Republicans Are Not Celebrating the Texas Abortion Law. Here's Why

During the decades since the USSC's decision permitting abortion, the GOP has been dangling-the-carrot of overturning Roe v Wade in front of their anti-choice base, always promising, "This will be the year."

It has been the issue Republican candidates promised to "fix" that put (and kept) most of them in office election after election.

The Texas law will screw countless GOP politicians in the 2022 Mid-terms. Without the abortion issue, and with the trump influence polluting right-wing politics, the measure of fascism is all that remains to separate one Republican politician from another.

The measure of fascism from the leftist Democrats is the only measure that counts.....since it's the Democrats that have the majority and the power... and consequently, it's the Democrats coming up with most of the "mandates". Sure, there's a few RINOs in there doing the same thing... but they will be dealt with, hopefully sooner vs. later.
The measure of fascism from the leftist Democrats is the only measure that counts.....since it's the Democrats that have the majority and the power... and consequently, it's the Democrats coming up with most of the "mandates". Sure, there's a few RINOs in there doing the same thing... but they will be dealt with, hopefully sooner vs. later.
Are you actually saying because one political party wins in an election, that automatically makes them fascists? Wow. The entire point of having people of your own party win an election is precisely to enact legislation. Thats the entire purpose of Congress. Oh wait i get it you're calling them fascists because you lost and have to sit around for X number of years until YOUR party gets in and starts to enact legislation. But you wont consider them fascists now will you?
You are an idiot to the extreme Colon.
The last election, immigration wasn't an issue because Trump had it down to a drip.
Biden opened up the border to where it became an immediate issue.
If you lived in this country you would know that.
From the Gallup Poll Most important Problems From Aug 21 Poll Most Important Problem
Coronavirus/Diseases26 %
The government/Poor leadership16 %
Immigration 11 %

That what I said. It wasn't an issue and you never said a word. Only when trump said he would build a wall that he never did and neither did Mexico PAY for it, is when you all belch your xenophobia.

All that is history now. Trump was voted out by his own republicans and that's what you guys will never acknowledge which its why it is so embarrassing.
Another Dana crying thread. No, this will not hurt Republicans. All women don’t favor killing unborn children you disgusting ghoul. The fact that you expect them to walk in lockstep with you is telling......

Yes it will hurt Republicans among suburban women. A 6 week old fetus is not a child. Women do have a right to have some say in it. You are the one who is disgusting.
Borders, Language and Culture. The United States is a sovereign and free nation. Somehow by saying that , people are branded bigots and racists and other names for that. When the borders are erased, and the languages are many, and the cultures clash with each other will know what you wrought in a much poorer defunct area of the world that was once the envy of the planet.

You think America discovered freedom. Not so. Not is it the greatest country on earth if you haven't visited many like I have.
Don't threaten me with future disasters etc and blame me for it.
The expansive military is typical of a country that bashes it's way into invading other countries by pure size if the military.

The election of trump showed the collective mentality to be grossly flawed and the Chinese recognised that immediately. They are now in control and republicans are responsible for it.
What is the difference? What does the TX AG have to do with the PA election?
According to the Supreme Court, nothing. Either way liberals complain about out of state laws way more than conservatives.

I concede you make a good point, but I'm pretty much done on this one. I'm not from Texas and should concern myself with my own legislators. I can't see my state following suit on this.
A nice msn opinion piece, but is expected from them.
People in Texas are more in tune to what's happening at the
border and who's responsible for that.
But, what ever gets you to sleep nights, go with it.
That’s nice of you to bring up the border and all but since we are talking about the abortion law, what are your thoughts on how republicans feel about that?
Why can't lefties accept the rule of law? Are they so freaking bloodthirsty that they can't tolerate a single state preserving the lives of humans with a heartbeat? The ironic thing is that they would be horrified if technicians went around aborting dogs or elephants.
Most Americans believe abortion should be legal, however a higher percentage of women are pro-life than men.


Looks like it's flipped again then. I'm happy to see that for now at least half of my gender is for seeing a baby get the chance at life.
Too bad it's not true with women.
Why can't lefties accept the rule of law? Are they so freaking bloodthirsty that they can't tolerate a single state preserving the lives of humans with a heartbeat? The ironic thing is that they would be horrified if technicians went around aborting dogs or elephants.
Wow. Now you're comparing humans with free will to dogs and elephants.

It is the right wing nut jobs that cant accept the rule of law. They had to make a law to circumvent the law of the land using two methods. But I wouldnt expect someone comparing humans to dogs to understand that sort of thing.

And it's not a heartbeat. It's actually called "fetal pole cardiac activity". It's a bunch of cells pulsing.

Your "arguments" are pretty funny though. More stupid than funny though.
That’s nice of you to bring up the border and all but since we are talking about the abortion law, what are your thoughts on how republicans feel about that?
Glad you asked, and I can expound on my prior post at the same time. The people in Texas are more concerned about the open
border than they are about saving the life of an unborn baby. I hope that cleared things up for you, Slade
That what I said. It wasn't an issue and you never said a word. Only when trump said he would build a wall that he never did and neither did Mexico PAY for it, is when you all belch your xenophobia.

All that is history now. Trump was voted out by his own republicans and that's what you guys will never acknowledge which its why it is so embarrassing.
Put down the drugs, dude. The border IS a major issue now because of the democrats open border policy.
More of an issue than the abortion issue, as a matter of fact.
Just a start by Republicans and the Radical SCOTUS.


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