"Republicans already racing to fill Trump power vacuum"

Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
Gonna be hard finding someone without on the record praise who didn’t ignore his lack of decency but maybe you’re right and they’ll find someone who was in a coma. They hate Romney and anyone who stoop up to Trump.
Decency in leftardsville is burning down your city, stealing elections, praising prepubescents that want to change genders, open borders for illegals that Americans will be asked to subsidize while leftards such as yourself with claim empty pockets. Do you commie fucks REALLY believe
in the shit that you spew????
Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
What crime would those be, Joe Fatfuck? Everything that Trump has been accused of is exactly what corrupt sacks of shit like obamamonkey and Pedo Joe have been actually doing. Only a disgusting sack of shit would even to attempt to wipe the slate clean because of Biden's disputed "win"....
Are you ok?
Is this your sock account, Joe Fat Fuck? I always suspected as much........

Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
Gonna be hard finding someone without on the record praise who didn’t ignore his lack of decency but maybe you’re right and they’ll find someone who was in a coma. They hate Romney and anyone who stoop up to Trump.
Decency in leftardsville is burning down your city, stealing elections, praising prepubescents that want to change genders, open borders for illegals that Americans will be asked to subsidize while leftards such as yourself with claim empty pockets. Do you commie fucks REALLY believe
in the shit that you spew????
None of that is in the platform. I dare you to look for yourself.

Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
What crime would those be, Joe Fatfuck? Everything that Trump has been accused of is exactly what corrupt sacks of shit like obamamonkey and Pedo Joe have been actually doing. Only a disgusting sack of shit would even to attempt to wipe the slate clean because of Biden's disputed "win"....
Are you ok?
Is this your sock account, Joe Fat Fuck? I always suspected as much........

Nope. It’s me. I don’t get your inside joke but maybe it’s funny to you.
Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
Gonna be hard finding someone without on the record praise who didn’t ignore his lack of decency but maybe you’re right and they’ll find someone who was in a coma. They hate Romney and anyone who stoop up to Trump.
Decency in leftardsville is burning down your city, stealing elections, praising prepubescents that want to change genders, open borders for illegals that Americans will be asked to subsidize while leftards such as yourself with claim empty pockets. Do you commie fucks REALLY believe
in the shit that you spew????
None of that is in the platform. I dare you to look for yourself.

What Pedo Joe is pedaling and what the real agenda are is two very different things, Joe Fatfuck. That senile pervert is a fraud and that is all there is to it and not legit in any shape, form or manner.
Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
What crime would those be, Joe Fatfuck? Everything that Trump has been accused of is exactly what corrupt sacks of shit like obamamonkey and Pedo Joe have been actually doing. Only a disgusting sack of shit would even to attempt to wipe the slate clean because of Biden's disputed "win"....
Are you ok?
Is this your sock account, Joe Fat Fuck? I always suspected as much........

Nope. It’s me. I don’t get your inside joke but maybe it’s funny to you.
Nikki Haley will kiss the Trump ring for his deplorable following. It’s gonna be a gross 4 years as the pubs realize they aren’t competitive without Bubba from Alabama who believes Trumps shit is a delicacy to eat. Morons but Pubs need them.

I think the real question is, how do the Republicans account for Trump. When he's gone, a lot of the stuff he did is going to come to light, his ex-cabinet will all be writing tell all books that will absolutely horrify us.

The model the GOP should follow is the model they took after Nixon resigned. The one that put Ronnie Reagan in office in 1980. Get someone who is not tainted by Trump to be the standard bearer and make it an election about ideas.
Gonna be hard finding someone without on the record praise who didn’t ignore his lack of decency but maybe you’re right and they’ll find someone who was in a coma. They hate Romney and anyone who stoop up to Trump.
Decency in leftardsville is burning down your city, stealing elections, praising prepubescents that want to change genders, open borders for illegals that Americans will be asked to subsidize while leftards such as yourself with claim empty pockets. Do you commie fucks REALLY believe
in the shit that you spew????
None of that is in the platform. I dare you to look for yourself.

