Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Why is it whites keep repeating this? Whites reinforced thier racism with law and policy and have built a system on it whereby they control the resources in that system. Calling a white person a name is not the same thing.

Racism is racism is racism. There are not different rules for different ethnicities. If you base you decisions on somebody's race then you are racist. Doesn't matter if you are white, black, Korean or whatever. Personally? I find Indians and Japanese people very racist.

You're wrong.
What I think we can do is stop lying about the impact of laws and policies made. Things did not just stop because a law was changed or a process was determined to be illegal, nor was the damage created erased. his is the ONLY issue where people are told how the past doesn't matter and it is no coincidence the offending group is the one pushing this claim.
This needs to be highlighted and stated again, thank you.

Really? You feel that untrue slurs on an entire group of people "need to be stated again"? Why, precisely? I'm still trying to figure out what possible purpose you think dishonesty can serve.

Absolutely no one has suggested "the past doesn't matter". What we HAVE suggested is that no one gets to claim perpetual victimhood for themselves based on wrongs done to people who died before he or she was even born.

There are many lessons to be learned from the human race's history of slavery, but "blacks are special victims forever" and "all white people for the rest of eternity are guilty" are not among them.

It is very dfficult to debate people who really don't have the information necessary to be debating. The lesson you don't seem to have learned is that slavery was not the only thing that was done and the racism whites practiced after slavery impacts our lives now. Then we have the matter of how whites continue being racists while lying about how it's not going on.

Professor Carol Anderson has accurately noted that white racism cannot just be described by acts of white racial violence. She states that white racism happens in the courts, the legislatures, through city councils and school boards. It’s not about a klan rally, it’s about the passing of laws and policies.
What if it's a cultural dislike, and therefore it causes one culture to dislike things about another culture (not because of racism), and especially when it actually has absolutely nothing to do with ones skin color at all ??

Are people required to accept each other because of their color in life, and not be allowed to opt out if they don't like what they experience (and also) shouldn't people be allowed to choose those friends and family members who are more in tune with their values, characters, beliefs, and plan in life ??

We are required to accept and respect the existence of others. And you can do all that without the things racism has entailed.
Now we can play games o we can recognize hat without those 1965 provisions we did not have the right to vote. These racists want to deny everything we say

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.
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Why 'Reverse Discrimination' Isn't Real

If there's one thing I can't stand about Internet discourse on social justice issues, it's that people who are completely unaware of the context of the world in which they live are allowed to have opinions about said world.

Certain conservative media outlets and ignorant masses have deemed the alleged murder of nine black people in the historically black South Carolina church by a 21-year-old white male as not a black-and-white problem or a race problem but as a "people problem."

The problem with crying reverse discrimination

We don't exist in a vacuum in which all groups have equal power. Within every system -- from racism to sexism to classism to body-shaming to heteronormativity to religion and everything in between -- there's a privileged group and there's a disadvantaged group, with the former having all the power and the latter having none of it.

Discrimination is not about getting your feelings hurt. Discrimination is about being treated unfairly in every aspect of your life, every single day of your life.

Which is why reverse discrimination isn't real, ever.

Why 'Reverse Discrimination' Isn't Real
Bullshit, discrimination happens all the time, not every single day of ones life. You don't get to make up new definitions.
Now we can play games o we can recognize hat without those 1965 provisions we did not have the right to vote. These racists want to deny everything we say

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist. .I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement. The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.
Someone needs to let you know that I started school in 1966. The black school in our town was closed. No one white was forced to go to a black school here. We were forced to go to the formerly all white schools and endured racism from white kids, white parents, teachers and administrators. White kids got anger from blacks because of the way whites treaded blacks and from the open opposition whites had to their kids going to n word schools and how hey did not want their children exposed to n words. A lot of whites dropped out because they did not want to be around blacks. I say whites have not suffered because what was going on was the assurance if equality regardless of race which whites opposed. How anyone can say whites suffered because the country was trying to make things equal for all people is a wee bit much.
Well it shows just how one sided your history is, and yes white students who were taught by their parents to fear the blacks and black culture back then, may have been confused until they met black racist who confirmed their worst fears about them. Then they met those blacks who were willing to give the white kids a chance and vice-versa the same for the black kids who were forced to go to the white schools, and found those whites who were willing to give the black kids a chance aside from the resistance they may have endured as well.

