Republican "War on Women" continues....

You really think you got something there.

'Cept you don't.

Yes, Democrats never have the same standards for yourselves and others. In fact you never have ANY standard for yourself, just anyone you hate
its possible more women disapprove of the situation than agree. The woman has stated that she would like to retain the ability to get pregnant again.
He George Bushed his words, then instead of backing up and explaining his slip, he and the crowd just laughed about it.

Damn I love it. W was a terrible speaker indeed. Biden is so much worse, but that's OK. Partisan hacks are pathetic
Yes, Democrats never have the same standards for yourselves and others. In fact you never have ANY standard for yourself, just anyone you hate

Hate??? I have never heard a leftist express hatred of Republicans, but Republicans never stop talking about hate and all of the things DEMOCRATS hate. You don't know the first thing about Democrats but you keep telling others what they're thinking.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 more pointing back at you. Why don't you worry more about Republican standards, and how Republicans treat others.

Always accusing others of the things you're doing.

Science says men are born stronger than women. Democrats prove yet again they are in no way the party of science. Then again Lakhota is also a white man who identifies as an Indian. He may be related to Liz Warren.

The one thing we know is that Lakota's standards for himself are only applied to people he agrees with politically
Science says men are born stronger than women. Democrats prove yet again they are in no way the party of science. Then again Lakhota is also a white man who identifies as an Indian. He may be related to Liz Warren.

The one thing we know is that Lakota's standards for himself are only applied to people he agrees with politically

Do you have any real criticisms of Lakota's posts are you just going with being the racist, misogynistic asshole you've always been?

Science does not say "men are born stronger than women" at all. Science says that men are born with greater upper body strength than women, but women have stronger lower body strength. Each sex has physical attributes which have developed over thousands of years of genetics, to assist them in their gender roles.

For example, men have less peripheral vision than women.

Humans were initially tribes of hunter/gatherers, with men doing the hunting, and women the gathering and childcare. For hunting, men need to be focussed on the targets at hand and not distracted by things happening outside of their targeting zone. For women, they not only needed to gather edible plants and seeds, but also keep an eye out for predators and their children, while they did so.

Each sex has different strengths and weaknesses that compliment and help them in their initial biological and tribal roles. Men and women are biologically designed to compliment one another for the survival of the species.

Being the "breadwinner" is the modern equivalent of "hunting", and "shopping" is the modern equivalent of "gathering". Women still have more lower body strength to assist in pregnancy and childbearing, and better peripheral vision.
Can you believe this? Some asshole Republican had the nerve to call a sitting Female governor a "whore". Then he and the audience of (obviously teabaggers!) giggled about it! When are these assholes going to learn?

Oh wait, he's a Democrat.......never mind. It was clearly just an "accident"....he misspoke ......and the audience of caring, kind, compassionate liberals were giggling from feeling so uncomfortable.

Full article


This from a party which routinely refers to the Vice President as a "skank" and a "whore", and calls Hillary Clinton much, much worse.

When are YOU assholes going to learn?????
The war on women is what they did to themselves. More and more men if you look at stats do not even protect them. Progs promote humans are evolved to win their agendas. They are not. The first thing is Civility is a thin veneer. We have seen it in recent years with the riots. It's just that it was broadcast to the people as simple get togethers. When people get poorer, they get more ornery. They then will take from those who have things. Or through Democracy as Progs like to say, they will put much nastier individuals into office. Progs already got them. It takes a lot to convince people that a guy in a dress is much more normal and should be pushed than a hetero nuclear family.
The war on women is what they did to themselves. More and more men if you look at stats do not even protect them. Progs promote humans are evolved to win their agendas. They are not. The first thing is Civility is a thin veneer. We have seen it in recent years with the riots. It's just that it was broadcast to the people as simple get togethers. When people get poorer, they get more ornery. They then will take from those who have things. Or through Democracy as Progs like to say, they will put much nastier individuals into office. Progs already got them. It takes a lot to convince people that a guy in a dress is much more normal and should be pushed than a hetero nuclear family.

What a bullshit post. Republicans promised women that if they voted against the ERA, Republicans would ALWAYS protect women.

Now you're blaming women because Republicans failed to keep their promise - again!!!

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