Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I'm not sure. Why did you bring her up?

I'm not sure.

Perhaps, trolling 101?

Why did you bring her up?

obvious comparison between the parties

Since YOU brought her up, and I only responded to YOUR post, You should go back and redo that course. You're the troll under this bridge.

dog, I brought up a legitimate comparison.

you decided to troll it by bringing up fistfights.

Fistfights have NOTHING to do with the thread

I wish I could just wipe any responses to my posts that I didn't like.

Just use the standard response by calling him a "racist/sexist/bigot/whatever", and the discussion will be over with you winning.


Don't have to. His grandmother and both his ex-wives already did.
If you're any indication, Creepazoid..

Your champion has a degree from Boston U, but doesn't even know the mechanisms of monetary control, quantitative easing, the role of commercial banks, libor rates. In other words, she couldn't pass a high school economics class. But BU thought that being a radical was more important than knowledge in the subject. She is simply dumb.
That is hilarious coming from a bloody tRumpkin, someone who patently doesn't even understand the first amendment.


Creep, for an insult to be effective, there must be an element of truth to it.

Sadly, you come off as a third grader.

Your hatred of Trump as programmed into you by the collective makes you lash out, but the quip about the 1st has no context or meaning. To start with, I have actually read the 1st, the entire Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

You on the other hand, have not. You merely spew words programmed into you by your collective.

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Lol, nice deflection attempt.

We aren't buying it though.

Creep, learn what words mean. I addressed your idiocy head on; that is not "deflection."

Again, you use hating points programmed into you by the collective; but you don't know what they mean. You don't think, you are not capable of thought. You recite scripts, occasionally in an appropriate manner, more often not.

Are you even a person, or just an artificial stupidity routine?
Lmao! Just because you read it (or maybe someone read it to you) doesn't mean you understand it kid.

You deflected, you're still deflecting. You're pathetic.

What am I deflecting from, drone?

Let's recap your hating points;

  1. I am a "tRumpanzee" - While it would be RACIST to argue that Obama or his cult were apes, you drones are programmed to make such claims at normals incessantly
  2. I "don't understand the 1st amendmend" - A standard attack programmed into drones by the leftist hate machine. No context, no sort of attempt to justify, simply a 3rd grade taunt
  3. I am "deflecting" - what am I deflecting from? The drone makes no attempt to say - the "deflecting" is just a defense mechanism programmed into the drone by the hate sites who dispatched it.
  4. I am illiterate. - The drone in failing to derail the conversation with early hating points sinks to the most pathetic of the insults of the hive.
You are an artificial stupidity routine.
At least you are consistent. Consistently wrong about everything.

Creepazoid is easy to understand. Just read DailyKOS and that's was little creepy "thinks."
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Unlike you tRumpanzees I don't need my bias confirmed every 5 minutes so I stay away from fringe media sources.


You've never had a thought in your life. What you spew is just the trash programmed into you by the collective.

You are a drone, nothing more.
So s the fool who regularly posts crap from known rwnj propaganda sources that never turns out to be true.


Again drone, you show no signs of sentience. I suspect an artificial stupidity routine at work.

Your program would not be the first of such dispatched from the hive.
Once again you cannot refute what I say so you simply insult me.
"Simply" is the operative word there as well.
No one is afraid, she is a newbie, time will tell if she will become anything positive for our country.
That is hilarious coming from a bloody tRumpkin, someone who patently doesn't even understand the first amendment.


Creep, for an insult to be effective, there must be an element of truth to it.

Sadly, you come off as a third grader.

Your hatred of Trump as programmed into you by the collective makes you lash out, but the quip about the 1st has no context or meaning. To start with, I have actually read the 1st, the entire Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

You on the other hand, have not. You merely spew words programmed into you by your collective.

View attachment 230265
Lol, nice deflection attempt.

We aren't buying it though.

Creep, learn what words mean. I addressed your idiocy head on; that is not "deflection."

Again, you use hating points programmed into you by the collective; but you don't know what they mean. You don't think, you are not capable of thought. You recite scripts, occasionally in an appropriate manner, more often not.

Are you even a person, or just an artificial stupidity routine?
Lmao! Just because you read it (or maybe someone read it to you) doesn't mean you understand it kid.

You deflected, you're still deflecting. You're pathetic.

What am I deflecting from, drone?

Let's recap your hating points;

  1. I am a "tRumpanzee" - While it would be RACIST to argue that Obama or his cult were apes, you drones are programmed to make such claims at normals incessantly
  2. I "don't understand the 1st amendmend" - A standard attack programmed into drones by the leftist hate machine. No context, no sort of attempt to justify, simply a 3rd grade taunt
  3. I am "deflecting" - what am I deflecting from? The drone makes no attempt to say - the "deflecting" is just a defense mechanism programmed into the drone by the hate sites who dispatched it.
  4. I am illiterate. - The drone in failing to derail the conversation with early hating points sinks to the most pathetic of the insults of the hive.
You are an artificial stupidity routine.
Lol, you don't even understand what we are talking about do you.