In all of this, yes sacrifices were made on both sides, and yes there is going to always be people who don't like each other's culture or cultural habits, but that doesn't mean that American's can't get along in the public square as American's.

The black school in your area closed, so no whites were forced to go there, but if they would have been forced to go there, and they would have met you, then all I can say is "Lord help them"... That would have been the three words of the day in regards to them in that situation.

You might need to re asses what you have learned about history if you think I am one sided. Because your story is dishonest. You see I know what I experienced from whites all the way through the time I graduated from college. Had whites in our town been made to go to the .black school, we would have faced the same racism. Thy didn't want to do it, so they decided o close the school. That's how far the white racism went here. And what you don't want to tell us is that whites were bused to lack schools full of racist beliefs and when they expressed them they got taught lessons for ding so. .I'm sure that white kid bought up being taught how inferior and stupid blacks are accepted the black teachers authority, You don't want talk about that, whites were just discriminated against only because they were white accord to your story.

You actually have the audacity to think that a people bullied for their entire lives by whites are just all going to be nice and accepting of whites. .And the thing about your commentary is that you tell us how whites and blacks have sacrificed but only blacks should be grateful to whites. The title of this thread is are blacks more racist than whites. You guys claim we are based on nothing but anecdotal evidence. We have cited laws, policies, and documented historical fact showing a minimum 241 year consistent record of racial hatred by whites against black people.
Dishonest eh ? Can you prove I'm lying or are you just projecting again ?? I like how you think, and I mean THINK you got all the answers, but in fact you don't.

I was bussed to an all black school in the 60's, and I was sacrificed on the civil rights alter.

Don't tell me I'm lying, because you have no clue what I know about this kind of stuff.

I had a black friend who had a racist black brother, and he hated me because I was white at 11 years old. Now what kind of racist could I have been having his brother as my friend at 11 years old in life ? LOL

Don't tell me blacks can't be racist, because I know better than that, and don't tell me that black majority schools back then weren't hell holes for whites who were forced to go there because some were racist hell holes for whites. Now whether they (the blacks) are more racist these days than whites I really couldn't tell ya.

I'm going to call you a liar and that's because you are lying. I was alive in the 1960's. You want to run your mouth off about how you went a racist black school and how a black friends brother hated you only because you were white. This is a disingenuous story at best. Whites had been allowed to be racists by law until the md 1960's, but you think we all should ignore this read your post about your ass being a white victim of black racism. Why in the hell to you think blacks just might not like whites in the 1960's? In the 1960's whites were still killing, raping, and robbing blacks get away with those crimes, And f you think things were just only happening in the south, scrap that lie.

List of Jim Crow law examples by state
List of Jim Crow law examples by state - Wikipedia

This list alone shows whites are more racist. Blacshve dine nthng like his. Ever.

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern states began passing civil rights laws that prohibited discrimination – in theory, at least – and protected voting rights, long before Congress passed similar laws in the 1960s.

Northerners have forgotten, however, how hard it was for blacks living above the Mason-Dixon Line to struggle to achieve rudimentary freedoms.

While the North has had no Selma march, no Birmingham church bombing, and no George Wallace pronouncement of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” virtually every northern city had its share of racial killings, cross burnings and white riots.

Jim Crow in the North

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern racism and segregation above the Mason-Dixon line

To scholars, however, the North as a land of liberty has become a straw man. No reflective historian any longer believes it. Scholars have focused on the North’s dark side. They have shown slavery’s deep roots in New England and New York City. Histories of twentieth-century America reveal the North’s bloody record of racial violence, and its stunningly segregated landscape of affluent white suburbs and destitute brown cities. In recent works of history, the North and the South emerge as rough racial equivalents: the South had Mississippi; the North had the Boston busing crisis. If the progressive side of the North enters into these stories, it is depicted as a rhetorical mask that hides the reality of racism.

