Republicans and science don't mix

Here's an example..Pence claims the NOAA assures us the number of hurricanes the last decade are normal and that there is no difference in intensity over the 100 years. He got it all wrong...Why VP Pence’s claim that hurricanes aren’t a growing problem isn't right, according to NOAA

I love these links that use unrelated data, to try and prove a point.

The entire article is about hurricanes. Then they post a graph on the bottom, supposedly proving that Pence is wrong, by showing how many we had by year, and showing we're on track for the highest number ever.

But wait.... what does the graph actually say?
View attachment 399571

Wait......... Billion dollar disaster event frequency?

I thought we were talking about how many hurricanes were being caused by global warming?! (which doesn't even make a point, since everyone acknowledges there is warming, just not that it is man-made)

So when they want to make a graph to prove Pence's statement on Hurricanes is wrong... they simply make it "billion dollar events", instead of..... oh I don't know......... HURRICANES??? MAYBE??

This again, is why conservatives are just better people than left-wingers. You MUST lie about everything, or you would never make an argument about anything.

How many major hurricanes have we had this season? Three. Nine total.

Three major hurricanes, and a total of 9 thus far.

In 1926, we had 8 hurricanes, 6 were major hurricanes.
in 1933, we had 11, with 6 major hurricanes.
In 1950, we had 11 with 8 major hurricanes.

Pence was dead on right, if you actually follow the science.

It's fun to see left-wingers claim to be all scientific, and then just make up whatever they want to believe, and ignore all the data. Fun to watch.
Maybe billion dollar event is short hand for 'major'..Cat 3 or higher.

No, it's not. And all you have to do, is read how many major hurricanes we had in the past, and compare it to the billion dollar event chart.

By the way, just looking at the chart should tell you something, when they skip around. Where is 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015? Well, they didn't include those years, even though they have 2011 on there, because those years don't fit the narrative.

Major Hurricanes in 2012 to 2015 was 2,0,2,2 respectively. Not exactly high numbers.

Regardless, 2011 alone should prove the point, because as you can see from the chart, the blue line for 2011, is at the top of the chart, which indicates a total of 16 billion dollar events.

But how many were hurricanes?

Only 7. And of those 7, only 3 were major hurricanes. And of those 3, only one hurricane, Hurricane Irene, landed in the US.

So that's ONE major storm in 2011, for a year that is at the top of this chart supposedly to prove Pence was wrong about global warming causing hurricanes.

The whole article is utter crap, and Pence was right.
They only started naming tropical cyclones a couple of years ago and we don't have an accurate record of hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast a hundred or more years ago because we didn't have he technology. Cat 1-2 hurricanes weren't even counted back then so the historic record is skewed. Thank God we haven't had a hurricane like the one that hit Galveston in 1900 that killed a high estimate of 12,000.
"War is a science
with rules to be applied.
Which good soldiers appreciate,
recall and recapitulate,

Before they go to decimate the other side."

-- Charlemagne

And SCIENCE has a few political warriors in lab coats just hoping for war... It's true.. Academic science is the primadonna ballerina capital of the intellectual world..

You can't say that enough.

I've worked for mulitnationals where the research group thought the entire purpose of the company was to make money to fund more research.
That title is pretty funny, coming from the crowd who thinks there are 71 genders and that human life is human life depending on if its wanted or not. :lol:
Such rebuttals from the right wing are even funnier, seeing as how they don't believe in welfare for individuals or equal protection of the laws for natural born Persons.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Yes, that was very scientific.

Not believing in those things somehow compromises someone when it comes to science.

So proud of this group doing ACTUAL critical thinking/analysis to tear apart some media pablum designed to hype the masses.. Numbers, facts, AND THEIR MISUSE is important. What these press releases do is to misrepresent the "science" without actually lying.. It's "spin".. Done all the time by lazy scientists and scientists working for govt...

Can't away with that in REAL world of science..

"HE PLAYED ON OUR FEARS" !!!! Guess Al Gore learned how to do that from GWBush.,..

Yeah right, those stodgy old right wingers even think that life begins at conception. Ain't that a hoot?
Too bad right wingers are just plain hypocrites when it comes to natural rights for the natural born regarding social services.
Here's an example..Pence claims the NOAA assures us the number of hurricanes the last decade are normal and that there is no difference in intensity over the 100 years. He got it all wrong...Why VP Pence’s claim that hurricanes aren’t a growing problem isn't right, according to NOAA
Science and soap have something in common. Did you see the republican militia members who were arrested for plotting to kidnap a governor. Gross
That was anarchist
Here's an example..Pence claims the NOAA assures us the number of hurricanes the last decade are normal and that there is no difference in intensity over the 100 years. He got it all wrong...Why VP Pence’s claim that hurricanes aren’t a growing problem isn't right, according to NOAA

Why don't you tell us your background and what you know about science. We can compare.

Funniest course I ever witnessed was "Science and Engineering for Spouses of Scientists/Engineers. My 1st wife saw that course and had to take it.. She got me to sit in on a couple. It was hysterical.. Every lecture was as good as an episode of "The Big Bang Theory".. I've often thought there should be something like that for Liberal Arts majors... A LOT of "Pennys" out there.. Kinda like "Karens"... Only more clueless... :beer:
Are you a real life , engineer ?
I have so much admiration for engineers.
I always wished I was an engineer but my IQ was about 30 points short
If I had a higher IQ ..I would have been an amazing engineer
I am a conservative and I believe their are some minor temperature spikes due to man
I think Global Warming is a fact as this point
The question is how much ??
I believe it’s 1.5 to 1.75 degrees not 5 degrees
Republicans and science don't mix

This from the side whose “science” declares Bruce Jenner to be a woman.

One has to be either unimaginably ignorant, or else just plain batshit crazy, to believe any Democrapic claims to “science”.
Science, is the objective study of the natural world around us. Science doesn't invoke emotion, or sentiment, or doom saying.

Science doesn't invoke arguments to authority. Science doesn't seek power, or control, or is it be used as a way to control the masses.

And perfectly, you've illustrated the difference between genuine science, and Democrapic/LIbEral “science”.
Here's an example..Pence claims the NOAA assures us the number of hurricanes the last decade are normal and that there is no difference in intensity over the 100 years. He got it all wrong...Why VP Pence’s claim that hurricanes aren’t a growing problem isn't right, according to NOAA
Science and soap have something in common. Did you see the republican militia members who were arrested for plotting to kidnap a governor. Gross

1. You are off topic, but that is usually the case.
2. They were republicans....? Really ? Proof ?
Heard a report at least one of them starred in a video excoriating Trump. No idea if it’s true though.
It's true. The actual video has been posted here in several threads. Candycorn is just a dumb kunt.
Pence is correct. Weather related events are more destructive because humanity has crowded into areas prone to suffer in natural events.

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