Republicans and Abortion Part 2

Not wanting the federal government to be involved in charity does not equal not caring about hungry children, its caring about how our consitutional government works. Your relating the two does not make it true, no matter how much you want to preserve your talking point.

Also, using other people's money via the government to help others is not YOU helping others, despite what you think.

Regardless, this view results in people going hungry. You know that you are just trying to make the belief and the result seem like they are unrelated

No it doesnt. Other organizations can take up the slack, ones that actually were designed to do it under the consitution.

Or you can stop being a hypocrite and go out and ladle some soup at a soup kitchen instead of forcing the rest of us to fund your charities.

They CAN but they DONT

So the result is the same....You like to play pretend things don't have effects. That's fine. But its just pretend
Regardless, this view results in people going hungry. You know that you are just trying to make the belief and the result seem like they are unrelated

No it doesnt. Other organizations can take up the slack, ones that actually were designed to do it under the consitution.

Or you can stop being a hypocrite and go out and ladle some soup at a soup kitchen instead of forcing the rest of us to fund your charities.

They CAN but they DONT

So the result is the same....You like to play pretend things don't have effects. That's fine. But its just pretend

Then do something about it besides "pretend caring" by supporting federal level programs that the federal government was never designed for.

The effect of using the feds for things not the responsibility of the feds is a bloated government, excessive taxes, and zero responsibility required by people like you, who love playing with other people's money, but dont have the balls to do anything yourself.

Again, soup kitchen, ladle, get at it.

Repubs have a knack for thinking only in checkers moves and not chess. Or maybe they know the chess moves and really pretend they don't. Either way here is hwo their "thinking" comes back to them. Starvation builds character!

Oh and Americas "poor" is not really poor...Not like Poor poor :cuckoo:

Ooh, a thread about how much Republicans suck because of what YOU THINK we think. Sign me up to drink THAT Kool-Aid . . . NOT! :eusa_hand:

Until I become as gullible as you are, though, please do feel welcome to go fuck yourself.
No it doesnt. Other organizations can take up the slack, ones that actually were designed to do it under the consitution.

Or you can stop being a hypocrite and go out and ladle some soup at a soup kitchen instead of forcing the rest of us to fund your charities.

They CAN but they DONT

So the result is the same....You like to play pretend things don't have effects. That's fine. But its just pretend

Then do something about it besides "pretend caring" by supporting federal level programs that the federal government was never designed for.

The effect of using the feds for things not the responsibility of the feds is a bloated government, excessive taxes, and zero responsibility required by people like you, who love playing with other people's money, but dont have the balls to do anything yourself.

Again, soup kitchen, ladle, get at it.

If a charity cant handle it and your solution is for me to handle it? You're on a roll with great ideas 1 person 1 ladle. Got it
They CAN but they DONT

So the result is the same....You like to play pretend things don't have effects. That's fine. But its just pretend

Then do something about it besides "pretend caring" by supporting federal level programs that the federal government was never designed for.

The effect of using the feds for things not the responsibility of the feds is a bloated government, excessive taxes, and zero responsibility required by people like you, who love playing with other people's money, but dont have the balls to do anything yourself.

Again, soup kitchen, ladle, get at it.

If a charity cant handle it and your solution is for me to handle it? You're on a roll with great ideas 1 person 1 ladle. Got it

If you feel something is so worthwhile that it requires the might of the federal government to handle it, I'm sure you can spare some of your time and OWN money to perfom work for or pay for such a worthy cause. The fact that you arent even willing to spend some of your own precious time, yet want to force an entire country to pay for something YOU want done shows your rank hypocrisy, lazyness, and cowardice.
Then do something about it besides "pretend caring" by supporting federal level programs that the federal government was never designed for.

The effect of using the feds for things not the responsibility of the feds is a bloated government, excessive taxes, and zero responsibility required by people like you, who love playing with other people's money, but dont have the balls to do anything yourself.

Again, soup kitchen, ladle, get at it.

If a charity cant handle it and your solution is for me to handle it? You're on a roll with great ideas 1 person 1 ladle. Got it

If you feel something is so worthwhile that it requires the might of the federal government to handle it, I'm sure you can spare some of your time and OWN money to perfom work for or pay for such a worthy cause. The fact that you arent even willing to spend some of your own precious time, yet want to force an entire country to pay for something YOU want done shows your rank hypocrisy, lazyness, and cowardice.

sure I can but we're talking about solutions aren't we?

All your "solutions" to these big problems seem to all be small ball. Me having a ladle might sound like a solution to Americas hungry child problem to you. But only to you tho...
If a charity cant handle it and your solution is for me to handle it? You're on a roll with great ideas 1 person 1 ladle. Got it

If you feel something is so worthwhile that it requires the might of the federal government to handle it, I'm sure you can spare some of your time and OWN money to perfom work for or pay for such a worthy cause. The fact that you arent even willing to spend some of your own precious time, yet want to force an entire country to pay for something YOU want done shows your rank hypocrisy, lazyness, and cowardice.

sure I can but we're talking about solutions aren't we?

All your "solutions" to these big problems seem to all be small ball. Me having a ladle might sound like a solution to Americas hungry child problem to you. But only to you tho...

The states can handle welfare issues, paid for by the people of the state. Nothing unconsitutional about that.

And by your reply, I see you are refusing to actually spend any of your own money or time helping the people you want the government to help. At this point, you are officially a statist progressive asshole.
If you feel something is so worthwhile that it requires the might of the federal government to handle it, I'm sure you can spare some of your time and OWN money to perfom work for or pay for such a worthy cause. The fact that you arent even willing to spend some of your own precious time, yet want to force an entire country to pay for something YOU want done shows your rank hypocrisy, lazyness, and cowardice.

sure I can but we're talking about solutions aren't we?

All your "solutions" to these big problems seem to all be small ball. Me having a ladle might sound like a solution to Americas hungry child problem to you. But only to you tho...

The states can handle welfare issues, paid for by the people of the state. Nothing unconsitutional about that.

And by your reply, I see you are refusing to actually spend any of your own money or time helping the people you want the government to help. At this point, you are officially a statist progressive asshole.

So your solutions consist of me with a ladle, What charities could do but don't, and hypotheticals. Hold on I'm writing this down

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