"Republicans already racing to fill Trump power vacuum"

I can back up anything I post here with facts and data t

Guy, whatever crazy shit you repeat from conspiracy forums aren't "Facts".

There are no crisis actors.

I sow "discord" for questioning things that are blatantly of a psy-ops nature and that disturbs you?

NO, what disturbs me is that some unstable person reads this kind of shit, and then goes out and does violent stuff, like the nut who shot up the pizza place that had the imaginary basement. Or, wait, you probably think that basement was real.
I can back up anything I post here with facts and data t

Guy, whatever crazy shit you repeat from conspiracy forums aren't "Facts".

There are no crisis actors.

I sow "discord" for questioning things that are blatantly of a psy-ops nature and that disturbs you?

NO, what disturbs me is that some unstable person reads this kind of shit, and then goes out and does violent stuff, like the nut who shot up the pizza place that had the imaginary basement. Or, wait, you probably think that basement was real.

"Guy, whatever crazy shit you repeat from conspiracy forums aren't "Facts". "

STFU, "Guy", any time that you even lamely attempt to debate me on any topic, you never know even the most basic details and you always end up looking ignorant. You simply pretend that you didn't see the questions I answered. Always, you have nothing.

"NO, what disturbs me is that some unstable person reads this kind of shit, and then goes out and does violent stuff, like the nut who shot up the pizza place that had the imaginary basement. Or, wait, you probably think that basement was real."

You mean the fake theatrics that was the PP&P "shooting where Welsh fired blindly through a door and hit the PP&P's hard drive on their server? What are the fucking odds of that???
No basement? Not according to Alefantis, the limp-wristed pedo from a 2015 interview in Metro Weekly....

"ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in."

Once again you look like a complete fool......you must be use to that by now.

STFU, "Guy", any time that you even lamely attempt to debate me on any topic, you never know even the most basic details and you always end up looking ignorant. You simply pretend that you didn't see the questions I answered. Always, you have nothing.

Again, you're a sub-human piece of shit who mocks the parents of murdered children.

You are the lowest of the low.

You mean the fake theatrics that was the PP&P "shooting where Welsh fired blindly through a door and hit the PP&P's hard drive on their server? What are the fucking odds of that???
No basement? Not according to Alefantis, the limp-wristed pedo from a 2015 interview in Metro Weekly....

Wow, he used the word basement, that proves everything. Of course, he didn't say he had a basement in his resturant, but never mind.
STFU, "Guy", any time that you even lamely attempt to debate me on any topic, you never know even the most basic details and you always end up looking ignorant. You simply pretend that you didn't see the questions I answered. Always, you have nothing.

Again, you're a sub-human piece of shit who mocks the parents of murdered children.

You are the lowest of the low.

You mean the fake theatrics that was the PP&P "shooting where Welsh fired blindly through a door and hit the PP&P's hard drive on their server? What are the fucking odds of that???
No basement? Not according to Alefantis, the limp-wristed pedo from a 2015 interview in Metro Weekly....

Wow, he used the word basement, that proves everything. Of course, he didn't say he had a basement in his resturant, but never mind.
Coming from a fat piece of commie shit (such as yourself) why is it that I am not even slightly insulted nor offended? I live for the day that some loud mouthed leftard ever has the cajones to confront me because my speech or ideals has offended their sense of decorum. They will learn the HARD way that they are not the only ones that has free speech and that lesson will be a very painful one. A fat, bloated wonder like yourself would mind their "Ps and Qs" around those like myself which is why the internet is such a blessing to spewers of bullshit like the kind that falls from them big ol' "cyber jowls" of yours.

As far as the faggot leftard pedo James Alefantis goes? I noticed that you avoided the alleged shooting where a single shot fired through a door just happened to hit the hard drive of the server that was being used in conjunction with seven other servers that were selling child porn and snuff films for bitcoin. You claimed that Alefantis had no basement at all....but yet here he is admitting that they store tomatoes in his basement.....sucks to be you, Joe Fatfuck, the bloated commie.....

Trump will keep his death-like grip control of the Republican party due to fear.

