Republicans are so desperate to discredit ObamaCare that they are making shit up


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This article by the LA Times summarizes the success of ObamaCare and how republicans are distorting the numbers. The most recent republican claim is that of the millions of enrollees only a small number are paying their premiums. That's bullshit.

Then there's the question of how many enrollees have paid their initial premiums, which makes their enrollments official. Here's where the GOP has moved into the realm of fiction. Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a survey Wednesday claiming that only 67% of enrollees in the federal marketplace have paid.

Compared with other surveys on the topic, this looks like an exceptionally low number. Most other surveys have placed the figure at an average 85%, with some as high as 95%. (California's state exchange, Covered California, says insurance firms are reporting 85% payment.)

Obamacare enrollment tracker Charles Gaba calls the House report "embarrassingly flawed" and, with uncharacteristic bluntness, a "pile of crap." He points out that the report assumed erroneously that premiums on all enrollments were due no later than April 15, whereas only 63% of all enrollment payments were due by then, with the rest due Wednesday (April 30) or even sometime in May. That's a big enough mistake to invalidate the entire study. Gaba adds further that figures from state exchanges in Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon, Minnesota and Connecticut are all coming in at 95% paid or above; there's no reason why enrollments on the federal exchange should vary significantly from those figures.

Here's the takeaway: The GOP's campaign against the Affordable Care Act is still at full cry, but it's becoming more desperate with every passing day.
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Both sides make up stuff, particularly when the other side got away with something they did not like.
The freaking law started out to be 3,000 pages and even democrats who voted for the monstrosity didn't freaking read it and it turned into about 10,000 pages. The then speaker of the house , Nancy Pelosi, insulted the entire system when she said "you can find out what's in it after you vote for it". The president has no Constitutional authority to amend a a bill after the fact that that he signed into law but he got away with it because the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the administration. Nothing works. You can't keep your doctor as Hussein famously stated. The people who signed on the the system are the people who lost their health care as a result of the law that was hastily created in the middle of the night by amateurs and interns and passed with intimidation and threats and bribes. If the freaking law really worked why would democrats be running like rats from a sinking ship?
Let's see now, Republicans have used their biggest guns on Obamacare calling it communism, socialism, and even threw in the death panel scare, all to no avail. In addition the Republican House has voted for it's repeal almost fifty times, and Obamacare is still here, and each day Obamacare becomes more American like Medicare, Social Security and other Democratic programs. Still, it wouldn't surprise me that in another fifty years Republicans will be claiming Obamacare as a Republican program because Republicans gave it the name Obamacare. Bless Republicans.
Provide a link to a credible source. The LA Times is far from that.

More credible sources say that around 33% have paid their premiums. I wouldn't trust the LA Times to report on anything.
Let's see now, Republicans have used their biggest guns on Obamacare calling it communism, socialism, and even threw in the death panel scare, all to no avail. In addition the Republican House has voted for it's repeal almost fifty times, and Obamacare is still here, and each day Obamacare becomes more American like Medicare, Social Security and other Democratic programs. Still, it wouldn't surprise me that in another fifty years Republicans will be claiming Obamacare as a Republican program because Republicans gave it the name Obamacare. Bless Republicans.

Ha ha dumbass! You promote Medicare, Social Security, and Obamacare as good things! What an imbecile.
Provide a link to a credible source. The LA Times is far from that.

More credible sources say that around 33% have paid their premiums. I wouldn't trust the LA Times to report on anything.

:lol: what is this 33% source? Fox News? This LA Times article is citing other articles. You're full of shit anyway. If this article claimed the opposite, you would jump all over it.
I wonder how many employers are waiting on their 3000% percent decrease in the cost of premiums for their employees.

[ame=]Obama says plan cuts premiums 3000% heckled by unemployed - YouTube[/ame]
According to the OP, some republican must of just made the 3000% figure up.
This article by the LA Times summarizes the success of ObamaCare and how republicans are distorting the numbers. The most recent republican claim is that of the millions of enrollees only a small number are paying their premiums. That's bullshit.

Then there's the question of how many enrollees have paid their initial premiums, which makes their enrollments official. Here's where the GOP has moved into the realm of fiction. Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a survey Wednesday claiming that only 67% of enrollees in the federal marketplace have paid.

Compared with other surveys on the topic, this looks like an exceptionally low number. Most other surveys have placed the figure at an average 85%, with some as high as 95%. (California's state exchange, Covered California, says insurance firms are reporting 85% payment.)

Obamacare enrollment tracker Charles Gaba calls the House report "embarrassingly flawed" and, with uncharacteristic bluntness, a "pile of crap." He points out that the report assumed erroneously that premiums on all enrollments were due no later than April 15, whereas only 63% of all enrollment payments were due by then, with the rest due Wednesday (April 30) or even sometime in May. That's a big enough mistake to invalidate the entire study. Gaba adds further that figures from state exchanges in Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon, Minnesota and Connecticut are all coming in at 95% paid or above; there's no reason why enrollments on the federal exchange should vary significantly from those figures.

Here's the takeaway: The GOP's campaign against the Affordable Care Act is still at full cry, but it's becoming more desperate with every passing day.

LA Times

Dude...I hate to be rude, but...

You're just now figuring this out?


Can't find anything on this:

"Compared with other surveys on the topic, this looks like an exceptionally low number. Most other surveys have placed the figure at an average 85%, with some as high as 95%. (California's state exchange, Covered California, says insurance firms are reporting 85% payment.)"

Do you have another source?

Source for what exactly? I provided two more links on this thread confirming the story of GOP's distortion.
This article by the LA Times summarizes the success of ObamaCare and how republicans are distorting the numbers. The most recent republican claim is that of the millions of enrollees only a small number are paying their premiums. That's bullshit.

Then there's the question of how many enrollees have paid their initial premiums, which makes their enrollments official. Here's where the GOP has moved into the realm of fiction. Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a survey Wednesday claiming that only 67% of enrollees in the federal marketplace have paid.

Compared with other surveys on the topic, this looks like an exceptionally low number. Most other surveys have placed the figure at an average 85%, with some as high as 95%. (California's state exchange, Covered California, says insurance firms are reporting 85% payment.)

Obamacare enrollment tracker Charles Gaba calls the House report "embarrassingly flawed" and, with uncharacteristic bluntness, a "pile of crap." He points out that the report assumed erroneously that premiums on all enrollments were due no later than April 15, whereas only 63% of all enrollment payments were due by then, with the rest due Wednesday (April 30) or even sometime in May. That's a big enough mistake to invalidate the entire study. Gaba adds further that figures from state exchanges in Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon, Minnesota and Connecticut are all coming in at 95% paid or above; there's no reason why enrollments on the federal exchange should vary significantly from those figures.

Here's the takeaway: The GOP's campaign against the Affordable Care Act is still at full cry, but it's becoming more desperate with every passing day.

LA Times

LA times???? :lmao:

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