Republicans and Abortion Part 2


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

When our poor people have a widespread obesity problem they are not "poor" in the international sense.

And if you think along the lines of personal responsibility, some people's view on abortion vs. governmental responsibility for child rearing make all the sense in the world.
this is how frikken sick liberalism is

we have worked and paid taxes that go out as welfare, food stamps, etc ...myself personally for 40 years, and yet we are ACCUSED of this stupid shit..

you sick pukes need a reason to EXCUSE yourselves of GUILT because you supported in the DEATH OF 53 MILLION BABIES,

blow out your simpled minded asses
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that poster should read, pro choice logic

we don't care for ANY OF THEM, we just blow smoke up peoples asses about them and USE THEM for our AGENDAS

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

When our poor people have a widespread obesity problem they are not "poor" in the international sense.

And if you think along the lines of personal responsibility, some people's view on abortion vs. governmental responsibility for child rearing make all the sense in the world.

You have to switch to "international sense" because if you were going on where we live? Yanno America? Excusing your callousness doesn't make it any less callous. Internationally doesn't make them any less poor or hungry either

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

When our poor people have a widespread obesity problem they are not "poor" in the international sense.

And if you think along the lines of personal responsibility, some people's view on abortion vs. governmental responsibility for child rearing make all the sense in the world.

You have to switch to "international sense" because if you were going on where we live? Yanno America? Excusing your callousness doesn't make it any less callous. Internationally doesn't make them any less poor or hungry either

How can they be obsese and hungry at the same time? Our poor people are not poor people in a 3rd world sense. No one is really starving in the US. They may not be eating as much as they should, but we do not have the abject starvation that actually happens in other places.

And to some your rats ass view on fetuses is very callous, so pot meet kettle.
none of you lefties have any shame in the lies YOU SPREAD about the people in this country

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM in tearing this country DOWN
Why is it my responsibility to pay for anyone else's fuck trophy?

Do you live in a cave or amongst other people?

I had no part in the making of said crotchfruit, have no say in how that permanent reminder of a temporary feeling is to be raised, so why am I expected to pay for it?

Look, it's not a hard concept. If you can't afford kids, don't have sex. If you do have sex and end up with a bun in the oven, don't demand other people pay for your irresponsibility. Certainly don't keep doing that over and over and over.

Not my kid, not my problem.
When our poor people have a widespread obesity problem they are not "poor" in the international sense.

And if you think along the lines of personal responsibility, some people's view on abortion vs. governmental responsibility for child rearing make all the sense in the world.

You have to switch to "international sense" because if you were going on where we live? Yanno America? Excusing your callousness doesn't make it any less callous. Internationally doesn't make them any less poor or hungry either

How can they be obsese and hungry at the same time? .

Mental Midget on display
that poster should read, pro choice logic

we don't care for ANY OF THEM, we just blow smoke up peoples asses about them and USE THEM for our AGENDAS


Show us your teeth Steph!!
You have to switch to "international sense" because if you were going on where we live? Yanno America? Excusing your callousness doesn't make it any less callous. Internationally doesn't make them any less poor or hungry either

How can they be obsese and hungry at the same time? .

Mental Midget on display

Its funny when people don't have a good answer, and they have to revert to insults.
this thread should be shunned, it's DISHONEST and just a FLAT OUT LIE

they have nothing else but lies to win on or USING children when they have too
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How can they be obsese and hungry at the same time? .

Mental Midget on display

Its funny when people don't have a good answer, and they have to revert to insults.

Its funny that you associate how big someone is to their appetites.

Someone can be hungry and fat at the same time. Here is an experiment. Go out today at noon. You will see fat people who are going to eat. Eating provides energy for ones bodies. Calories will be burned throughout the day for energy. Because the body uses food for its energy (like gas for a car) humans will need to constantly consume in order to survive. So people, believe it or not, will actually eat several times a day FOR YEARS.

Crazy huh? Sorry didn't mean to insult just thought you knew this already
Mental Midget on display

Its funny when people don't have a good answer, and they have to revert to insults.

