Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.

After all this time, you still think Palin stated she could see Russia from her house?

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

What the hell have you been smoking, Palousey will stick a sock in her mouth, in a coat closet sized office, for the next two years. She'll be lucky to be let out to vote the way she's told. Hell your little principled bitch is already supporting palousey for speaker, making her major campaign promise, of not doing so, a total lie. She's going to be another regressive bot doing what she's told.

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

She’s smart? Based on what evidence?
AOC graduated college with a degree in economics and beat a long term congressman out of his seat. Can't figure why she's aggravating so many poster except maybe some of them are jealous of her?

Is she aggravating anyone?
She got the crazy eyes.....RUNNNNN!!!

Definitely does have those. She's harboring some real batshit crazy behind those eyes. The kind of batshit crazy that makes a person want to introduce her to Mr. Baseball Bat.



If it weren't for socialists like FDR and LBJ, then a lot of seniors as well as children would probably be living in dire poverty. Maybe even some posters here.

"Socialist" is a mild term for this idiot. She's a full-blown communista who would look more at home in the jungles of Bolivia.

Obviously she missed the auditions for the lead singer for "Rage Against The Machine".

She's been too busy working and getting an education. Cracks me up how you people fling the commie word around. You obviously don't know what it means.

Problem is she didn’t get an education
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She represents positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion - all of which conservatives fear.

No. She represents entitled idiotic democrats. Which is redundant
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Unlike you tRumpanzees I don't need my bias confirmed every 5 minutes so I stay away from fringe media sources.


You've never had a thought in your life. What you spew is just the trash programmed into you by the collective.

You are a drone, nothing more.
So s the fool who regularly posts crap from known rwnj propaganda sources that never turns out to be true.


Again drone, you show no signs of sentience. I suspect an artificial stupidity routine at work.

Your program would not be the first of such dispatched from the hive.
Once again you cannot refute what I say so you simply insult me.
"Simply" is the operative word there as well.

Creepy drone, you need to actually SAY SOMETHING, make a point, before I can refute you.

You spew hatred, you recite hating points from ThinkProgress and CNN, but you NEVER have anything meaningful to contribute.

What should I refute? Your festering hatred of Trump? The hatred you have for America? What exactly would I refute, drone?

I don’t think he understands this or even wants to
Actually, I'm also a little fearful of her. She may be too much too soon. We'll see...
You say "too much, too soon." What do you mean by that?

Let's say it's not too soon. What would the final game plan be?

No private property rights and government control of the means of production?

You what we call that?

Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Ok..... LOL...

So generally you seem to be a mildly intelligent person, even though we disagree on virtually everything.

But you just lowered your intelligence rating drastically with that.

Please please please..... tell me you know that Sarah Palin never once said that. You do know that, right? You do know, she never said she could see Russia from her house. That was never a thing.
Has any incoming congress person ever generated so much talk among the opposing party? There are easily 5 to 6 threads a day about her on this forum alone.

She has already moved into their heads

Ah, we're laughing at her, GG...not exactly what you want for the "future of your party" is it?

The only one saying she is the future of their party is you from the other party, so not sure that counts.

I am pretty sure you GOPers did not care when people were laughing at Palin when she was the bright and shining star of your party.

Nor did you care when people were laughing at your darling for a moment Michele Bachmann and the shit she said was just as bad as what this person is saying.

I know I did not care when anyone from either of the two major parties laughed at Gary Johnson.

Personally I think it is funny as hell you all spend so much time and energy on someone who has not even taken office yet. If I did not hold the Dems in such low esteem I would think that she is just a diversion, but I cannot assume they are smart enough for such things.

Palin was never a bright and shining star. She wasn’t bad but still.

And even then they had to use Tina Fey to make Palin look dumb.

Cortez does it all herself which is what makes it so funny and tragic.

And no it wasn’t us saying Cortez is the future of the Dems. It was the media

The most "radical" policy of Trump's is border security and deporting people here illegally.

That is what drives his opponents into a frenzy.

That is what, in a sane world, would be considered business as normal.