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern...

I'm not fooled by gaslighting and I don't cry crocodile tears. Your story leaves out the truth and you purposefully do so. That makes what you say a lie. We have said blacks are not as racist as whts and the facts bear those out. 1500 whites in a Rasmussen poll doesn't give your fake beliefs credibility. You can come in here ganging up on people in your little white racist havens all you want but n the real world your shit s debunked as lunacy. I'm sure you ran into some angry blacks in the 1960s and it was because if the things whites did. Overt white racism is what you were the victim of. Overt and legalized white racism made blacks not like white people. But you'd rather avoid that truth and claim you were the victim of back racists instead. And that's a lie.
So in your mind black racism against innocent whites was and always will be justified because of the ole white racist past that has since been disjoined from the non-racist future ?? At what point will you let my white people go, and let them go on to live their lives free from your chains now being placed around their necks ?? See how that works ?

Two wrongs never make a right, now move on with your life and quit begging already.

Just understand there should never have been a first wrong, face the fact the same wrong is being committed and then run along loser.
Are you still yammering on about the evils of decades ago as though they have current relevance?

Are black people being required to read and comprehend something NOW which they have no ability to accomplish? Is some state requiring a literacy test to vote of which I am unaware? No? Hmm, then I guess you're wasting time, arentcha?

And more to the point, does blithering about literacy tests way back when have ANY effect on whether or not IM2's claims that "black voting rights had to be renewed"?
LOL, everytime you say something it reminds me of the face of that snarling woman in the photo of the Little Rock Nine. I tried to post it here but for some reason the system won't let me. Maybe a link will work
1957: The Civil Rights Movement
View attachment 192379

And just as an aside, George Zimmerman is at it again:
Zimmerman allegedly stalked private eye working on Jay-Z's Trayvon doc

George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murdering unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, has been charged with stalking a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about the case.

Over the course of nine days in December, Dennis Warren got 55 calls, 67 text messages, 36 voicemails and 27 emails from Zimmerman, according to court documents. Zimmerman allegedly also threatened to feed the investigator to an alligator, the court papers show.

Zimmerman, who's had several run-ins with law enforcement since the racially charged 2012 case that ignited protests, is scheduled to be arraigned on the single misdemeanor charge on May 30.

Warren declined to comment, but according to a probable cause affidavit from the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, he was hired by a production company working with Jay-Z to contact people about participating in a TV series titled "Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story."​

Not surprising. What is amazing is that no one has "Stood Their Ground" with him yet.
  • Thanks
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So in your mind black racism against innocent whites was and always will be justified because of the ole white racist past that has since been disjoined from the non-racist future ?? At what point will you let my white people go, and let them go on to live their lives free from your chains now being placed around their necks ?? See how that works ?


Yep we're just penalizing whites for things done in the long ago past.

So in your mind black racism against innocent whites was and always will be justified because of the ole white racist past that has since been disjoined from the non-racist future ?? At what point will you let my white people go, and let them go on to live their lives free from your chains now being placed around their necks ?? See how that works ?


Yep we're just penalizing whites for things done in the long ago past.


As ridiculous as this
You're wrong.

Which part.

All of it. I realize you can't understand how I can say that but the problem for many whites is they want to call everyone else a racist because of how some treat them but everyone else has not done to others what whites have done.
All of it. I realize you can't understand how I can say that but the problem for many whites is they want to call everyone else a racist because of how some treat them but everyone else has not done to others what whites have done.

Oh yeah they have. Whites are racist for sure. But so are Indians. And Japanese. And Chinese. And Africans....

Who do you think sold the slaves to Europeans? Arabs and fellow Africans.
Now we can play games o we can recognize hat without those 1965 provisions we did not have the right to vote. These racists want to deny everything we say

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did. Even before the 15th was ratified.
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Now we can play games o we can recognize hat without those 1965 provisions we did not have the right to vote. These racists want to deny everything we say

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did.
IM2 is his own dictionary.
All of it. I realize you can't understand how I can say that but the problem for many whites is they want to call everyone else a racist because of how some treat them but everyone else has not done to others what whites have done.