Its funny that you associate how big someone is to their appetites.

Someone can be hungry and fat at the same time. Here is an experiment. Go out today at noon. You will see fat people who are going to eat. Eating provides energy for ones bodies. Calories will be burned throughout the day for energy. Because the body uses food for its energy (like gas for a car) humans will need to constantly consume in order to survive. So people, believe it or not, will actually eat several times a day FOR YEARS.

Crazy huh? Sorry didn't mean to insult just thought you knew this already

Considering you are the one who brought up our poor people, I figured you would understand that when we talk about being "hungry" we are not talking about the day to day hunger we all feel when we need to eat, but "hunger" as a way of living over the long term, of being so poor one cannot meet thier caloric requirements over weeks and months, hunger as a state of living, not as a biological warning to eat.

It is in this comparsion, where the concept of our obese poor people being "hungry" does not make any sense, and it is this version of "hungry (i.e. starving)" that most of the rest of the worlds poor deals with in a day to day basis.
Its funny when people don't have a good answer, and they have to revert to insults.

Its funny that you associate how big someone is to their appetites.

Someone can be hungry and fat at the same time. Here is an experiment. Go out today at noon. You will see fat people who are going to eat. Eating provides energy for ones bodies. Calories will be burned throughout the day for energy. Because the body uses food for its energy (like gas for a car) humans will need to constantly consume in order to survive. So people, believe it or not, will actually eat several times a day FOR YEARS.

Crazy huh? Sorry didn't mean to insult just thought you knew this already

Considering you are the one who brought up our poor people, I figured you would understand that when we talk about being "hungry" we are not talking about the day to day hunger we all feel when we need to eat, but "hunger" as a way of living over the long term, of being so poor one cannot meet thier caloric requirements over weeks and months, hunger as a state of living, not as a biological warning to eat.

It is in this comparsion, where the concept of our obese poor people being "hungry" does not make any sense, and it is this version of "hungry (i.e. starving)" that most of the rest of the worlds poor deals with in a day to day basis.

Hungry isn't enough then you're talking about more suffering. Is this also in an "international sense" or talking about America? Going hungry for weeks and months isn't common in America.

Of course you can shape the debate in any way to dismiss it. For example: Americans aren't fat on an "multi-species" scale. Sea Loins are fatter.
The guy living in a box isn't poor on a "historic scale"...3 pennies was a lot of money in the 1800's.
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Its funny that you associate how big someone is to their appetites.

Someone can be hungry and fat at the same time. Here is an experiment. Go out today at noon. You will see fat people who are going to eat. Eating provides energy for ones bodies. Calories will be burned throughout the day for energy. Because the body uses food for its energy (like gas for a car) humans will need to constantly consume in order to survive. So people, believe it or not, will actually eat several times a day FOR YEARS.

Crazy huh? Sorry didn't mean to insult just thought you knew this already

Considering you are the one who brought up our poor people, I figured you would understand that when we talk about being "hungry" we are not talking about the day to day hunger we all feel when we need to eat, but "hunger" as a way of living over the long term, of being so poor one cannot meet thier caloric requirements over weeks and months, hunger as a state of living, not as a biological warning to eat.

It is in this comparsion, where the concept of our obese poor people being "hungry" does not make any sense, and it is this version of "hungry (i.e. starving)" that most of the rest of the worlds poor deals with in a day to day basis.

Hungry isn't enough then you're talking about more suffering. Is this also in an "international sense" or talking about America? Going hungry for weeks and months isn't common in America.

Of course you can shape the debate in any way to dismiss it. For example: Americans aren't fat on an "multi-species" scale. Sea Loins are fatter.
The guy living in a box isn't poor on a "historic scale"...3 pennies was a lot of money in the 1800's.

That is possibly some of the dumbest drivel you have come up with so far, and you are pretty dumb, so bravo for exceeding your previous stupidity.

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

Oh whatthefuckever.... you're pathetically stupid to think this way.

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