Republicans are Anti Interracial Marriage.

ask Klaus Schwab, read his book the great reset; he said whites dont obey, he loves asians and dark skinned submissive clueless scared robots.
He dusted off Rothchild stooge Kalergi's book. I read 61 pages of the Kalergi Plan. He just rambles off all this nonsense that Nordic people are cold people ice people because of their environment. Then goes on to say Asians are this magical people and are awesome blah blah. Then out of nowhere he says the the people of Europe will be a Eurasian Negroid lol, that Jews will run Europe along with a small clan of Elite goys.

The globalists do want to erase white people from Earth. They see them as the only people who will fight back, they have too much attachment to the land. Replacements are much more "malleable".
Mohamed Ali was against interracial marriage.
Yeah those types always say that. 3 of his 4 wives were mixed.
My two daughters are a product of an interracial marriage, yet the kids around them in school and home don't bother about it.
How blatantly ignorant, stupid, and bigoted we're people years ago who thought interracial marriage was wrong. They were not Christians and people of ill repute. Abject scum.
I am as it destroys tens of thousands of years of human diversity and culture. It is very bad for our species and who we're.

Most of this diversity crap is only forced on WHITES. Imagine for a second if I want to China and told them that they needed to all screw arabs and negros? I'd be arrested and probably shot. Going around crapping on other peoples cultures and societies is a bad idea.
How blatantly ignorant, stupid, and bigoted we're people years ago who thought interracial marriage was wrong. They were not Christians and people of ill repute. Abject scum.
God separated people into different tribes and punished humanity severely when we started working together. Of course, you don't read the text so you wouldn't understand.
God separated people into different tribes and punished humanity severely when we started working together. Of course, you don't read the text so you wouldn't understand.

God made all people able and inclined to work together and love each other.
What the hell is wrong with these democrats.
Can we stop with the false statement in the title that implies "All Republicans". I know plenty that don't believe this. I would also imagine that some democrats, won't admit it, but probably believe the same thing. There have been plenty of African Americans who don't like marriage outside of their race.

Got to love the abstract on this peer reviewed Journal Entry: Black women's outrage against black men dating white woman is not about jealousy, but is based on white racism.

In academic research on interracial relationships, as well as popular discourses such as film and television, Black women are often characterized as angry and opposed to interracial relationships. Yet the voices of Black women have been largely neglected. Drawing from focus group interviews with Black college women and in-depth interviews with Black women who are married interracially, the author explores Black women's views on Black-white heterosexual relationships. Black women's opposition to interracial dating is not simply rooted in jealousy and anger toward white women but is based on white racism, Black internalization of racism, and what interracial relationships represent to Black women and signify about Black women's worth. The impact of racism and sexism are clear, with Black women devalued by white standards of beauty and faced with a shortage of available Black men and a lack of "substantive opportunities " to date interracially.

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