This is why all the so-called leaders in the GOP are capitulating to Trump's nonsensical claim of legit voter fraud, because they can't risk losing the base which Trump controls.

They need the 2 senator seats in GA.

Trump WILL choke a bitch!

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Trump will keep his death-like grip control of the Republican party due to fear.

This is why all the so-called leaders in the GOP are capitulating to Trump's nonsensical claim of legit voter fraud, because they can't risk losing the base which Trump controls.

They need the 2 senator seats in GA.

Trump will choke a bitch.

Will you be "routing" for leftards in the state that leftards despise?

GTFO, ya pussbag......I have "a pair" and I walk where I want, what I want to say and I am not shy about sharing my views. I enjoy it immernsley when I am able to

It is leftards that need to find shelter and support with other equally limp-wristed pussies that suffer from arrested development.

P.S Would you leave your prepubescent child alone with ol Pedo Joe for a few hours?

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.

You know, for a process you don't participate in, Dmitri, you seem awfully invested in the outcome.

Joe Fat-fuck, the bloated commie? If you have bothered to read what I have posted, it should be blatantly clear as to where I am coming from. You and just like your party believes (and you said this) "China got communism right".....now, "waddle away", Joe Fat-fuck.

You gotta pair alright....of saggy tits!

why is it that I am not even slightly insulted nor offended?

Because you are such a loss of a human being that you lack any human decency? We've established that.

I noticed that you avoided the alleged shooting where a single shot fired through a door just happened to hit the

Because it's one of your crazy stories that aren't true. I mean, it's awesome you live in your own reality and stuff, but the question is, why do you want to live in such a dismal reality?

If the EVIL Deep State is capable of such things, why are you still alive?
why is it that I am not even slightly insulted nor offended?

Because you are such a loss of a human being that you lack any human decency? We've established that.

I noticed that you avoided the alleged shooting where a single shot fired through a door just happened to hit the

Because you are such a loss of a human being that you lack any human decency? We've established that.

If the EVIL Deep State is capable of such things, why are you still alive?

"Because you are such a loss of a human being that you lack any human decency? We've established that"

Unlike those of the lower IQ variety, I don't have to step in the bullshit, nor do I need to pick it up and give it the ol' sniff test or feel it's texture. I don't need a quorum of alleged "experts" to reach a consensus to validate what I already know. It's called "discernment" and once someone gets past the blatant attempt to pull at one's heart strings and view an event objectively? Well, it becomes obvious that one has been chumped and suckered in like a badly "made for TV drama". I am not sure whom you refer to as "We" and what "we" have established but I don't see anyone standing by your fat ass and proclaiming "Yeah!!! What Joe Fatfuck said!".......seems that your lame ass contentions lack validation by your leftard peers....

"If the EVIL Deep State is capable of such things, why are you still alive?"

I am "small time" in the great big scheme of things and if I was ever granted a large audience for any length of time? They would shut me down. I proved that James Alefantis, the queer leftard stated that he had a basement. James Alefantis, the leftard queer stated that the "shooter" Madison Welch blindly fired a shot through a door that just so happened hit his hard-drive that was in his server....not my words, Joe Fatfuck...those are his.

As always, I punted your fat ass into the cyber coffin corner with relative ease.....one of these days you will learn and then again? Perhaps you won't. Five plus years and you are still my "Palooka Joe....

GTFO, ya pussbag......I have "a pair" and I walk where I want, what I want to say and I am not shy about sharing my views. I enjoy it immernsley when I am able to

It is leftards that need to find shelter and support with other equally limp-wristed pussies that suffer from arrested development.

P.S Would you leave your prepubescent child alone with ol Pedo Joe for a few hours?

