Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

Please run her as the Democratic Nominee in 2020 and see how fast she falls.

She is a damn joke and please learn from History that stealing from the Rich and Middle Class to give to the poor end with everyone except a select few being poor.

I know, only if you can implement your own version of Marxism it will work this time...
Right wingnut talking point. No substance here.
anyone who understands economics knows what I am talking about or knows what questions to ask.

only the right wing prefers to appeal to ignorance.
Anyone that know economics knows that you're an idiot that doesn't understand it.
do the rich have to provide labor input to the economy?

do those who truly need social services?

We have a First World economy.

The right wing is still stuck on obsolete economics technologies from last millennium.

If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
Trump is bragging about the lowest unemployment rate in a long time. So who are these people who are not working?
she should get some staff to keep her up to date and help with her policies.

Shouldn't someone that ran already be up to date on things? Prove her election was nothing more than freeloaders unwilling to do for themselves buying into her nonsense concept of 'I breathe, therefore, give me shit'. She's an embarrassment to herself, the Democrats, and honorable people that know better.
a House member who won her local district. she has to come up with plans among her Peers, who also got elected.

It's rather easy to tell the type of freeloading POS in her district. They voted for one.
come up with better solutions at lower cost and stop whining, right wingers.

The better solution is to stop all social welfare and let those constantly demanding it start doing for themselves or do without.
What welfare programs are she promoting?
Shouldn't someone that ran already be up to date on things? Prove her election was nothing more than freeloaders unwilling to do for themselves buying into her nonsense concept of 'I breathe, therefore, give me shit'. She's an embarrassment to herself, the Democrats, and honorable people that know better.
a House member who won her local district. she has to come up with plans among her Peers, who also got elected.

It's rather easy to tell the type of freeloading POS in her district. They voted for one.
come up with better solutions at lower cost and stop whining, right wingers.

The better solution is to stop all social welfare and let those constantly demanding it start doing for themselves or do without.
What welfare programs are she promoting?

Just about everything she promotes that involves those not contributing to the cause getting for nothing.
Anyone that know economics knows that you're an idiot that doesn't understand it.
do the rich have to provide labor input to the economy?

do those who truly need social services?

We have a First World economy.

The right wing is still stuck on obsolete economics technologies from last millennium.

If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
Trump is bragging about the lowest unemployment rate in a long time. So who are these people who are not working?

Unless the unemployment rate is 0%, whatever number constitutes the current percentage.
Is it possible that the crazy left really thinks that freshman congressperson Cortez will be anything but comic relief?
She be embarrassed beyond belief on day 1.
she should get some staff to keep her up to date and help with her policies.
She does need more experience in fielding gotcha talking point questions.

She needs an economics lesson instead of adhering to the Utopia concept.
Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
this is my argument, right wingers:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.

You don't have an argument when you misuse the words you posted.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
His argument is 'I breathe, therefore, give me what someone else earned'.
If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

Cutting out hundreds of billions of wasted spending on programs that enable people to be freeloaders would save, coincidentally, hundreds of billions of dollars.
Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
His argument is 'I breathe, therefore, give me what someone else earned'.
i would agree with you, if tax cut economics didn't have to be Financed instead of Paid for.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

Cutting out hundreds of billions of wasted spending on programs that enable people to be freeloaders would save, coincidentally, hundreds of billions of dollars.
What market friendly solution for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.
Except that you overlook the facts that:

While you are upgrading Ellis Island....

Approx 1500 unidentified illegals (potential threats to this country and out citizens) have been / will continue to enter the US illegally PER DAY
--- EVEN AFTER Ellis Island has been upgraded, with no border wall / nothing to stop them, at LEAST 1500 illegals will continue to cross illegally into the US

(How are you going to transport the THOUSANDS of illegals waiting just inside Mexico to enter the US to Ellis Island? :p )

This weekend's violent attempt by illegals to storm the border and push past ICE / BPAs / DHS shows the illegals have no interest in entering the US through officially designated Ports of Entry...THAT ALREADY EXIST
Providing a legal path solves our illegal problem if we provide more incentive to be legal, than to be illegal.

There is a legal path to citizenship. That criminals don't follow it is their problem. Trump is offering a solution and you run from it.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
His argument is 'I breathe, therefore, give me what someone else earned'.
i would agree with you, if tax cut economics didn't have to be Financed instead of Paid for.

No one gave you an option. You were told.
Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

Cutting out hundreds of billions of wasted spending on programs that enable people to be freeloaders would save, coincidentally, hundreds of billions of dollars.
What market friendly solution for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment?

Better your skills so you can compete. With what you support, no one has to get better. They only have to exist.
i don't allege to subscribe to a work ethic from the Age of Iron or insist on "learning how to fish", but have Only, red herrings to show for it.

Then of course there are those of you that never went to college at all...for some reason think you're smart...but disprove that with each post you make!
yet, you have no economic argument. how is that?

Do you really want to have an economic argument, Daniel? I took economics classes in college including one with Thomas Sowell so I actually know something about the subject. You on the other hand post gibberish and hope you can fool people that you know something about economics.
anybody can soothsay and hearsay anything. tax cut economics are Worthless under Any form of Capitalism.

Would you care to explain why John F. Kennedy called for tax cuts back in the 60's? The fact cuts have been used by both liberals and conservatives to stimulate the economy for decades because they WORK! Tax cuts coupled with cuts to wasteful government spending would work even better. "Soothsay"? God, you're an IDIOT!!!
Tax cuts (Meaningless blanket term) works in some cases but not others.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.
Except that you overlook the facts that:

While you are upgrading Ellis Island....

Approx 1500 unidentified illegals (potential threats to this country and out citizens) have been / will continue to enter the US illegally PER DAY
--- EVEN AFTER Ellis Island has been upgraded, with no border wall / nothing to stop them, at LEAST 1500 illegals will continue to cross illegally into the US

(How are you going to transport the THOUSANDS of illegals waiting just inside Mexico to enter the US to Ellis Island? :p )

This weekend's violent attempt by illegals to storm the border and push past ICE / BPAs / DHS shows the illegals have no interest in entering the US through officially designated Ports of Entry...THAT ALREADY EXIST
Providing a legal path solves our illegal problem if we provide more incentive to be legal, than to be illegal.

There is a legal path to citizenship. That criminals don't follow it is their problem. Trump is offering a solution and you run from it.
Not everyone wants to become a citizen. Most could be accommodated as tourists. A market friendly visa could generate revenue to help upgrade Ellis Island.
You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
His argument is 'I breathe, therefore, give me what someone else earned'.
i would agree with you, if tax cut economics didn't have to be Financed instead of Paid for.

No one gave you an option. You were told.
i agree to disagree.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

Cutting out hundreds of billions of wasted spending on programs that enable people to be freeloaders would save, coincidentally, hundreds of billions of dollars.
What market friendly solution for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment?

Better your skills so you can compete. With what you support, no one has to get better. They only have to exist.
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment even if everyone who wants to participate in the market for labor is required to obtain a doctorate.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is only one's the assholes that voted for her I fear.

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