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Republicans: admit you are afraid of Bernie Sanders

I'm afraid that Sanders will turn the USA into Greece or Venezuela at best and the old USSR at worst

Well, admitting you're a coward is the first step in your recovery. I suggest you start with a small class of ouzo.

Bernie never did anything in his life except for politics, just like the current clusterfuck in office. To his credit, Bernie is honest about being a Socialist, the rest of the Democrat party who pretend they're not socialists are the real cowards

Being honest is a major accomplishment for any elected official. Being dishonest is the stock and trade of Crusader - he who never served - Frank and others who misrepresent Sen. Sanders.

[btw, he who never served has never accomplished anything in his life - hell he can't even post what if anything he did for a living, how he avoided serving our country, or where he lives]

What is a patriot? IMO, someone who cares about the population of a nation and seeks to leave to our posterity at least the same freedoms and opportunity they inherited.

Isn't that what Sen. Sanders is advocating; and isn't that why he has such a following, and isn't that why people like he who never served using Socialism as a pejorative to demean the Senator?

My question is why? Why can't they present an argument which refutes the problems Sen. Sanders exposes, and why do they believe doing the same thing that has been in effect since 1981 will fix them.

Are they all stupid? Brainwashed? Or do they hope to someday profit from the unfair advantages in effect?
Well said Wry, well said.

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anyone not a full leftist with any love for America should fear bern.

his hate for freedom and capitalism and just plain ol' being an America is very clear.

He wants to use the same policies that have led to the ruin of every leftist country that tries them. The only countries still holding on are in the EU, but it's only a matter of time before Germany gets tired of being the Bank of Greece, or can't do it anymore, and the eu falls.

but hey, it'll work in America, this time for realz
Nothing Sanders supports has anything to do with ending capitalism. Maybe you should try reading up on his actual policies.
I said he hates capitalism

and his policies will destroy America just like it's destroyed every other country.

but you will vote for him anyway, b/c like the sheep you are, you think the bad shit that happens everyfuckinggoddamntime wont happen here.

it's ignorant people like you that have taken us down this road.
Why would you think he hates capitalism? His policies and speeches do not reflect such a thing. What policies exactly do you think would destroy America? Be specific.
he wants to increase taxes on the wealthy, the people that create jobs.
he wants to use tax dollars to pay for more stuff

that answers both questions.
Contrary to what you repubs would like to believe, the driving force of the economy is not the wealthy - its the middle class. this is a consumption based economy. It depends on consumer spending. Where does most of the consumer spending come from? The middle class. Bernie is running on saving the middle class and stopping all of the income gains from going to the top 1% of earners. Shifting the tax burden to the wealthy is about being able to pay for our government's expenses. Do you not want to see our debt get any higher? Then support the wealthy paying more in taxes. That is the first step in reducing our deficit. And yes, the other is cutting spending which is what Bernie plans to do with our bloated defense budget.


It only took fifteen posts before you made this thread about your points of view.

You are getting faster and faster.
Lol, Bernie Sanders
How is anything Bernie is saying about subsidizing poverty?

let's see if I can make heads or tails of your barely coherent question.

Are you asking me: "How is anything Bernie says, in any way subsidizing poverty?" Is that what you are asking me?

If so, that is easy to explain. If you give more and more stuff to the "poor", such as increasing the umbrella of coverage (inclusion), or other things like housing, healthcare, food, clothing, etc., you are making "poverty" a viable option for people. All at the expense of those who work. That's called subsidizing.
He would be expanding healthcare but that would of course apply to everyone. Nothing he is proposing has anything to do with expanding welfare programs like food stamps or housing. He wants to raise the minimum wage. It's a pretty simple solution don't you think?

Yes actually he has been saying those things. I have a friend on FB who is a supporter and I get a lot of stuff on my feed about Sanders.

Raising the minimum wage isn't a solution to anything. It's an economic mistake.
let's see if I can make heads or tails of your barely coherent question.

Are you asking me: "How is anything Bernie says, in any way subsidizing poverty?" Is that what you are asking me?

If so, that is easy to explain. If you give more and more stuff to the "poor", such as increasing the umbrella of coverage (inclusion), or other things like housing, healthcare, food, clothing, etc., you are making "poverty" a viable option for people. All at the expense of those who work. That's called subsidizing.
He would be expanding healthcare but that would of course apply to everyone. Nothing he is proposing has anything to do with expanding welfare programs like food stamps or housing. He wants to raise the minimum wage. It's a pretty simple solution don't you think?

No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That's a load of crap. As wages rise, so do prices. Business owners realize the money has to come from somewhere.
The only thing ACA fixed was higher premiums for middle class workers.
The price increase never offsets the wages gained. History proves that with previous raises.
Yes it does....When the cost of labor is adjusted upward the Market Basket Price index (CMS) rises as well.
As the lower end of the labor scale is adjusted upward either by market forces or by political means, the increase in labor costs MUST be recouped by business.
Therefore, prices are forced upward. Any wage increase in the long term is offset by higher Market Basket prices.
One item.....When raises are mandated by government, other workers will demand and receive( if employers want to keep them in their employ) higher wages as well.
Artificial wage increases by government decree often result in inflation.....
In other words, one cannot expect something for nothing.
For Christ's sakes. Obviously I meant sitting on their money was only partly how they become billionaires. It doesn't take much rationale to figure that out.
How does one become a billionaire by sitting on money?

