Republican's Appointee Federal Judge Voids Kentucky's Same-Sex Marriage Ban!

If you put your hand to your ear, you can clearly hear the sound of millions of votes siphoning over to the right...

All these activist judges are not acting from the same place to effect the same result. Some are actively enraging voters against the liberal agenda. ie; they are actively driving votes to the right like cattle dogs. And the dumbass democrats on the far left are celebrating these "victories" [before SCOTUS shuts them down by quoting Windsor in the final round of 'perverts vs normal people'.]

I'll wager that maybe, jusssst maybe that judge heard about polling stats like these: where 85% of the hundreds who voted feel that gay marriage should not be forced upon those who don't want to promote it.
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85% don't want churches to be forced to perform weddings. It should be 100%, but more than 50% of the population want gay marriage to be legal. You lost, like in the case above. Move along now because the homophobes like yourself are being left in the past, where you belong...
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Conservatives are too busy cheering the Hobby Lobby ruling to come into this thread and do their normal rant about 'unelected' judges thwarting the will of the People.


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