Oh yeah they have. Whites are racist for sure. But so are Indians. And Japanese. And Chinese. And Africans....

Who do you think sold the slaves to Europeans? Arabs and fellow Africans.

I am fully aware of the extent of the African slave trade. Apparently you are not. But I'm talking about America. It is interesting how American whites look for every excuse on earth to deny what they caused because if their racism. Germans took responsibility for what they did to Jews, Canadians formed a truth and reconciliation commission and are working to rectify wrongs they committed against the original nations there. But in America, the white man has decided he gets to do what he wants to others, there are no consequences and when he gets slapped by the fact he reaped the anger he sowed, he wants to cry about others being racist.
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Now we can play games o we can recognize hat without those 1965 provisions we did not have the right to vote. These racists want to deny everything we say

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did. Even before the 15th was ratified.

I am done arguing about the right for blacks to vote. I'm black, was born before blacks got to vote. Old blacks told stories about how they could not vote. When I was born blacks who were alive in the 1800's still lived. Most of them were children of slaves or their grand parents were slaves. Both my grandmothers were born in the 1800's. My mothers mom was born in 1885. My dads, 1893. So a white man telling me that's not so just isn't going to be listened to

LOL! You have not faced black racism. What you are dong is pretending that whites did nothing to create the anger you faced and concocted a story you can use to reduce our experiences into something that happens to everyone so we have no right to complain.

Who are "these racists" you refer to?

and instead of answering the question I posted to them which would show just how much more racist whites are, they want to argue about how our rights were not ever denied because according to them the 15th amendment gave us the right to vote therefore we had the right to vote.

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

We as blacks all know that was not the case yet these whites still want to argue how we actually had such rights even as the bill itself was called the Voting Rights Act. Not one of these guys can explain to us, no matter how they try twisting and spinning, any instance where the white ability to vote was ever up for renewal and they cannot tell us when there was ever added constitutional amendment to make sure the right to vote was protected. But each and every one of these cowards want keep arguing about how our right to vote wasn't up for renewal in 2006. .

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Correll has weaseled out of producing evidence that shows a national policy of anti white discrimination. Not one of them have been able to produce the necessary evidence that shows racism against people of color has ended. Not one time have any of these people produced any evidence of laws, polices or anything else enacted by blacks that deny whites opportunities. but we are accused of being racists and even at that, more racist than whites. It's time that stopped.

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Yes they are. Law and policies create the racism.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did. Even before the 15th was ratified.

I am done arguing about the right for blacks to vote. I'm black, was born before blacks got to vote. Old blacks told stories about how they could not vote. When I was born blacks who were alive in the 1800's still lived. Most of them were children of slaves or their grand parents were slaves. Both my grandmothers were born in the 1800's. My mothers mom was born in 1885. My dads, 1893. So a white man telling me that's not so just isn't going to be listened to

LOL! You have not faced black racism. What you are dong is pretending that whites did nothing to create the anger you faced and concocted a story you can use to reduce our experiences into something that happens to everyone so we have no right to complain.
The generational grudge you are holding onto is hurting you a lot more than any white person!
Whites here miss this simple spiritual principle.

Galatians 6:7 King James Version (KJV)

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

The general idea behind "you reap what you sow" is that actions will have consequences.

Whites have sowed racial hate and animosity for more than 2 centuries, yet you think you can do so with no consequence. Instead of taking responsibility for what you sowed, you want to blame everyone else for being racists.
Who are "these racists" you refer to?

I for one already answered that question for you. Now answer one for me: If blacks did not have the legal right to vote (15th Amendment) then why did the racists bother coming up with literacy tests? If blacks did not have the legal right to vote the racists could have just simply said "Get outta here. You don't have the right to vote."

That has been my point all along. The right was there on paper but some areas just came up with requirements they knew the blacks couldn't meet. And I'm sure there was intimidation and threats and such.
Simply put, Legally, blacks had the right to vote as per the 15th Amendment.

