Republicans Against Obama's Jobs Bill...But They Don't Know What's In It


Jul 19, 2011
Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions is apparently a psychic.

Before President Obama has even released the details in his jobs bill, let alone given the speech (scheduled for Thursday) outlining the plan, Sessions is already against it.

I understand that the Republican reading of the Constitution means that Barack Obama is only three-fifths of a President. But this time, their hatred and opposition to anything and everything related to Barack Obama has gone too far.

Sessions, who, along with the rest of the Republican Party, squandered the budget surplus left behind by President Clinton, watched the debt grow immensely after President Bush cut taxes for billionaires and put two wars (one in Afghanistan and one for "funsies" in Iraq) on the national credit card. He is now allegedly concerned about debt...that he created but is somehow, magically Obama's fault.

Edited, read the rest of the article at the link-Meister
We don't know what in it, but we know it costs $300B.

Last time I checked the cost was part of the bill that one could criticize.

Perhaps you would like to share how Obama plans to pay for this bill? What is he going to cut from the budget? Oh wait, dont we need a budget first?
Haven't you gotten with the time? ALL of Obamas speeches are self serving and hollow rhetoric. NOTHING MORE
Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions is apparently a psychic.

Before President Obama has even released the details in his jobs bill, let alone given the speech (scheduled for Thursday) outlining the plan, Sessions is already against it.

I understand that the Republican reading of the Constitution means that Barack Obama is only three-fifths of a President. But this time, their hatred and opposition to anything and everything related to Barack Obama has gone too far.

Sessions, who, along with the rest of the Republican Party, squandered the budget surplus left behind by President Clinton, watched the debt grow immensely after President Bush cut taxes for billionaires and put two wars (one in Afghanistan and one for "funsies" in Iraq) on the national credit card. He is now allegedly concerned about debt...that he created but is somehow, magically Obama's fault.

Edited, read the rest of the article at the link-Meister
Source: Republicans Against Obama's Jobs Bill...But They Don't Know What's In It | Benzinga

Oh yes we do--the White House has been mentioning parts of his plan since this last weekend--and it results in more spending and more road and bridge work.
Obama has never seen a job that he did like if he could find someone else to pay for it. He doesn't understand and small business create most of the job and they are scared to death of him. He is pandering to the Union, only 8% of the work force. Ever been in a Union plant, I have and hustle is not something you are going to see. They are overpaid and lazy, just like Obama.
Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions is apparently a psychic.

Before President Obama has even released the details in his jobs bill, let alone given the speech (scheduled for Thursday) outlining the plan, Sessions is already against it.

I understand that the Republican reading of the Constitution means that Barack Obama is only three-fifths of a President. But this time, their hatred and opposition to anything and everything related to Barack Obama has gone too far.

Sessions, who, along with the rest of the Republican Party, squandered the budget surplus left behind by President Clinton, watched the debt grow immensely after President Bush cut taxes for billionaires and put two wars (one in Afghanistan and one for "funsies" in Iraq) on the national credit card. He is now allegedly concerned about debt...that he created but is somehow, magically Obama's fault.

Edited, read the rest of the article at the link-Meister
Source: Republicans Against Obama's Jobs Bill...But They Don't Know What's In It | Benzinga

Well golly gee, another moonbat that wants to pass something before anyone knows what's in it......:eusa_whistle:
The White House has been "leaking" parts since last week Twalbert. Testing the waters.

The $300 billion is for infrastructure; state and local government jobs. It might save some governemnt fat, but will not create private sector jobs. By the way, tax cuts will decrease revenues and increase the debt. That is not included in the total costs figures.

The tax cuts were leaked too bozo.
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You want to create jobs - GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY! How hard is that? There's no magic in it and you know what? It doesn't cost one red freakin cent. Take a red pen and start marking through stupid regulations and you might just free up businesses so that THEY can create the jobs.

You could start by authorizing the oil pipeline from Canada's oil sands to the gulf refineries. I realize that Darryl Hannah wouldn't like it, but of course SHE doesn't need a job. Wow, rumor has it that you might even bring down energy costs as well. Wouldn't that just be something?

Everyone knows what Barry is going to say. The Packers - New Orleans game is going to be more interesting and in the end have more bearing on my life than anything Barry says. Besides, if my Senators are doing their job, they'll fillibuster anything he proposes until it dies of old age.
All I need to know is 300 billion, no new non government jobs and increases the weeks one can get unemployment.
Does anyone honestly not know what Obama is going to say tonight?
Who's Barry?

And why do Conservatives break things all the time?
Haven't we already spent nearly $1,000,000,000,000 to lose millions of jobs?


Nope. It was 750 billion, and using conservative math..which doesn't score tax cuts it was 400 billion. And it created or saved 4 million jobs.

The trillions were spent killing innocent people in Iraq. Over 100K of them.

Feel better? People died.

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