Republicans Against Trump, The Lincoln Project

In the Gospels and in the Book of Acts, the original language is Greek and we see new names for Satan including the Devil, Beelzebul, the accuser, the ruler of the demons, and others. One of the most famous accounts when we recall Satan in the New Testament is when Jesus is in the dessert and tempted by Satan while surrounded by wild beasts (Mark 1, Matthew 4, Luke 4). It is not entirely clear in these accounts if this Satan is acting on his own accord or if he acts on behalf of God.[v] We also see Satan in the Gospels as the cause of those who have demonic possession, the one who snatches the seed from the soil, or when Jesus calls Peter “Satan!”
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.
They are sore losers

when mccain and romney the republican based held their nose and supported them

then in 2016 the base went with trump instead of one of the bums that the washington establishment preferred and the swamp rats took their football and went home

so to hell with them
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

Great video but it’s rather speculative. I’m not sure what specific event he is trying to predict either. Trump would he “dumped” by the measure of republicans no longer offering any political support? Not convinced that would be why Biden would win the election.
Rick Wilson is not a republican in any true sense. He is a smarmy, venal, bigot who has embedded himself
in the republican political strategist ranks the way a tick embeds itself in a dog's ass.

In fact he isn't even a republican anymore, leaving the party after Trump's 2016 victory like all
ass chaffed losers do. So why is he pretending the phony Lincoln Project cares about conservative

But he can still yuk it up with his like minded pal Don Lemon and place himself in the hierarchy of the Lincoln Project, pretending he is standing up for "republican "values and the "republican" name, trying to save the party when he is truly out to cut Trump's throat and hand the party over to repugnant losers like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, globalist shills.

He's a loathsome scab on the ass of society out to make a buck for himself with his snake oil and lies.
He'll go anywhere and say anything for money (like praising Qatar when he visited there to no doubt
pick up some dirty money).
The only way in which Rick Wilson and his like minded pals have a connection with Abraham Lincoln
(whose name they stole to lend dignity to their bullshit) is they way they would love to put a bullet in his likeness and ideals with their stomach turning and cowardly hiding behind his image while they try to usurp the nation for their globalist employers.

No nation is safe from scum like the Lincoln Project and those that bankroll their anti American agenda.
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A growing number of Republicans are becoming more afraid of The Lincoln Project than they are of Trump.
There's a certain kind of Republican who has a membership in a country club, who is embarrassed by the pro-life movement, and wants the Republican Party to remain in the minority rather than have riff-raff Christians and working class people as part of it.
The Log Cabin Republicans are homosexual Republicans and the Lincoln Project are Republicans who oppose Trump.

I'm not sure why, but some Republicans seem to believe that Lincoln's name and memory should be invoked by Republicans who oppose the party on major issues.

But Lincoln was quite conservative, and had abortion been an issue in his time, he would have been pro-life.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.
The Putin funded Lincoln Project run by KGB Weaver...
The usual rightwing bullshit without any validity. As much as you want to pretend otherwise, Russia wants Trump re-elected because he’s a useful idiot to Putin.
FAKE NEWS.....Just a Russian Hoax put out by the dems and the deep state. Hopefully Mueller and his band of criminal goons who forced this farce on the American People will be brought to justice.

Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith will be the first to plead guilty in this HOAX against TRUMP and the American People,
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.
The Putin funded Lincoln Project run by KGB Weaver...
The usual rightwing bullshit without any validity. As much as you want to pretend otherwise, Russia wants Trump re-elected because he’s a useful idiot to Putin.
FAKE NEWS.....Just a Russian Hoax put out by the dems and the deep state. Hopefully Mueller and his band of criminal goons who forced this farce on the American People will be brought to justice.

Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith will be the first to plead guilty in this HOAX against TRUMP and the American People,
Who runs the deep state?
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

And policy withstanding, Trump is wrong on most – if not all – the issues.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

And policy withstanding, Trump is wrong on most – if not all – the issues.
The main issue, the only issue is that Trump believes in a free and sovereign America. Commie scum says he wrong
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

Lol! Last election you nuts were pissed because Democrats broke away and wouldn’t vote for Clinton. Idiots like yourself only vote because of an R or a D at the end of the name. What a mindless moron you have proven to be. Have you ever thought to read up on candidates and make a choice because of ideals and character? Maybe find third party candidates? What do you do when there is no R or D for a position? Is that scary for you?

Partisan assholes like yourself don’t give a fuck about our country, just your precious party. At least there are people that aren’t bound by party and think on their own, unlike a mindless moron such as yourself.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

Lol! Last election you nuts were pissed because Democrats broke away and wouldn’t vote for Clinton. Idiots like yourself only vote because of an R or a D at the end of the name. What a mindless moron you have proven to be. Have you ever thought to read up on candidates and make a choice because of ideals and character? Maybe find third party candidates? What do you do when there is no R or D for a position? Is that scary for you?

Partisan assholes like yourself don’t give a fuck about our country, just your precious party. At least there are people that aren’t bound by party and think on their own, unlike a mindless moron such as yourself.

A third party vote does nothing for the third party. No third party can win anyway. A third party vote is only good to split the vote of one of the main parties.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.
Tds project? Lol
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

Lol! Last election you nuts were pissed because Democrats broke away and wouldn’t vote for Clinton. Idiots like yourself only vote because of an R or a D at the end of the name. What a mindless moron you have proven to be. Have you ever thought to read up on candidates and make a choice because of ideals and character? Maybe find third party candidates? What do you do when there is no R or D for a position? Is that scary for you?

Partisan assholes like yourself don’t give a fuck about our country, just your precious party. At least there are people that aren’t bound by party and think on their own, unlike a mindless moron such as yourself.

A third party vote does nothing for the third party. No third party can win anyway. A third party vote is only good to split the vote of one of the main parties.

That is because people believe the way you do. If more people would think independently and voted for who they wanted instead of the R or D at the end of the name, we’d be in a better place. All I know for the last 200 plus years we voted R or D and the rich own both. If more people got smart and instead of not voting because they feel it is pointless, they’d vote third party, at least the big two would be on alert.
Trump supporters like to call these groups RINO’s regardless of their beliefs in conservative policy. They are simply RINO’s because they understand that Trump is an insanely corrupt moron. That’s what Trump support comes to I guess.

I don’t think there has been such dissent in a prior election year from republicans. The truth is, policy aside, Trump is completely incompetent and unfit for office and there’s simply no denying it.

I truly wish the Orange Man Bad clowns would stop trying to tell us what Never Trumpers or Rinos are.
The republican Party thats represented by the Never Trumpers in the Lincoln Project were far more corrupt than Trump and did far more harm this country and never did a damn thing for americans except their own crew. GWBush, Romney, Kasich, Billy Crystal...Bush gave us endless wars that cost trillions, their idea is this.
Help the democrats to win the Senate, keep the house and win the whitehouse. Then after 4 yrs take it all back and make it their party again..They are fools they wont take back squat, after 4 yrs of this democrat party its OVER...the country is done

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