republicans are finding new ways to keep people from voting

Why is it that Democrats seem to have all sorts of problems being able to vote correctly?

Well, the Democratic Party does get the vote of the uneducated and the stupid, so it's not that surprising.
If you can't find your proper place for voting probably you shouldn't be,and its a dumb law,both side make them everyday,and there in is the problem.

So you are FOR laws that make it harder for legal American voters to vote?
It was crammed into a long list of hate spewing on democrats.

Maybe if he didnt spend 99% of the post spewing hate I might have noticed it.

It would have been helpful if he condemed the anti American POS who wrote and passed the law instead of hating on the voters it may have been clearer huh?
Why are you opposing elections workers helping voters ?

Why do you want election workers to be held responsible for any voter claiming that they were wrongly directed?

From the original source, not some bullshit spin....

Of those 14,000-plus ballots, 3,423 were cast in Cuyahoga County, home to Turner’s district and by far the county with the most uncounted provisional ballots during the November 2008 elections due to wrong place filings.

The irony here, given Turner’s fight to get poll workers to assist voters, is that the casting of provisional ballots in the wrong place is most often the fault of the poll workers themselves — not voters.

PolitiFact Ohio | State Sen. Nina Turner says more than 14,000 voters cast ballots in the wrong precinct in 2008

Yet again, TM gets her ass kicked by the actual hard facts, instead of bullshit leftwing spin.
how does that have anything to do with people helping voters find the right location to vote?
If you can't find your proper place for voting probably you shouldn't be,and its a dumb law,both side make them everyday,and there in is the problem.

So you are FOR laws that make it harder for legal American voters to vote?

In 2008 it was a requirment that Poll Workers help voters find their voting precinct and STILL 14000 plus didn't. The new law makes it a non requirment but I can't find anywhere that say that poll workers still cant assist people with finding their precinct. This portion of the law seems like a non issue. Probably to make it easier for poll workers to do their jobs.
A voter cannot get a provisional ballot unless given one by a poll worker. Remember, under current law, the law in place in November 2008, poll workers were mandated to get voters to the right location even if they are voting provisionally. Ostrowski noted that it is not always poll workers fault because sometimes voters insist they are in the right location and demand a provisional ballot.

from your article
Now what would be wrong with a map that shows where to vote by where you live?

Pretty easy to help voters INSTEAD of working to NOT provide voters information
A voter cannot get a provisional ballot unless given one by a poll worker. Remember, under current law, the law in place in November 2008, poll workers were mandated to get voters to the right location even if they are voting provisionally. Ostrowski noted that it is not always poll workers fault because sometimes voters insist they are in the right location and demand a provisional ballot.

from your article

It's not 'my' article, idiot. It's from politifact. Clearly states that the main issue was poll workers sending people to the wrong place.

You take at face value the claim from someone with a clear politically motivated agenda, and ignore unbiased facts that do not back up that agenda. How very dishonest of you.
Did anyone bother to read the damned bill?

If an individual declares that the individual is eligible to vote in a jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction in which the individual desires to vote, or if, upon review of the precinct voting location guide using the residential street address provided by the individual, an election official at the polling place at which the individual desires to vote determines that the individual is not eligible to vote in that jurisdiction, the election official shall direct the individual to the polling place for the jurisdiction in which the individual appears to be eligible to vote, explain that the individual may cast a provisional ballot at the current location but the ballot will not be counted if it is cast in the wrong precinct, and provide the telephone number of the board of elections in case the individual has additional questions.

If the individual refuses to travel to the polling place for the correct jurisdiction or to the office of the board of elections to cast a ballot, the individual shall be permitted to
vote a provisional ballot at that jurisdiction
in accordance with division (B) of this section.

Essentially, they ARE required to direct voters to the correct precinct.
Did anyone bother to read the damned bill?

If an individual declares that the individual is eligible to vote in a jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction in which the individual desires to vote, or if, upon review of the precinct voting location guide using the residential street address provided by the individual, an election official at the polling place at which the individual desires to vote determines that the individual is not eligible to vote in that jurisdiction, the election official shall direct the individual to the polling place for the jurisdiction in which the individual appears to be eligible to vote, explain that the individual may cast a provisional ballot at the current location but the ballot will not be counted if it is cast in the wrong precinct, and provide the telephone number of the board of elections in case the individual has additional questions.