Trump is not radical at all.
Senseless trade wars
Destruction of alliances
Removal of environmental protection
Fiscal irresponsibility

And yet it is the Immigration issue that drives you wild.

ANd there is nothing radical about it.
I’m cool with it

It was Crooked Donnie that raised the issue before the election

And there is nothing radical about his position, of ENFORCING THE LAW.
Which law applied to migrants a thousand miles away
Has any incoming congress person ever generated so much talk among the opposing party? There are easily 5 to 6 threads a day about her on this forum alone.

She has already moved into their heads

Ah, we're laughing at her, GG...not exactly what you want for the "future of your party" is it?

The only one saying she is the future of their party is you from the other party, so not sure that counts.

I am pretty sure you GOPers did not care when people were laughing at Palin when she was the bright and shining star of your party.

Nor did you care when people were laughing at your darling for a moment Michele Bachmann and the shit she said was just as bad as what this person is saying.

I know I did not care when anyone from either of the two major parties laughed at Gary Johnson.

Personally I think it is funny as hell you all spend so much time and energy on someone who has not even taken office yet. If I did not hold the Dems in such low esteem I would think that she is just a diversion, but I cannot assume they are smart enough for such things.

Palin was never a bright and shining star. She wasn’t bad but still.

And even then they had to use Tina Fey to make Palin look dumb.

Cortez does it all herself which is what makes it so funny and tragic.

And no it wasn’t us saying Cortez is the future of the Dems. It was the media
Didn’t take Tina Fey to make Palin look dumb
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Ok..... LOL...

So generally you seem to be a mildly intelligent person, even though we disagree on virtually everything.

But you just lowered your intelligence rating drastically with that.

Please please please..... tell me you know that Sarah Palin never once said that. You do know that, right? You do know, she never said she could see Russia from her house. That was never a thing.
I saw her say that
Video doesn’t lie
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Ok..... LOL...

So generally you seem to be a mildly intelligent person, even though we disagree on virtually everything.

But you just lowered your intelligence rating drastically with that.

Please please please..... tell me you know that Sarah Palin never once said that. You do know that, right? You do know, she never said she could see Russia from her house. That was never a thing.
I saw her say that
Video doesn’t lie
I saw some youtube interview with Cortes, and it''s like so OMG, she is a dingbat!
If you're any indication, Creepazoid..

Your champion has a degree from Boston U, but doesn't even know the mechanisms of monetary control, quantitative easing, the role of commercial banks, libor rates. In other words, she couldn't pass a high school economics class. But BU thought that being a radical was more important than knowledge in the subject. She is simply dumb.
Perhaps she should have gotten her degree from Trump U, then you would have taken her more seriously. Right?


Perhaps she should have actually learned something.

You guys need to stop equating degrees with knowledge
With the amount of laughter this OP generated, I think it should be moved to political satire. . . .
Perhaps you don't know the difference between fear and scorn. Fear involves an element of respect and not one Republican that I know of has the slightest respect for this airhead. Republicans are laughing at her for good reasons. She is Loonie Tunes. They are obviously not afraid of her; however, they are justifiably concerned of the harm this ignorant, delusional self-professed socialists can do to this country.

Those liberals who laughed at Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves. There is no Republican in office, or who has ever sought office, who is not the intellectual superior of this Cortez creature by a wide margin.

Democrats have forever lost their right to call Republicans stupid. By their embracing of Cortez, they have shown the world they are the party of stupid.
Sure Mr. "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" supporter.


Ok..... LOL...

So generally you seem to be a mildly intelligent person, even though we disagree on virtually everything.

But you just lowered your intelligence rating drastically with that.

Please please please..... tell me you know that Sarah Palin never once said that. You do know that, right? You do know, she never said she could see Russia from her house. That was never a thing.
I saw her say that
Video doesn’t lie

Can you give us a link to said video?
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

And conservatives will grow more hateful the more frightened they become.

Impossible. Conservatives neither hate nor fear democrats.

Conservatives fear Democrats of color, female Democrats, Muslim Democrats - just as conservatives fear change, diversity, and inclusion.

No one cares what color anyone’s skin is

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