Republicans and Democrats: Please Read

Lowering tax rates not only increases tax revenue, it also reduces government expenditures.
This is one of those idiotic axioms pseudocons parrot without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking...

How so? You people are the idiots who ran an alcoholic post-menopausal ratbag pathological liar and a curmudgeon Communist from Vermont.

Don't try to lecture us about "critical thinking."
Lowering tax rates not only increases tax revenue, it also reduces government expenditures.
This is one of those idiotic axioms pseudocons parrot without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking...

How so? You people are the idiots who ran an alcoholic post-menopausal ratbag pathological liar and a curmudgeon Communist from Vermont.

Don't try to lecture us about "critical thinking."
Oh man, the irony in your post is so fucking rich!

You just ASSUMED I supported Bernie Sanders. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You have shit critical thinking skills.

Tell me something, genius. Let's start with a very simple question since that seems to be all you can handle: What happens to tax revenues if you lower tax rates to zero?
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Claim: Lowering tax rates increases tax revenue.

Question: What happens to tax revenues if you lower them to zero?

Claim: Lower tax rates reduces government expenditures.

Question: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! When has the government ever spent less after lowering tax rates?
Tax Policy Center analyze the budgetary impact of policy proposals, they typically use a fixed "window" of time to measure the effects. Usually, it’s a 10-year window. In this case, the center offered both a 10-year window and a somewhat more unconventional 20-year window.

Over 10 years, the center projected, Trump’s policies would increase the debt by $11.2 trillion. Over 20 years, they would increase the debt by $34.1 trillion.

gee thanks Trump.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
The economy has been strong for the last 6 years? You must either live in one of the relatively economically safe city islands of in some academic ivory tower......... Hell it's just starting to recover in many rural areas.

Really, it’s just starting to recover all over. Just hurts more in rural areas.
It's not just rural either, some metro areas are finally starting to recover.

Yup. One thing I know from my personnel experience is gas. Getting to work is a drag it’s so expensive. That and food.
Not to bad gas wise out here but jobs have been hard to come by and lots of competition for the good ones and that is true all over the west with a few exceptions.
Claim: Lower tax rates reduces government expenditures.

Remember the Bush tax cuts?

Yeah. Tell me which years in the chart below prove those tax cuts reduced government expenditures.

Dollars to donuts says the parrots will still repeat that bogus axiom about lower tax rates vs. revenues and expenditures.

They never let reality impinge on their delusions.


They bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.
You can't stop it without cutting spending and nobody seems to want to address that.

Billions are wasted yearly on bloated unneeded programs
Claim: Lowering tax rates increases tax revenue.

Question: What happens to tax revenues if you lower them to zero?

Claim: Lower tax rates reduces government expenditures.

Question: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! When has the government ever spent less after lowering tax rates?

Obvious to everyone but you, raising or lowering tax rates is not an all-or-nothing proposition. (Neither 100% nor 0% tax rates will produce tax revenue.) The question is whether incrementally increasing or decreasing existing tax rates has a predictable impact on tax revenues. Historically, decreasing tax rates has increased tax revenues due to its effect on business expansion. In addition, increased private sector employment reduces enrollment and expenditures for social assistance programs such as Food Stamps. Or haven't you heard?
Claim: Lowering tax rates increases tax revenue.

Question: What happens to tax revenues if you lower them to zero?

Claim: Lower tax rates reduces government expenditures.

Question: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! When has the government ever spent less after lowering tax rates?

Obvious to everyone but you, raising or lowering tax rates is not an all-or-nothing proposition. (Neither 100% nor 0% tax rates will produce tax revenue.) The question is whether incrementally increasing or decreasing existing tax rates has a predictable impact on tax revenues. Historically, decreasing tax rates has increased tax revenues due to its effect on business expansion. In addition, increased private sector employment reduces enrollment and expenditures for social assistance programs such as Food Stamps. Or haven't you heard?
1) Thank you for admitting the axiom "lower tax rates increases tax revenue" is horseshit.

2) You should be asking yourself why you are ignorant of the fact tax revenues have also gone UP when tax rates INCREASED. Your propagandists you blindly parrot depend on your ignorance for their lies of omission to succeed.

Don't believe me? See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates:

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP:

  • FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion
  • FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
  • FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
  • FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
  • FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
  • FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
  • FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
  • FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
  • FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
  • FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate, federal revenues continued to increase.

Care to keep playing?

I knew you rubes would keep parroting your bullshit axiom. I predicted it, and you fulfilled it. You NEVER let reality impinge on your delusions.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
Conservation Is Hoarding, Preached in Order to Increase Profit Margins

Increase the taxable revenue by uninhibited growth. Trust-fundie treehuggers are upper-class snakes who know that development of nature creates class mobility, which threatens their static hereditary dominance.
You can bet your ass(ets) that the "folks on Wall Street" are thankful that the guy who supported the OWS rabble is no longer president and the DOW hovers around record territory almost every freaking day
Bitter and Jealous HeirHead Lawyers

The Occupuppies were the litters of the 2%. That's what really happened in the French Revolution, where the 98% were excluded except to cut off the heads of the 1%.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
Hello, knock knock!

Republicans control the entire government.
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock

now that Trump is in office who cares about the debt ?
Certainly not conservatives.
According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

Yes, when 2016 taxes were due this past April, the government recorded a record high month for revenue. So what does that have to do with a tax cut which went into effect in 2017?
Republicans and Democrats -

Please Read:

The folks on wall street are getting genuinely concerned about a looming bipartisan problem, America's spiraling national debt. For the last 6 years unemployment has been low and the economy has been strong, but neither President Obama or President Trump has done much to address this growing threat. Now I am finding that America's efforts to sell paper securities to service this 21.2 trillion dollar debt is becoming more difficult since investors are now genuinely skeptical America can meet its financial obligations in the future. This has the potential to make the great recession seem mild in comparison. So, with the national debt rising 36% faster than the economy, what will it take for our lawmakers to finally raise the necessary tax revenue to begin to pay down this multi trillion dollar debt??

The US' national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy

US should watch its debt pile before 'things get out of hand,' Fed's Mester says

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock

Cut spending...

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