If the individual refuses to travel to the polling place for the correct jurisdiction or to the office of the board of elections to cast a ballot, the individual shall be permitted to
vote a provisional ballot at that jurisdiction
in accordance with division (B) of this section.

Essentially, they ARE required to direct voters to the correct precinct.

Yes, but there was an amendment suggested (and refused) to stop poll workers from directing voters. TruthDon'tMatter attests that this was a deliberate attempt by Republicans to stop people voting. Rational, intelligent people know it was to because the poll workers were responsible for the wrong directions.

Not rocket science but still it is so far over the head of TruthDon'tMatter that it could be on the fucking shuttle.
Did anyone bother to read the damned bill?

If an individual declares that the individual is eligible to vote in a jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction in which the individual desires to vote, or if, upon review of the precinct voting location guide using the residential street address provided by the individual, an election official at the polling place at which the individual desires to vote determines that the individual is not eligible to vote in that jurisdiction, the election official shall direct the individual to the polling place for the jurisdiction in which the individual appears to be eligible to vote, explain that the individual may cast a provisional ballot at the current location but the ballot will not be counted if it is cast in the wrong precinct, and provide the telephone number of the board of elections in case the individual has additional questions.

If the individual refuses to travel to the polling place for the correct jurisdiction or to the office of the board of elections to cast a ballot, the individual shall be permitted to
vote a provisional ballot at that jurisdiction
in accordance with division (B) of this section.

Essentially, they ARE required to direct voters to the correct precinct.

Yes, but there was an amendment suggested (and refused) to stop poll workers from directing voters. TruthDon'tMatter attests that this was a deliberate attempt by Republicans to stop people voting. Rational, intelligent people know it was to because the poll workers were responsible for the wrong directions.

Not rocket science but still it is so far over the head of TruthDon'tMatter that it could be on the fucking shuttle.

The OP stated:
For example, one provision added by the Ohio House barred poll workers from helping voters find their correct precinct for voting if they end up in the wrong place.

The obvious implication in the OP is that this was part of the bill which was passed, and an evil plot by the GOP.

Essentially... the OP lied.

I'm starting to see a pattern of that from this particular poster. Sad that they have so little to stand on in regards to Democratic ideals, policies and platforms, that the OP has to resort to bold faced lies to attack the opposition in the hopes that it will draw attention away from the ever more obvious shortcomings of their party.
I dont , I want everyone to vote.

I want every person who disagrees with me to have their legal vote counted.

Why do you all here defend tactics that make it harder and harder for people to vote?

Except of course if you were in the military from the State of Florida in the year 2000.

And you continually ignore the fact that people can only legally vote in the precinct they live in if they are a living citizen. If they are living in another precint, then the vote isn't legal. If they are dead, their vote isn't legal. If they are not a citizen, their vote isn't legal.

I have no idea why you seem to think voter fraud is acceptable, likely because it benefits Democrats, but no matter what party fraud "benefits" the people are screwed by it. Stop fighting for corruption and fight for honesty and truth for once in your life.
Did anyone bother to read the damned bill?

Essentially, they ARE required to direct voters to the correct precinct.

Yes, but there was an amendment suggested (and refused) to stop poll workers from directing voters. TruthDon'tMatter attests that this was a deliberate attempt by Republicans to stop people voting. Rational, intelligent people know it was to because the poll workers were responsible for the wrong directions.

Not rocket science but still it is so far over the head of TruthDon'tMatter that it could be on the fucking shuttle.

The OP stated:
For example, one provision added by the Ohio House barred poll workers from helping voters find their correct precinct for voting if they end up in the wrong place.

The obvious implication in the OP is that this was part of the bill which was passed, and an evil plot by the GOP.

Essentially... the OP lied.

I'm starting to see a pattern of that from this particular poster. Sad that they have so little to stand on in regards to Democratic ideals, policies and platforms, that the OP has to resort to bold faced lies to attack the opposition in the hopes that it will draw attention away from the ever more obvious shortcomings of their party.
She's well known for whackery and quackery.

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