation that, while the person is Black on the outside, he/she has the sensibilities and general worldview/belief system of a White? That, this person "acts" White?
Good ole CNN, the commie news network..

No wonder their ratings are in the shitter..
There’ll still be non-white republicans in the future, but they’ll change the core nature of the GOP, it will be more inclusive, less fearful, no longer reactionary – in essence non-white republicans of the future will return the Party to its original state, before the insanity of the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists.
There’ll still be non-white republicans in the future, but they’ll change the core nature of the GOP, it will be more inclusive, less fearful, no longer reactionary – in essence non-white republicans of the future will return the Party to its original state, before the insanity of the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists.

And when do you predict the Democrat party will be taken back from the radical Progressives and return to the Party of old?
There’ll still be non-white republicans in the future, but they’ll change the core nature of the GOP, it will be more inclusive, less fearful, no longer reactionary – in essence non-white republicans of the future will return the Party to its original state, before the insanity of the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists.

And when do you predict the Democrat party will be taken back from the radical Progressives and return to the Party of old?

The Democratic Party members are now Eisenhower Republicans.
well the right still does have the racist vote

Do you remember when you called High Gravity an Oreo, young lady? :eusa_whistle:

Tsk, tsk.....
Isn't being called an Oreo an accusation that, while the person is Black on the outside, he/she has the sensibilities and general worldview/belief system of a White? That, this person "acts" White?
I guess my question was too difficult for Meister.

But whatcha gonna do?

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