The right to vote WAS NOT RENEWED. The provisions were renewed. This is not a difference in semantics, it is simply the truth. I asked you a question. Do you deny that if the provisions were done away with tomorrow that blacks would still have the right to vote?

Enacting racist laws and policies are not required to be a racist. Ergo, some blacks are racist. I know because I've been a victim of it.

Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

The right to vote was up for enwall. That's what I said and it's what I will continue to say.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

The statement was made that blacks are more racist than whites so to the extent blacks have not taken racism to the level of enacting laws and policies denying whites of anything then we cannot be more racist than whites.

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did. Even before the 15th was ratified.

I am done arguing about the right for blacks to vote. I'm black, was born before blacks got to vote. Old blacks told stories about how they could not vote. When I was born blacks who were alive in the 1800's still lived. Most of them were children of slaves or their grand parents were slaves. Both my grandmothers were born in the 1800's. My mothers mom was born in 1885. My dads, 1893. So a white man telling me that's not so just isn't going to be listened to

LOL! You have not faced black racism. What you are dong is pretending that whites did nothing to create the anger you faced and concocted a story you can use to reduce our experiences into something that happens to everyone so we have no right to complain.
The generational grudge you are holding onto is hurting you a lot more than any white person!

Not really. It would hurt me much more to be a punk ass bitch ignoring your racism like you want us to do. This ain't about a generational anything. Stop lying to yourself about what this is about.
Enacting racist laws and policies does not create racism, it creates racial oppression. Racism is a choice and cannot be created by a law or by any other means.

You're the one who linked the article, didn't you read it? If not, why? If so, why do you insist the right to vote was renewed when that is not what the article said?

I for one can't say which side has more racists but I do know that power and authority are not required to be racist; that oppression is not required to be racist and that some blacks are.

Yes power and authority are required to be racist.

Racism + Power and authority are required for racial oppression. Racism requires, as per the Webster's definition: "1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Nowhere does it say anything about power and authority and for that matter, it doesn't even mention racial oppression. How do you reconcile your assertion that power and authority are required when the dictionary mentions neither? Also, I have no power or authority so if I was a neo-nazi waving a "White Power" flag, would I not still be racist?

Blacks don't get ownership of the word "racism". Racism against - and racial oppression of - blacks throughout history are well known so it's not necessary to change the definition of the word just to impress upon people the egregiousness of it. Slavery and the ensuing racism and oppression were horrible, no one denies that. But as horrible as it was, calling a white person "whitey" or "cracker" is still racist. I am completely baffled by the fact that you refuse to see that.

I'm not going to keep arguing with you about the 2006 Vote. I read the link. I said what I did and I meant it. You say some blacks are racists, which considering how blacks have been treated is a pretty disingenuous statement.

The way blacks were treated does not nullify racism on the part of blacks. And as I've said before, I was a victim of it myself. There's nothing disingenuous about saying that the black guy who spit on me was racist.

The 15th amendment was written but blacks were not allow to vote. Per nothing.

Actually, some were. This article from 2004 clearly shows that in some areas, blacks were allowed to vote and they did. Even before the 15th was ratified.

I am done arguing about the right for blacks to vote. I'm black, was born before blacks got to vote. Old blacks told stories about how they could not vote. When I was born blacks who were alive in the 1800's still lived. Most of them were children of slaves or their grand parents were slaves. Both my grandmothers were born in the 1800's. My mothers mom was born in 1885. My dads, 1893. So a white man telling me that's not so just isn't going to be listened to

LOL! You have not faced black racism. What you are dong is pretending that whites did nothing to create the anger you faced and concocted a story you can use to reduce our experiences into something that happens to everyone so we have no right to complain.
The generational grudge you are holding onto is hurting you a lot more than any white person!

Not really. It would hurt me much more to be a punk ass bitch ignoring your racism like you want us to do. This ain't about a generational anything. Stop lying to yourself about what this is about.
You first stop lying to yourself that you're not just a big fat floppy sack of brown racist skin.
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