Republicans and Democrats: Please Read


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock

Trump just saved a lot of taxpayer $$ with an executive order. It takes effect in 3 weeks. We're on the right track, but there will be bumps in the road, for sure.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.

That's his moated castle. :abgg2q.jpg:
It will take an economic collapse similar to the Great Depression or worse to get the government to stop massive debt spending and even then they probably won't do it. The politicians will point fingers at each other and the ignorant populace will blame whoever is in the White House at the time.
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years?
Yes, and you should be asking yourself why your propagandists kept you in the dark about it.



When times add going good, that’s when u should tackle the debt . But nooooo, tax cuts for everyone!
what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue

Does anyone here understand the difference between tax rates and tax revenue?

Lowering tax rates not only increases tax revenue, it also reduces government expenditures. The net effect is to reduce our need for borrowing. That being said, automatic COLAs for entitlement programs need to be suspended until we can get spending under control.
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Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.

Really, it’s just starting to recover all over. Just hurts more in rural areas.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.

Really, it’s just starting to recover all over. Just hurts more in rural areas.
It's not just rural either, some metro areas are finally starting to recover.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.

Really, it’s just starting to recover all over. Just hurts more in rural areas.
It's not just rural either, some metro areas are finally starting to recover.

Yup. One thing I know from my personnel experience is gas. Getting to work is a drag it’s so expensive. That and food.
So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy
Pseudocons only care about deficits and the debt when a Democrat is in the White House.

Naturally. That's because libtard Democraps tend to blow our national wad by greasing the palms of those who put them in power, and pouring it down phony gopher hole scams like "sustainable energy" companies, labor union bailouts, and phony "stimulus" packages that don't do a damned thing.

You can bet your bottom dollar that you're getting your money's worth with Trump in the White House.
what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue

Does anyone here understand the difference between tax rates and tax revenue?

Lowering tax rates not only increases tax revenue, it also reduces government expenditures. The net effect is to reduce our need for borrowing. That being said, automatic COLAs for entitlement programs need to be suspended until we can get spending under control.
I'm sure you thought you said something important, but you've obviously not checked in on reality. Otherwise, you would be aware that deficits have been ACCELERATING under Trump.

Rather than this nonsensical statement of yours about "reduces government expenditures", we have seen a dramatic INCREASE in government expenditures.
You can bet your ass(ets) that the "folks on Wall Street" are thankful that the guy who supported the OWS rabble is no longer president and the DOW hovers around record territory almost every freaking day
Lowering tax rates not only increases tax revenue, it also reduces government expenditures.
This is one of those idiotic axioms pseudocons parrot without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

What do you suppose would happen to tax revenues if we lowered tax rates to zero? Hmmmmmm....

Clearly there is a point where lowering tax rates has a deleterious effect on revenues.

And tax rates have fuck-all to do with how much the government spends. That's why we have 21 trillion dollars of debt AND CLIMBING.

Trump has increased our credit card debt, and is making lower monthly payments. How do you think that will end?
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock

now that Trump is in office who cares about the debt ?
Tax revenues are far more dependent on the strength of the economy than on tax rates. Especially since our tax code has $1.4 trillion of government giveaways hidden in it. The "lower tax rates = more revenue" bullshit propagandists are very careful not to ever mention this fact to their parroting rubes.

We could easily lower our tax rates for EVERYONE significantly if we eliminated all those bogus tax expenditures which are artificially transferring wealth UP the economic food chain.

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