Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The woman like progressives everywhere is preaching a message of failure. Why would that frighten anyone?
Those who fail to recognize the truth in history are doomed to fail.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way

I think it’s hilarious how you loons keep thinking people are afraid of her. You are confusing fear with mockery of the galactically stupid. Nobody is afraid of her. We are all laughing hysterically at you
I think it’s hilarious how you loons keep thinking people are afraid of her. You are confusing fear with mockery of the galactically stupid. Nobody is afraid of her. We are all laughing hysterically at you
No you're not.

You're deathly afraid of her.

No matter how you try to delude yourself otherwise.


I love her alot but what did she even do, except go to a nascar race with Joe's wife

You haven't been paying attention the last 10 years.

She pushed for and brought more healthier food in schools and more exercise in schools and for young school-age children.

And the Republicans scourged her for it.

WTF indeed!

I think it’s hilarious how you loons keep thinking people are afraid of her. You are confusing fear with mockery of the galactically stupid. Nobody is afraid of her. We are all laughing hysterically at you
No you're not.

You're deathly afraid of her.

No matter how you try to delude yourself otherwise.


I do fear the leftward drift of the already too far to the left Dem party caused by the demographic shift.

But I am a minority even among the Right. Many conservatives, most? consider me an alarmist.

From what I've seen she is a moron, and in a sane world, would be laughed at.
- Complains about unfounded accusations. Then calls me a commie.

- Complains about me being stuck in the left versus right paradigm. Then refers to "leftard" slanted TV.

Are you TRYING to contradict your own statements? Or are you just a fucking idiot?

At this point, I don't even know what your argument is or how it relates to ANYTHING I've said. I'm just reading nonsensical ramblings of some angry guy on the internet. LoL
AKA, a regular run-of-the-mill modern-day Republican.


I do fear the leftward drift of the already too far to the left Dem party caused by the demographic shift.

But I am a minority even among the Right. Many conservatives, most? consider me an alarmist.

From what I've seen she is a moron, and in a sane world, would be laughed at.
Do you consider the modern-day Republican party and/or yourself to be far right?
I do fear the leftward drift of the already too far to the left Dem party caused by the demographic shift.

But I am a minority even among the Right. Many conservatives, most? consider me an alarmist.

From what I've seen she is a moron, and in a sane world, would be laughed at.
Do you consider the modern-day Republican party and/or yourself to be far right?

Neither the GOP establishment nor Trump are far right.

I can be pretty radical, such as my support of massive tax changes either a National Sales Tax or a National Flat Tax.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
Scared? Of her crazy eyes... that’s about it.
If you're any indication, Creepazoid..

Your champion has a degree from Boston U, but doesn't even know the mechanisms of monetary control, quantitative easing, the role of commercial banks, libor rates. In other words, she couldn't pass a high school economics class. But BU thought that being a radical was more important than knowledge in the subject. She is simply dumb.
Perhaps she should have gotten her degree from Trump U, then you would have taken her more seriously. Right?

Neither the GOP establishment nor Trump are far right.

I can be pretty radical, such as my support of massive tax changes either a National Sales Tax or a National Flat Tax.
If you're any indication, Creepazoid..

Your champion has a degree from Boston U, but doesn't even know the mechanisms of monetary control, quantitative easing, the role of commercial banks, libor rates. In other words, she couldn't pass a high school economics class. But BU thought that being a radical was more important than knowledge in the subject. She is simply dumb.
Perhaps she should have gotten her degree from Trump U, then you would have taken her more seriously. Right?

It’s obvious she has you pussy whipped.... and you don’t even know her

Personally I think it is funny as hell you all spend so much time and energy on someone who has not even taken office yet. If I did not hold the Dems in such low esteem I would think that she is just a diversion, but I cannot assume they are smart enough for such things.
It's because they fear her Golfer.

Plain. and. simple.
The only thing people are afraid of regarding this know nothing is that her stupidity may be contagious. Or are her fans waiting for her "inauguration" and for her to start signing bills? All she'll be known for is comic relief.

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