Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

Mod Edit -- FYI -- in the future -- Rules required PERSONAL input to the Opening Post. NOT just a link and copy.. EvilEyeFleegle
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Ah, the world according to Cosmo. What could be a better indication of the world according to girls who were molested by left wing democrats?
Ah, the world according to Cosmo. What could be a better indication of the world according to girls who were molested by left wing democrats?

Good grief... he literally spoonfed you the arguments. You can't deign to respond to them? Too good for that, are ya? Those things are going to stunt that generation's economic development. They're going to notice.
Ah, the world according to Cosmo. What could be a better indication of the world according to girls who were molested by left wing democrats?
Nice deflection....not. I guess you have no factual you are reduced to attacking the source/ A lot of that going're in good company.
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

You should spend a LOT more time worrying about the Dem Party "war on millenials". Recent polling says you all alienated all of them from the Dem party with the Bernie screwing, superdelegates, and other "disinfranchisement" that the DNC is famous for.

IIRC -- 70% or more of millennials WANT 3rd party and independent choices. And more open ballot access. So fix your OWN problems first if you want to save what's left of the 2 party system wreckage.
Ah, the world according to Cosmo. What could be a better indication of the world according to girls who were molested by left wing democrats?

nice trolling...

what is untrue about what was posted?

hint: nothing.
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle. If ANYTHING his REJECTION by members of GOP (never Trumpers) and populist message makes him stronger with millenials than most every OTHER Repub.

You think millenials look at the aging geezer leadership in Congress and see ANY DIFF between the incompetence and ineptitude of EITHER Brand Name party???
Who makes this shit up? There were lot of millennials who voted for Trump. In fact, the millennial generation is guaranteed to turn put way more conservative then the media would like to portray them: Millennials have had to endure the horrid things their Gen-X parents and baby-boomer grandparents brought upon them: The endless war in the Middle East, liberalism, a national debt that will never be paid off, socialism, and Barack Obama.

The OP probably isn't aware of this but the first millennial entered military service in 1998, and the first wave of them are getting ready to retire.
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle. If ANYTHING his REJECTION by members of GOP (never Trumpers) and populist message makes him stronger with millenials than most every OTHER Repub.

You think millenials look at the aging geezer leadership in Congress and see ANY DIFF between the incompetence and ineptitude of EITHER Brand Name party???

The author of that piece is a dyed in the wool far left loon. Google her, there isn't a left loon stance she isn't firmly behind. Abortion seems to be her pet issue.
You should spend a LOT more time worrying about the Dem Party "war on millenials".

Let's check that. Seems like overwrought rhetoric:

Poll: Two-thirds of millennials prefer Democratic control of Congress

Even young Republicans are unhappy with Donald Trump's job performance, a poll shows ..." just 25 percent of millennial respondents said they approved of Trump's job performance so far"

Harvard: Millennials now biggest voting group in U.S., 2-1 Democratic

Now, it may be true that millenials just stay home and don't vote Democrat, because they don't vote at all. But they are going to care more about the policies than they will the DNC debacle. Especially, you know, since that is in the past, and the policies' effects are in the future. Yep, that's kind of a big one.
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle. If ANYTHING his REJECTION by members of GOP (never Trumpers) and populist message makes him stronger with millenials than most every OTHER Repub.

You think millenials look at the aging geezer leadership in Congress and see ANY DIFF between the incompetence and ineptitude of EITHER Brand Name party???

and what are those never trumpers doing to protect the country from Donald?
Or maybe Millennials will like winning so much they will forget why they were mad.

Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle.
That's a bit overwrought as well. For one, trump was the "independent", as was Bernie Sanders. Second, Bernie did not stand a chance of winning the primary, and he was the only thing even approaching a serious challenge to Hillary, the lifelong Democrat. Trump steamrolled the best the GOP had to offer by lying through his dentures 24/7 and appealing to people's most base urges. Now THAT is a hijacking.
You should spend a LOT more time worrying about the Dem Party "war on millenials".

Let's check that. Seems like overwrought rhetoric:

Poll: Two-thirds of millennials prefer Democratic control of Congress

Even young Republicans are unhappy with Donald Trump's job performance, a poll shows ..." just 25 percent of millennial respondents said they approved of Trump's job performance so far"

Harvard: Millennials now biggest voting group in U.S., 2-1 Democratic

Now, it may be true that millenials just stay home and don't vote Democrat, because they don't vote at all. But they are going to care more about the policies than they will the DNC debacle. Especially, you know, since that is in the past, and the policies' effects are in the future. Yep, that's kind of a big one.

That's ONLY their reaction to the current political realities. They WILL NOT participate in that useless tribal war under the terms of EITHER party. In my world -- we are enrolling millennials at a HUGE clip into the Libertarian Party. Which is socially MORE liberal and economically MORE conservative than the current 2 choices.

Millennials are LARGELY Libertarian. They just don't know it yet. :mm:
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle.
That's a bit overwrought as well. For one, trump was the "independent", as was Bernie Sanders. Second, Bernie did not stand a chance of winning the primary, and he was the only thing even approaching a serious challenge to Hillary, the lifelong Democrat. Trump steamrolled the best the GOP had to offer by lying through his dentures 24/7 and appealing to people's most base urges. Now THAT is a hijacking.

It's not overwrought if your conclusion is the SAME ONE I had first. I SAID "Trump hijacked the GOP". And it's just clear as day that Hillary BOUGHT the DNC.
And Trump is not a Republican. He hijacked the GOP. Just like Hillary BOUGHT the DNC in the last cycle. If ANYTHING his REJECTION by members of GOP (never Trumpers) and populist message makes him stronger with millenials than most every OTHER Repub.

You think millenials look at the aging geezer leadership in Congress and see ANY DIFF between the incompetence and ineptitude of EITHER Brand Name party???

and what are those never trumpers doing to protect the country from Donald?

From my seat up in the box -- the never trumpers are FAR more effective at thwarting his presidency. They are better "resisters". They don't make up contorted complex fantasies about colluding with the Russians. They focus on denying him the support and power of the party core in Congress, in the Media....

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