What Pedo Joe is pedaling and what the real agenda are is two very different things, Joe Fatfuck. That senile pervert is a fraud and that is all there is to it and not legit in any shape, form or manner.
Do you find it strange that your reality is based not on what is provable fact but what you think everyone’s secret agenda is? A bit paranoid. There have been no bills, laws, or proposals that support any of what you posted. However there is lots of claims from republicans who like to feel persecuted claiming nutso stuff like you posted. I’d say give it a try and use your eyes.
I'd guess that Trumpsters would agree with me that the writer is clueless on this:
They toss out names like Scott, Ducey and Jane Timken (?). I've also heard Cotton and others. This is nuts. No one person has had as much power in a political party as Donald Trump himself has in, maybe forever. He'll stay at the very forefront of the party with his media, and no candidate goes far with his explicit blessing. Hell, I'd put Don Jr. above anyone else in the party as a nominee. If not Trump himself. Or Ivanka. Or, hell, Baron. Eric and Tiffany in the cabinet.

Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.

Yes, it be would be great if our President-in-Exile could be the NRC chair.

It would really bug the Dems (although they would not admit it and their sycophantic media would do their best to ignore him).
Do you find it strange that your reality is based not on what is provable fact but what you think everyone’s secret agenda is?
Going back as far as 1960 democrats have practiced a not-so-secret agenda of election fraud

2020 is just the latest episode
Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.
Trump doesn't own the party... Trump owns the Middle/Independent. The RNC is just intelligent enough to realize that, and bend instead of the DNC break.

Make no mistake... I do not trust the RNC.
I'd guess that Trumpsters would agree with me that the writer is clueless on this:
They toss out names like Scott, Ducey and Jane Timken (?). I've also heard Cotton and others. This is nuts. No one person has had as much power in a political party as Donald Trump himself has in, maybe forever. He'll stay at the very forefront of the party with his media, and no candidate goes far with his explicit blessing. Hell, I'd put Don Jr. above anyone else in the party as a nominee. If not Trump himself. Or Ivanka. Or, hell, Baron. Eric and Tiffany in the cabinet.

Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.
Trump's children are all retarded. Only the biggest fools would vote for those know-nothings.
Do you find it strange that your reality is based not on what is provable fact but what you think everyone’s secret agenda is?
Going back as far as 1960 democrats have practiced a not-so-secret agenda of election fraud

2020 is just the latest episode
You do know losing isn’t the result of cheating? It’s the result of a bad campaign headed up by a bad candidate. It will sink in once the sting of being wrong about the messiah wears off.
Well, what would convince you that Joe did win honestly?
Revote the contested states without mail-in ballots, and conduct a fair count of the votes

elections in many districts have become a clusterfuck where demo’s “discover” thousands of ballots and the are all votes for the democrat

I’ve had enough of it
I'd guess that Trumpsters would agree with me that the writer is clueless on this:
They toss out names like Scott, Ducey and Jane Timken (?). I've also heard Cotton and others. This is nuts. No one person has had as much power in a political party as Donald Trump himself has in, maybe forever. He'll stay at the very forefront of the party with his media, and no candidate goes far with his explicit blessing. Hell, I'd put Don Jr. above anyone else in the party as a nominee. If not Trump himself. Or Ivanka. Or, hell, Baron. Eric and Tiffany in the cabinet.

Seems to me that anyone who doesn't see that Trump owns this party isn't paying attention.
I hope you're wrong. They can't be that stupid, can they?
Well, what would convince you that Joe did win honestly?
Revote the contested states without mail-in ballots, and conduct a fair count of the votes

elections in many districts have become a clusterfuck where demo’s “discover” thousands of ballots and the are all votes for the democrat

I’ve had enough of it
You’ll get your chance... in 2024. ;)

Since you’re making up your own standards here is mine: I say we do an IQ test to weed out the stupid people who don’t wear masks and show up on Election Day to stand in virus cloud lines.
Once Trump leaves no one pays attention to anything he says. Graham and Cruz will see to that.

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.

Surely you can find yourself a safe space for the next four years.
GTFO, ya pussbag......I have "a pair" and I walk where I want, what I want to say and I am not shy about sharing my views. I enjoy it immernsley when I am able to

It is leftards that need to find shelter and support with other equally limp-wristed pussies that suffer from arrested development.

P.S Would you leave your prepubescent child alone with ol Pedo Joe for a few hours?

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.

I didn't vote for Joe. Now get off the floor and quit pitching your hissy fits.
You’ll get your chance... in 2024.
If democrats are allowed to cheat in future elections as they have in the past we will be a one-party dictatorship in washington by by 2024

the future for democracy in America will be decided now

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