You, candyass, Mac-shithead, Daryl Klunt are so unbelievably stupid. You never bio search a single one of these so called "reporters" to find out their background or if they have an ax to grind . Isenstadt is just another "light in the loafers" registered commiecrat and a CFR mouthpiece. Trump should fight this every inch of the way because the more you look into the issues (oddly enough, mostly only in battleground states) why is it that you have ballots being delivered at 4 AM in Michigan when they "counting" was allegedly stopped for the night? Poll inspectors were not allowed to see mail-in ballots before they were tabulated. Leftards would be soiling themselves with indignant rage if the roles were reversed, they would burn up anything that was flammable and steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

P.S Over half the voters in this country will never accept Pedo Joe, the Chi-com puppet no matter how the media attempts to paint the perverted sack of shit.

You know, for a process you don't participate in, Dmitri, you seem awfully invested in the outcome.

Joe Fat-fuck, the bloated commie? If you have bothered to read what I have posted, it should be blatantly clear as to where I am coming from. You and just like your party believes (and you said this) "China got communism right".....now, "waddle away", Joe Fat-fuck.

You gotta pair alright....of saggy tits!

Marcus, saggy teat jokes? That's it? Somehow I expected better...try again! I am "routing" for ya, lil camper!!!!

Unlike those of the lower IQ variety, I don't have to step in the bullshit, nor do I need to pick it up and give it the ol' sniff test or feel it's texture. I don't need a quorum of alleged "experts" to reach a consensus to validate what I already know. It's called "discernment" and once someone gets past the blatant attempt to pull at one's heart strings and view an event objectively?

But, guy, that's not what you do.

You are given two possibilities.

1) A crazy person stole his mother's guns and shot up a bunch of kids.


2) A state agency scheduled a drill, that is somehow mistaken for a real event, and thousands of residents, first responders, journalists and public officials ALL GET IN on the deception to, um, achieve something, I guess. (YOu never really are clear on what the "Sandy Hoax" hoaxsters were trying to accomplish, exactly.) And years later, not a one of them has broken bad or outed the operations, but the fringe characters who promoted it, when sued, admit they were making up bullshit. Even people who would benefit from exposing the hoax, like the NRA, don't out it.

Why of course, being a discerning individual, you go with #2. because that's the crazy theory and it makes you feel better than you know some secret truth.

I am "small time" in the great big scheme of things and if I was ever granted a large audience for any length of time? They would shut me down. I proved that James Alefantis

You haven't really proven anything... You are just a vile man who repeats lies other people have come up with like you know something. Whether it is because someone is paying you to do so or because you are truly mentally ill, I can't tell.
Know a lot of very nice Republicans, and lots of nice Democrats also. We all drink a little of the cool aid. We would have some decent politician's if we spent our time looking at & correcting the politicians in our party of choice. They love this divisive anger it keeps the focus off of them.
But, guy, that's not what you do.
Unlike those of the lower IQ variety, I don't have to step in the bullshit, nor do I need to pick it up and give it the ol' sniff test or feel it's texture. I don't need a quorum of alleged "experts" to reach a consensus to validate what I already know. It's called "discernment" and once someone gets past the blatant attempt to pull at one's heart strings and view an event objectively?

But, guy, that's not what you do.

You are given two possibilities.

1) A crazy person stole his mother's guns and shot up a bunch of kids.


2) A state agency scheduled a drill, that is somehow mistaken for a real event, and thousands of residents, first responders, journalists and public officials ALL GET IN on the deception to, um, achieve something, I guess. (YOu never really are clear on what the "Sandy Hoax" hoaxsters were trying to accomplish, exactly.) And years later, not a one of them has broken bad or outed the operations, but the fringe characters who promoted it, when sued, admit they were making up bullshit. Even people who would benefit from exposing the hoax, like the NRA, don't out it.

Why of course, being a discerning individual, you go with #2. because that's the crazy theory and it makes you feel better than you know some secret truth.

I am "small time" in the great big scheme of things and if I was ever granted a large audience for any length of time? They would shut me down. I proved that James Alefantis

You haven't really proven anything... You are just a vile man who repeats lies other people have come up with like you know something. Whether it is because someone is paying you to do so or because you are truly mentally ill, I can't tell.
I have proven with the preponderance of the evidence that more than makes the case that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill. The physical evidence doesn't come even close to matching the official story. You never address any of the numerous anomalies including the fuck-ups of the Connecticut State Police's own website that shows that with one picture proves that it was all a load of shit sold to a traumatized public. You skip over genuinely and sincere questions that calls the entire ordeal into question....why is that? Because you are ignorant of the entire "drill".