The level of ignorance and stupidity here is so high it reaches literally incredible proportions. I literally do not believe people are this stupid.
You are such an idiot. How does anyone accumulate wealth? They save their money retard. Saving money is sitting on it. God youre dumb.
No, BIlly. You dont become rich by saving money.
Geez. Yoyu are truly the biggest moron on this site.
How are you this dumb? Yes obviously more is involved with becoming wealthy you dipshit, but saving money would obviously have to be part of it. A person worth 1 million dollars doesn't blow it on an 800,000 house. My god I feel like I am talking to a 5 year old.
IM still stuck on this idea that rich people "sit on their money" and get wealthy that way. How does this work, exactly?
I guess this billy guy thinks the money flowing through the markets and the money used to build and maintain business sort of falls out of the sky.
At the end of the day billy is just spewing the same tired class envy crap.
How is anything Bernie is saying about subsidizing poverty?

let's see if I can make heads or tails of your barely coherent question.

Are you asking me: "How is anything Bernie says, in any way subsidizing poverty?" Is that what you are asking me?

If so, that is easy to explain. If you give more and more stuff to the "poor", such as increasing the umbrella of coverage (inclusion), or other things like housing, healthcare, food, clothing, etc., you are making "poverty" a viable option for people. All at the expense of those who work. That's called subsidizing.
He would be expanding healthcare but that would of course apply to everyone. Nothing he is proposing has anything to do with expanding welfare programs like food stamps or housing. He wants to raise the minimum wage. It's a pretty simple solution don't you think?

No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That has been proven wrong. We have had 2 min wage increases and they both failed to increase the number of jobs.
I cannot fathom why these left wingers are so fixated on the min wage.
If anything, they should be concerned with the job skill levels of min wage workers and find ways outside of government to help these workers and motivate them into accepting training and education so that they CAN earn more.
How does one become a billionaire by sitting on money?

The level of ignorance and stupidity here is so high it reaches literally incredible proportions. I literally do not believe people are this stupid.
You are such an idiot. How does anyone accumulate wealth? They save their money retard. Saving money is sitting on it. God youre dumb.
No, BIlly. You dont become rich by saving money.
Geez. Yoyu are truly the biggest moron on this site.
How are you this dumb? Yes obviously more is involved with becoming wealthy you dipshit, but saving money would obviously have to be part of it. A person worth 1 million dollars doesn't blow it on an 800,000 house. My god I feel like I am talking to a 5 year old.
IM still stuck on this idea that rich people "sit on their money" and get wealthy that way. How does this work, exactly?
I guess this billy guy thinks the money flowing through the markets and the money used to build and maintain business sort of falls out of the sky.
At the end of the day billy is just spewing the same tired class envy crap.
It's actually different class envy crap. Billy is even less informed than most leftists, believing all sorts of fantasies about "the rich" and min wage workers.
Not all min wage workers are poor. Actually few of them are. But he wont admit that.
let's see if I can make heads or tails of your barely coherent question.

Are you asking me: "How is anything Bernie says, in any way subsidizing poverty?" Is that what you are asking me?

If so, that is easy to explain. If you give more and more stuff to the "poor", such as increasing the umbrella of coverage (inclusion), or other things like housing, healthcare, food, clothing, etc., you are making "poverty" a viable option for people. All at the expense of those who work. That's called subsidizing.
He would be expanding healthcare but that would of course apply to everyone. Nothing he is proposing has anything to do with expanding welfare programs like food stamps or housing. He wants to raise the minimum wage. It's a pretty simple solution don't you think?

No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That has been proven wrong. We have had 2 min wage increases and they both failed to increase the number of jobs.
I cannot fathom why these left wingers are so fixated on the min wage.
If anything, they should be concerned with the job skill levels of min wage workers and find ways outside of government to help these workers and motivate them into accepting training and education so that they CAN earn more.
If they were really concerned with poor people they would want them to have the maximum number of opportunities to join the workforce. But in fact they want the exact opposite. Every time you raise the min wage min wage jobs disappear. They havent gotten this yet
We have government workers on government time using government computers to access Ashley Fucking Madison, there's not a single large corporation in the USA, nor any company with a decent IT department that would allow that!

That's Democrat Government at work

Sure, it's not allowed. But it still happens anyway...
He would be expanding healthcare but that would of course apply to everyone. Nothing he is proposing has anything to do with expanding welfare programs like food stamps or housing. He wants to raise the minimum wage. It's a pretty simple solution don't you think?

