Republicans Are Not Celebrating the Texas Abortion Law. Here's Why

Why can't lefties accept the rule of law? Are they so freaking bloodthirsty that they can't tolerate a single state preserving the lives of humans with a heartbeat? The ironic thing is that they would be horrified if technicians went around aborting dogs or elephants.
Texas just granted "standing" to people, who Article 3 of the constitution denies it to.
Catch and release...parsing words, huh? Over a million so far this year.
A new report from the American Immigration Council (AIC) finds the following:

Do immigrants attend their immigration court hearings? This question is central to current debates about the immigration court system. Contrary to claims by the government that most immigrants fail to appear in immigration court, our analysis of data provided by the federal government reveals that 83% of all non detained immigrants with completed or pending removal cases from Fiscal Years (FY) 2008 through 2018 attended all of their court hearings. Among those who were represented by counsel during the same time period, 96% attended all of their court hearings. Moreover, we reveal that 15% of those who were ordered deported because they didn’t appear in court successfully reopened their cases and had their removal orders rescinded. This crucial finding suggests that many individuals who fail to appear in court wanted to attend their hearings but never received notice or faced hardship in getting to court."

"In other research, it’s been found that of asylum seekers who were part of cost-effective case management programs (that the Trump administration ended), 99% of applicants complied with court dates."

It's so easy to manipulate people like you.
A new report from the American Immigration Council (AIC) finds the following:

"In other research, it’s been found that of asylum seekers who were part of cost-effective case management programs (that the Trump administration ended), 99% of applicants complied with court dates."

It's so easy to manipulate people like you.
Talk about being manipulated, AIC? :laughing0301:
A lot of married women in Texas have already become abstinent.
We can expect to see a sharp spike in domestic violence and divorce rates.

There is already a sharp demand for contraceptives, pregnancy test kits, and levonorgestrel (Plan B).

There is an increase in the number of women seeking sonograms and early abortions.
We can expect a spike in the supply of fetal tissue.

Of those women who are denied abortion, some will try to smoke, drink and drug their babies to death.
We can expect spikes in the sale of alcohol, narcotics, female incarceration and miscarriages.

Women in prison will face greater risk of rape by guards.
We can expect a spike in prison rape babies.

Babies who survive chemical torture will likely be born premature and suffer serious developmental disorders and deformities.
We can expect spikes of preemies in hospital ICUs.

Babies who are fortunate enough to be born normal still face a high risk of violence.
We can expect a spike in child abuse, infanticide. The state's child welfare system will be overwhelmed.
Are you trying to bullshit us or are you truly ignorant? With all the over the counter contraceptive stuff (often at taxpayer cost) and the instant pregnancy tests you want to tell us that married Texan women have become abstinent because they are dependent on abortion as a birth control measure? You gotta be kidding.
Glad you asked, and I can expound on my prior post at the same time. The people in Texas are more concerned about the open
border than they are about saving the life of an unborn baby. I hope that cleared things up for you, Slade
Not really. Still sounds like you are evading the topic. This thread isn’t about which issue people care more about… it’s about how republicans feel about the abortion law. Surely you know that… so why bring up the border?
Yes it will hurt Republicans among suburban women. A 6 week old fetus is not a child. Women do have a right to have some say in it. You are the one who is disgusting.
Fuck off you disgusting supporter of murdering unborn children. Yes it is a child dumbass. Women have their say when they spread their legs for any Tom Dick or Harry then don’t bother using protection. They have 6 weeks to make a decision. Now crawl back under your rock and hang your head in shame.
Put down the drugs, dude. The border IS a major issue now because of the democrats open border policy.
More of an issue than the abortion issue, as a matter of fact.

Put a sock it in dude.
Before trump it was not an issue and you know it. The abortion issue is being promoted by the godbotherers.
R v w is now law. The SC will never change that because of a religious pressure group. Just like they never wavered when trump threatened them and they threw it out.
Fuck off you disgusting supporter of murdering unborn children. Yes it is a child dumbass. Women have their say when they spread their legs for any Tom Dick or Harry then don’t bother using protection. They have 6 weeks to make a decision. Now crawl back under your rock and hang your head in shame.
Why 6 weeks? You think it’s ok to
Murder babies as long as they are younger than 6 weeks?? What’s up with that??
Why 6 weeks? You think it’s ok to
Murder babies as long as they are younger than 6 weeks?? What’s up with that??
I knew you were a stupid fuck and now you just proved it asshole. That’s the law in Texas you illiterate. Now that your “gotcha” shit just backfired, take your ignorant ass elsewhere.
I knew you were a stupid fuck and now you just proved it asshole. That’s the law in Texas you illiterate. Now that your “gotcha” shit just backfired, take your ignorant ass elsewhere.
I understand what the law says but I’m asking why you would defend such a law. It allows for killing babies that are younger than 6 weeks old. How do you justify that?
it's what I have said since the Supreme Court didn't put a stay on the law until the case was heard and decided.

People are now motivated to get out to vote against republicans. Primarily women and women are the majority in our nation.

The republicans shot themselves in the foot with this and most of them know it. Which is why most of them have remained silent on this.

Besides it will bankrupt the stage with all the lawsuits. Every woman that medical needs an abortion that would die instead the family will sue the state for everything that they can get. every woman subjected to the stupid law can sue the state or psychological trauma. The possibilities are endless and frightened when will be giving up the babies that have so much wrong with them they need 20 operations just to appear normal and survive. Children that shouldn't have been born will be will be born and the and the state will be totally responsible for it. Just for Texas are any state needs is more wards of the state. Special needs children can cost tens of millions of dollars to keep alive. The state will now have to bear this burden.
You miss the point. They ONLY care about them until forced to be born.

Once born...they don't matter any more

No they don't give a rat's ass about them before they are born.

When they call pregnant woman sluts and whores it's flagrantly apparent that they have absolutely no respect or any concern for women or the zygote inside that woman.

When they cut off public assistance to pregnant women and women with children they show further they couldn't give a rat's ass about children or a zygote.

What they care about is having a political weapon to use against anyone who doesn't agree with their views.

The last thing these people care about is a zygote, embryo, fetus or any child that's born and actually alive.
it's what I have said since the Supreme Court didn't put a stay on the law until the case was heard and decided.

People are now motivated to get out to vote against republicans. Primarily women and women are the majority in our nation.

The republicans shot themselves in the foot with this and most of them know it. Which is why most of them have remained silent on this.

On TV tonight, the governor of Texas said he was going to stop all rapists in the state. How do you stop a rapist before he rapes some one ? What crime has he committed ? I think the man is insane.
I’m not playing a game. I’m asking a straight question. Why can’t you give a straight answer?
No, you’re trying to play a gotcha game and got your ass called out on it. Take your idiocy elsewhere. It’s the law dumbfuck. That’s all the answer you need if you’re literate.
No, you’re trying to play a gotcha game and got your ass called out on it. Take your idiocy elsewhere. It’s the law dumbfuck. That’s all the answer you need if you’re literate.
A gotchya game? Why do you say that? Did I get ya? Sounds like it if you can’t give an answer to my question. Better luck next time

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