It's not the job of the NRA to involve themselves with false flag operations especially ones that involve children...there is nothing to gain because the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media would rip them apart and accuse them of being callous while never addressing the hundred or so blatantly obvious "tell-tale" signs of this being a psy-op that was done in a piss poor manner.

Your indignant outrage doesn't bother me in the least and neither does your opinion of what I post here. I would have to respect your opinion before I would ever weigh and/or re-consider it. Swing your man-purse to your heart's content, Joe Fatfuck. I am even more convinced today than when I posted about Sandy Hoax on this forum five years ago. Exposing you for a "knows nothing" commie fuck is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Hope this helps! (snicker)

I have proven with the preponderance of the evidence that more than makes the case that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill.

Yeah, guy, It's too early in the morning to rehash your crazy and I have a busy day today.

1) You weren't there.

2) You haven't inspected ANY evidence. You just repeat what other nutters like Jones and Halbig have said, and they weren't there either. Repeating what other nutters have said is not "evidence".

3) Again, we are back to which story is more plausible...The one presented by dozens of professionals who were there with the simple explanation that a crazy person shot the place up, or the one by people who weren't there, are a bit crazy or evil, and requires a belief that thousands of people were in on a conspiracy to make a drill look like a real event for um... reasons.

Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is the right one, all things being equal, but all things are nowhere near equal.

It's not the job of the NRA to involve themselves with false flag operations especially ones that involve children...there is nothing to gain because the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media would rip them apart and accuse them of being callous while never addressing the hundred or so blatantly obvious "tell-tale" signs of this being a psy-op that was done in a piss poor manner.

Uh, sorry, guy, the NRA accuses the government of all sorts of shit. They were the ones who went out and claimed that jackbooted thugs killed all those folks at Waco and made a Neo-Nazi Randy Weaver into a folk hero. Even THEY didn't want to touch this one.

I am even more convinced today than when I posted about Sandy Hoax on this forum five years ago.

Yes, because you are a completely repulsive human being... We've established that. Of course, Halbig is going to jail and Alex Jones is being bankrupted in court.
I have proven with the preponderance of the evidence that more than makes the case that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill.

Yeah, guy, It's too early in the morning to rehash your crazy and I have a busy day today.

1) You weren't there.

2) You haven't inspected ANY evidence. You just repeat what other nutters like Jones and Halbig have said, and they weren't there either. Repeating what other nutters have said is not "evidence".

3) Again, we are back to which story is more plausible...The one presented by dozens of professionals who were there with the simple explanation that a crazy person shot the place up, or the one by people who weren't there, are a bit crazy or evil, and requires a belief that thousands of people were in on a conspiracy to make a drill look like a real event for um... reasons.

Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is the right one, all things being equal, but all things are nowhere near equal.

It's not the job of the NRA to involve themselves with false flag operations especially ones that involve children...there is nothing to gain because the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media would rip them apart and accuse them of being callous while never addressing the hundred or so blatantly obvious "tell-tale" signs of this being a psy-op that was done in a piss poor manner.

Uh, sorry, guy, the NRA accuses the government of all sorts of shit. They were the ones who went out and claimed that jackbooted thugs killed all those folks at Waco and made a Neo-Nazi Randy Weaver into a folk hero. Even THEY didn't want to touch this one.

I am even more convinced today than when I posted about Sandy Hoax on this forum five years ago.

Yes, because you are a completely repulsive human being... We've established that. Of course, Halbig is going to jail and Alex Jones is being bankrupted in court.

Oh STFU, Joe Fatfuck, the bloated blowhard. You claim that it is too early and you are too busy to address the numerous anomalies and then proceed to write a long, pathetic reply claiming that even the NRA hasn't jumped on the Sandy hoax bandwagon, 'blah, blah, blah....bullshit bullshit" etc, etc.