No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That's a load of crap. As wages rise, so do prices. Business owners realize the money has to come from somewhere.
The only thing ACA fixed was higher premiums for middle class workers.
The price increase never offsets the wages gained. History proves that with previous raises.
Yes it does....When the cost of labor is adjusted upward the Market Basket Price index (CMS) rises as well.
As the lower end of the labor scale is adjusted upward either by market forces or by political means, the increase in labor costs MUST be recouped by business.
Therefore, prices are forced upward. Any wage increase in the long term is offset by higher Market Basket prices.
One item.....When raises are mandated by government, other workers will demand and receive( if employers want to keep them in their employ) higher wages as well.
Artificial wage increases by government decree often result in inflation.....
In other words, one cannot expect something for nothing.
Lol I never said prices don't rise with raising the minimum wage. I said the increase does not offset the boost to consumer demand by bigger paychecks. That consumer demand helps the economy. History shows that there is no harm in raising the minimum wage. In fact, 600 economists signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour.

Do you really think corporations, who are now wealthier than ever before are going to significantly boost wages for the lower classes? No. For decades, all of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.
I am afraid of Bernie Sanders and I hope he doesn't win the nomination, and please, whatever you do, don't throw me into that briar patch...
No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That's a load of crap. As wages rise, so do prices. Business owners realize the money has to come from somewhere.
The only thing ACA fixed was higher premiums for middle class workers.
The price increase never offsets the wages gained. History proves that with previous raises.
Yes it does....When the cost of labor is adjusted upward the Market Basket Price index (CMS) rises as well.
As the lower end of the labor scale is adjusted upward either by market forces or by political means, the increase in labor costs MUST be recouped by business.
Therefore, prices are forced upward. Any wage increase in the long term is offset by higher Market Basket prices.
One item.....When raises are mandated by government, other workers will demand and receive( if employers want to keep them in their employ) higher wages as well.
Artificial wage increases by government decree often result in inflation.....
In other words, one cannot expect something for nothing.
Lol I never said prices don't rise with raising the minimum wage. I said the increase does not offset the boost to consumer demand by bigger paychecks. That consumer demand helps the economy. History shows that there is no harm in raising the minimum wage. In fact, 600 economists signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour.

Do you really think corporations, who are now wealthier than ever before are going to significantly boost wages for the lower classes? No. For decades, all of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.
Billy, your ignorance is astounding. Truly.
He posted proof that in fact prices rise more than min wage, eroding the value of any increase. That doesnt count people out of a job because of it.
There are many studies that show the harmful effects of it. And let me see the letter with 600 signatures. Post proof.
WalMart just raised the starting wage of its workforce. Did you miss that memo? Of course you did. And now they've posted disappointing earnings largely as a result of that decision.
ANd no wage increases have not gone to the upper 10% for decades. It has happened mostly under Obama and the Democrats, as a result of their polciies which have destroyed jobs and opportunities for the middle and working class.
They want better paying minimum wage jobs? Deport the illegals
Then the market would be forced to pay for labor at actual value instead of artifical value by using illegal alien slave labor
Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No.. only a dunce thinks that raising entry level wages for the 18 - 25 group is going to ensure anything other than there will be be less jobs.

Oh, and I thought he ACA fixed everything? Now we need another fix? You people are nutz.
Any jobs initially lost from raising the minimum wage would be regained over time through the boost of consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

No one said ACA fixed everything. It just improved certain things.
That's a load of crap. As wages rise, so do prices. Business owners realize the money has to come from somewhere.
The only thing ACA fixed was higher premiums for middle class workers.
The price increase never offsets the wages gained. History proves that with previous raises.
Yes it does....When the cost of labor is adjusted upward the Market Basket Price index (CMS) rises as well.
As the lower end of the labor scale is adjusted upward either by market forces or by political means, the increase in labor costs MUST be recouped by business.
Therefore, prices are forced upward. Any wage increase in the long term is offset by higher Market Basket prices.
One item.....When raises are mandated by government, other workers will demand and receive( if employers want to keep them in their employ) higher wages as well.
Artificial wage increases by government decree often result in inflation.....
In other words, one cannot expect something for nothing.
Lol I never said prices don't rise with raising the minimum wage. I said the increase does not offset the boost to consumer demand by bigger paychecks. That consumer demand helps the economy. History shows that there is no harm in raising the minimum wage. In fact, 600 economists signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour.

Do you really think corporations, who are now wealthier than ever before are going to significantly boost wages for the lower classes? No. For decades, all of the income gains have gone to the top 1%.
Large companies do not employ min wage or low skill workers.
However 60% of all employers are small business( less than 50 employees). These are businesses that are most affected by government mandated artificial wage increases.
These increases cut into already thin profit margins. Of course those business owners will make adjustments to keep the profits coming in at the same rate. They accomplish this by raising prices in direct proportion to the increased labor costs, thus eliminating any long term effect of the higher pay..Of they will cut staff or hours to offset the increase.
Your failure to understand this is YOUR problem.

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