Have a nice day kid.
What I'm afraid of? You bring down unemployment by getting two jobs.....that's what I'm afraid of.
two part-time jobs in between a regularly scheduled activity becomes a possibility.
The waitress stated that unemployment is down because people are getting two jobs.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

I didn't realize she had that prominent a mustache, Marc! Or was into guns...
Has any incoming congress person ever generated so much talk among the opposing party? There are easily 5 to 6 threads a day about her on this forum alone.

She has already moved into their heads

Ah, we're laughing at her, GG...not exactly what you want for the "future of your party" is it?
Creepazoid is easy to understand. Just read DailyKOS and that's was little creepy "thinks."
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Unlike you tRumpanzees I don't need my bias confirmed every 5 minutes so I stay away from fringe media sources.


You've never had a thought in your life. What you spew is just the trash programmed into you by the collective.

You are a drone, nothing more.
So s the fool who regularly posts crap from known rwnj propaganda sources that never turns out to be true.


Again drone, you show no signs of sentience. I suspect an artificial stupidity routine at work.

Your program would not be the first of such dispatched from the hive.
Once again you cannot refute what I say so you simply insult me.
"Simply" is the operative word there as well.

Creepy drone, you need to actually SAY SOMETHING, make a point, before I can refute you.

You spew hatred, you recite hating points from ThinkProgress and CNN, but you NEVER have anything meaningful to contribute.

What should I refute? Your festering hatred of Trump? The hatred you have for America? What exactly would I refute, drone?

Creep, for an insult to be effective, there must be an element of truth to it.

Sadly, you come off as a third grader.

Your hatred of Trump as programmed into you by the collective makes you lash out, but the quip about the 1st has no context or meaning. To start with, I have actually read the 1st, the entire Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

You on the other hand, have not. You merely spew words programmed into you by your collective.

View attachment 230265
Lol, nice deflection attempt.

We aren't buying it though.

Creep, learn what words mean. I addressed your idiocy head on; that is not "deflection."

Again, you use hating points programmed into you by the collective; but you don't know what they mean. You don't think, you are not capable of thought. You recite scripts, occasionally in an appropriate manner, more often not.

Are you even a person, or just an artificial stupidity routine?
Lmao! Just because you read it (or maybe someone read it to you) doesn't mean you understand it kid.

You deflected, you're still deflecting. You're pathetic.

What am I deflecting from, drone?

Let's recap your hating points;

  1. I am a "tRumpanzee" - While it would be RACIST to argue that Obama or his cult were apes, you drones are programmed to make such claims at normals incessantly
  2. I "don't understand the 1st amendmend" - A standard attack programmed into drones by the leftist hate machine. No context, no sort of attempt to justify, simply a 3rd grade taunt
  3. I am "deflecting" - what am I deflecting from? The drone makes no attempt to say - the "deflecting" is just a defense mechanism programmed into the drone by the hate sites who dispatched it.
  4. I am illiterate. - The drone in failing to derail the conversation with early hating points sinks to the most pathetic of the insults of the hive.
You are an artificial stupidity routine.
Lol, you don't even understand what we are talking about do you.

Have a nice day kid.


And the drone is utterly defeated. :thup:
What I'm afraid of? You bring down unemployment by getting two jobs.....that's what I'm afraid of.
two part-time jobs in between a regularly scheduled activity becomes a possibility.
The waitress stated that unemployment is down because people are getting two jobs.

Excuse me sir, are you working?

Why yes: person = employed


but in the pea brain of our Boston U economics graduate, they are DOUBLE employed if they hold two jobs.... derp....

Standard Disclaimer: I worked hard to EARN my Ph.D. Boston U. handing out economics degrees because they like the POLITICS of a SJW degrades the value of education for everyone. Why should anyone take a degree seriously when drooling retards like Cortez are given them? Clearly complete dolts with zero grasp of their field of study are handed credentials, so what worth have those credentials?
Has any incoming congress person ever generated so much talk among the opposing party? There are easily 5 to 6 threads a day about her on this forum alone.

She has already moved into their heads

Ah, we're laughing at her, GG...not exactly what you want for the "future of your party" is it?

The only one saying she is the future of their party is you from the other party, so not sure that counts.

I am pretty sure you GOPers did not care when people were laughing at Palin when she was the bright and shining star of your party.

Nor did you care when people were laughing at your darling for a moment Michele Bachmann and the shit she said was just as bad as what this person is saying.

I know I did not care when anyone from either of the two major parties laughed at Gary Johnson.

Personally I think it is funny as hell you all spend so much time and energy on someone who has not even taken office yet. If I did not hold the Dems in such low esteem I would think that she is just a diversion, but I cannot assume they are smart enough for such things.

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