What we have here (as it pertains to Joe Fatfuck, the bloated commie) is an idiot that spews ignorance over a planned event where no one was killed and was simply a psy-op. The evidence that is easily verifiable doesn't match the official story in any shape, fashion or form with a compliant media playin their role.

Did you all know that Joe Fatfuck has NEVER addressed the CBS interview of a crisis actress that claimed she came on the run to pick up her daughter ( a dubious claim since the roads were blocked) and claimed that she saw child after child being carried out by Connecticut state policemen with their uniforms all 'blood stained' to put into ambulances...only there were no alleged fatalities removed from this staged scene until the wee morning hours on Saturday and there wasn't anywhere close to the amount of ambulances there to remove them had EMTS been allowed closer than half a mile to this scene and could have navigated the clogged and obstructed road into the Sandy Hoax crime scene.

What little film footage of the mass evacuation time period (that had no time stamps) shows a fat Connecticut State trooper laying out cold cuts, chips and Gatorade on the hood of his cruiser. Joe Fatfuck buys the bullshit because he would reason that just because 27 alleged dead bodies are stiffening a mere hundred feet away is no reason to not eat but alas? There is no footage of 450 plus students being evacuated and put on buses and whisked away.

SO? How has your strategy of lamely attempting to get me to back down about Sandy Hoax working out for ya, Joe Fatfuck after five years of utter failure?.....buck up, little camper and realize that you were always way in over your head.


Summation: Joe Fat fuck takes another ass-kicking and all he has in his cyber cap gun is 'You are despicable" in his best 'Daffy Duck" voice complete with spittle flying from those fat jowls of his.
He could also be referred to as "Joe Palooka, the bloated fat fuck" ( the inflatable boxing clown that requires hot air) and can take an incredible beating....(big rubber nose not included)

What little film footage of the mass evacuation time period (that had no time stamps) shows a fat Connecticut State trooper laying out cold cuts, chips and Gatorade on the hood of his cruiser.

Oh, noes, not the Cold Cuts again...

SO? How has your strategy of lamely attempting to get me to back down about Sandy Hoax working out for ya, Joe Fatfuck after five years of utter failure?.....buck up, little camper and realize that you were always way in over your head.

No, man, I just make fun of you on it and use it to impeach anything else you say, and it works fine. No one here takes you seriously or literally.
What little film footage of the mass evacuation time period (that had no time stamps) shows a fat Connecticut State trooper laying out cold cuts, chips and Gatorade on the hood of his cruiser.

Oh, noes, not the Cold Cuts again...

SO? How has your strategy of lamely attempting to get me to back down about Sandy Hoax working out for ya, Joe Fatfuck after five years of utter failure?.....buck up, little camper and realize that you were always way in over your head.

No, man, I just make fun of you on it and use it to impeach anything else you say, and it works fine. No one here takes you seriously or literally.

I have to laugh loud and long at the mere thought that your lame attempts to refute my claims that Sandy Hoax has had any affect on swaying the board masses one way or the other. I dare say that if a poll was taken here? I would beat you like a rented mule when it comes to making a case for any topic that you take umbrage with. I have kicked your ass up on side and down the other. Your "go to" tactic is to claim that I am a "Russian bot" that is here to stir up discontent and distrust...and that is right funny coming from an admitted commie that praises the tactics of the Chi-coms.

You always lose and you always come across as a "knows nothing" troll that creates sock-puppet accounts. Sucks to be you, Joe Fatfuck, the forum blowhard.

I have to laugh loud and long at the mere thought that your lame attempts to refute my claims that Sandy Hoax has had any affect on swaying the board masses one way or the other. I dare say that if a poll was taken here? I would beat you like a rented mule when it comes to making a case for any topic that you take umbrage with. I have kicked your ass up on side and down the other.

Actually, buddy, most of the board has you on ignore... I'm probably one of the few people who pays any attention to you, which given that you are a sad little man just seeking attention.

Someone who spews out vile conspiracy theories about dead kids is like a Second Grader who screams "FUCK" because that'll get him some attention.

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