"Republicans already racing to fill Trump power vacuum"

Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.
That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Everyone here knows CG has shit for brains.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.

No one has taken anything.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.

No one has taken anything.
You might try actually going to various news sites.
It was posted here this morning.
Trump is going to win and the anti-US neo-Cons will cry.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.

No one has taken anything.

Go ahead, click your Smiley.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.

No one has taken anything.

Go ahead, click your Smiley.

That link doesn't back up what was claimed.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.
You are engaged in discussion with the mentally ill; cease.

Graham and Cruz are positioning themselves to take over Trump's support. If you can't see that........................
DUH! They’re neo-Cons!

So which one do you suppose it will be?
The GSA has taken PA away from Biden.

No one has taken anything.

Go ahead, click your Smiley.

That link doesn't back up what was claimed.
Nobody’s dumping Trump and all of those states have machines that changed the votes.

RealClearPolitics has taken PA from Biden and the other media outlets, including Fox, want Trump to lose and disappear.
It ain’t happening.
That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Biden is gonna win the majority of people OUTSIDE California... it was a landslide.
That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Everyone here knows CG has shit for brains.
I’m pretty sure in every measurable way you’re the dunce between us... but that’s ok. The world needs ditch diggers too.

That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Everyone here knows CG has shit for brains.
I’m pretty sure in every measurable way you’re the dunce between us... but that’s ok. The world needs ditch diggers too.

It would be cool if you would post a fact once in a while.
That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Everyone here knows CG has shit for brains.
I’m pretty sure in every measurable way you’re the dunce between us... but that’s ok. The world needs ditch diggers too.

It would be cool if you would post a fact once in a while.

I respond to facts with facts and opinions with opinions. This is a fact: you’re the dunce.
That’s crazy. You’re gonna have to accept 7M more people disagree with you than agree and they are distributed enough in states to win electoral landslide.
We are not a direct democracy

you can pile up 200 million biden votes in california if dems can stuff that many illegal ballots and it doesent mean a thing
Everyone here knows CG has shit for brains.
I’m pretty sure in every measurable way you’re the dunce between us... but that’s ok. The world needs ditch diggers too.

It would be cool if you would post a fact once in a while.

I respond to facts with facts and opinions with opinions. This is a fact: you’re the dunce.

You’re all emotion.
I'd guess that Trumpsters would agree with me that the writer is clueless on this:
They toss out names like Scott, Ducey and Jane Timken (?). I've also heard Cotton and others. This is nuts. No one person has had as much power in a political party as Donald Trump himself has in, maybe forever. He'll stay at the very forefront of the party with his media, and no candidate goes far with his explicit blessing. Hell, I'd put Don Jr. above anyone else in the party as a nominee. If not Trump himself. Or Ivanka. Or, hell, Baron. Eric and Tiffany in the cabinet.

Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.
For once I agree with you.

It's Trump's party now.

The media bias...96% negative press. The Russian Collusion Hoax. The bogus impeachment. The voter fraud. The blatant scheming and machinations by Democrats and the Deep State to remove him from power. You've created a martyr.

And after all that...he INCREASED his vote totals from 2016 by 8,000,000 votes.

Democrats lost seats in the House and failed to flip the Senate.

They also failed to flip a single state legislative body...but the Republicans did.

Now the Republicans have total control of the redistricting process in 28 states...almost assuring Republican control of the House in 2022.

And as long as Republicans hold the Senate...even if the Biden and the Democrats manage to steal the election...which is far from certain...Biden is a wounded lame duck in his first term...viewed as a Usurper by 70 million Americans and with a hostile Senate to contend with.

You've managed to wound our General...but you've lost the war.

So much energy was expended on "Orange Man Bad" that you lost on every other front.

6-3 Supreme Court.

Lost house seats.

Failed to flip the Senate.

Failed to flip a single state legislative body in a redistricting year.

At best, elected through fraud a wounded, first term lame duck, plagiarizing, gaffe machine, viewed as a corrupt and illegitimate usurper and thief.

And created a martyr in President Trump that you're never getting rid off.

This may well be the best political example of a pyrrhic victory in American history.
The distance you have shoved Trump's dick down your throat must be problematic for your kidneys...
They toss out names like Scott, Ducey and Jane Timken (?). I've also heard Cotton and others. This is nuts. No one person has had as much power in a political party as Donald Trump himself has in, maybe forever. He'll stay at the very forefront of the party with his media, and no candidate goes far with his explicit blessing. Hell, I'd put Don Jr. above anyone else in the party as a nominee. If not Trump himself. Or Ivanka. Or, hell, Baron. Eric and Tiffany in the cabinet.

Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.

Wow, Stormy, do you ever get tired of being wrong.

This is how it's going to play out.

Trump will spend the next few years fighting various legal battles that he has with NY and maybe the feds. A lot of his criminal activity and questionable practices will come to light.

Republicans will deny they ever voted for this guy, much like most Republicans denied they ever supported Nixon by 1980.

Now the big problem Democrats have is Biden will probably only serve one term, and that puts Kamala in the lead... but we'll see how it plays out.
You've called everything flawlessly so far, eh Joey? Zimmerman's getting raped in prison, etc.
Joe Fat-fuck, the bloated commie? If you have bothered to read what I have posted, it should be blatantly clear as to where I am coming from.

Yes, it's very clear where you come from. You stir up the most bullshit conspiracy theories to try to sow discord, like your masters in the Kremlin want.

I can back up anything I post here with facts and data that you have never been able to refute, Joe fat-fuck, the bloated commie. I sow "discord" for questioning things that are blatantly of a psy-ops nature and that disturbs you? Tough shit.....I am a proud Texas nationalist that is infinitely more informed and better read than you could ever hope to be.

Your "I know you are a ROOSKIE" schtick is even weaker than your lame attempts to refute what I post here. You and your sock-puppet account simply shows how desperate you are.

Hope this helps!!!

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