Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Anyone that know economics knows that you're an idiot that doesn't understand it.
do the rich have to provide labor input to the economy?

do those who truly need social services?

We have a First World economy.

The right wing is still stuck on obsolete economics technologies from last millennium.

If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
do the rich have to provide labor input to the economy?

do those who truly need social services?

We have a First World economy.

The right wing is still stuck on obsolete economics technologies from last millennium.

If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.
If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

"Unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week."

"A 17-year-old can walk into a shop" and purchase an assault weapon."

"ICE should be abolished."

"Capitalism won't always exist in the world."

"We're gonna flip this seat red"
---- Ocasio-Cortez hopped on Senator Bernie Sanders' Twitter to promote Brent Welder, who's running for Congress in Kansas. The Democratic nominee for New York's 14th, however, seems not to know which color represents her own party. Or maybe she just really does want to make America red again and THAT'S why she's alienating a majority of Americans with a radical leftist campaign! Genius.

"Settlements in Palestine are increasing...I am not the expert on geopolitics"

"Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"

thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

You only have one argument, and it's been destroyed many times, yet you continue bleating it out like it's still relevant.
Which argument is that? You right wingers have only fallacy, not any better solutions at lower cost.

If you don't even know your own argument, I can't help you.
this is my argument, right wingers:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.
Except that you overlook the facts that:

While you are upgrading Ellis Island....

Approx 1500 unidentified illegals (potential threats to this country and out citizens) have been / will continue to enter the US illegally PER DAY
--- EVEN AFTER Ellis Island has been upgraded, with no border wall / nothing to stop them, at LEAST 1500 illegals will continue to cross illegally into the US

(How are you going to transport the THOUSANDS of illegals waiting just inside Mexico to enter the US to Ellis Island? :p )

This weekend's violent attempt by illegals to storm the border and push past ICE / BPAs / DHS shows the illegals have no interest in entering the US through officially designated Ports of Entry...THAT ALREADY EXIST
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective in any long run scenario for those seeking asylum. No need for fences over there.
Except that you overlook the facts that:

While you are upgrading Ellis Island....

Approx 1500 unidentified illegals (potential threats to this country and out citizens) have been / will continue to enter the US illegally PER DAY
--- EVEN AFTER Ellis Island has been upgraded, with no border wall / nothing to stop them, at LEAST 1500 illegals will continue to cross illegally into the US

(How are you going to transport the THOUSANDS of illegals waiting just inside Mexico to enter the US to Ellis Island? :p )

This weekend's violent attempt by illegals to storm the border and push past ICE / BPAs / DHS shows the illegals have no interest in entering the US through officially designated Ports of Entry...THAT ALREADY EXIST
Providing a legal path solves our illegal problem if we provide more incentive to be legal, than to be illegal.
Providing a legal path solves our illegal problem if we provide more incentive to be legal, than to be illegal.
A legal path to citizenship already exists; however, illegals want to totally ignore it / skip it to illegally cross the border and immediately begin to leach off the Tax Payer Funded social programs.

The INCENTIVE to come here legally would be to enforce the existing laws, secure and enforce our borders, and make an example of thee violent law breakers like the ones who attempted to violently push past our BPAs & DHS this weekend. Make an example of them by keeping their information on file and NEVER allowing them to come into the US / become citizens ever, showing if you do not do it the right way you will never be allowed in.

Harsh? Yup.

Necessary? Yup.

Will the snowflakes ever agree / allow it? No.

They have shown they stand with the illegal horde disrespecting this nation and our laws, who are breaking our laws, and who are against the enforcement of our existing Immigration laws / system - like every Democratic politician right now.
a wall solves nothing; it only and merely Costs.
It's far cheaper than the cost of 1500 illegals entering the US every day, cheaper than the cost of continuing to feed, clothe, support, house, medically care for, and all the social benefits continuing to be poured out to the ever-increasing number of illegals flooding into the US.

Dude, if you want to show us how your idea will work, YOU volunteer to take a handful of these illegals into YOUR home - feed, shelter, financially provide for them....don't continue to advocate breaking laws and supporting illegals while telling me I have to continue to fit the bill!
Not everyone is here to become a citizen. Most can be tourists and put five to ten years in, before considering a path to Citizenship.

Our welfare clause is general not common and we have a commerce clause.

We should not be losing money on border policy, only being Good capitalists and making money on border policy.

What objection do you have, solving our "illegal" problem in a more market friendly manner that ensures there is no market based incentive to be illegal?
a wall solves nothing; it only and merely Costs.
It's far cheaper than the cost of 1500 illegals entering the US every day, cheaper than the cost of continuing to feed, clothe, support, house, medically care for, and all the social benefits continuing to be poured out to the ever-increasing number of illegals flooding into the US.

Dude, if you want to show us how your idea will work, YOU volunteer to take a handful of these illegals into YOUR home - feed, shelter, financially provide for them....don't continue to advocate breaking laws and supporting illegals while telling me I have to continue to fit the bill!
No,it isn't. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
No,it isn't. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
Prove it.


Updating Ellis Island
...while 1500 illegals per day continue to stream across the border
..when 1500 illegals continue to stream across the unblocked border AFTER Ellis island has been upgraded because the Illegals have no intention / desire to cross through already existing Ports of Entry

The cost of transporting (and the logistics to even accomplish this exists / could exist) 10+ thousands of illegals from the Mexican border to Ellis Island per week

is cheaper than building a wall.

The link / evidence that the all is cheaper than allowing the continued illegal invasion has already been posted numerous times.

You made the declaration - your prove it.
No,it isn't. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
Prove it.


Updating Ellis Island
...while 1500 illegals per day continue to stream across the border
..when 1500 illegals continue to stream across the unblocked border AFTER Ellis island has been upgraded because the Illegals have no intention / desire to cross through already existing Ports of Entry

The cost of transporting (and the logistics to even accomplish this exists / could exist) 10+ thousands of illegals from the Mexican border to Ellis Island per week

is cheaper than building a wall.

The link / evidence that the all is cheaper than allowing the continued illegal invasion has already been posted numerous times.

You made the declaration - your prove it.
according to some accounts; Ellis Island could handle up to ten thousand per day. foreign nationals knowing they can apply over there instead of create a scene over here, will tend to go over there. no questions being asked on how they got to the Island, more commercial activity should result.

We should be making money to upgrade Ellis Island and local infrastructure from willing market participants.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

Please run her as the Democratic Nominee in 2020 and see how fast she falls.

She is a damn joke and please learn from History that stealing from the Rich and Middle Class to give to the poor end with everyone except a select few being poor.

I know, only if you can implement your own version of Marxism it will work this time...

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