Republicans beginning to admit to undermining democracy



Doug Preisse, chairman of the Republican Party in Franklin County, which contains the city of Columbus, admitted in an email to the Columbus Dispatch that black voters would now have a more difficult time voting:
I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine. Let’s be fair and reasonable.

Secretary of State Husted most recently suspended two Democratic members of the Montgomery County Election Board for voting to allow weekend voting in spite of the directive to restrict hours.

Ohio GOP Election Board Member: Our Voting Process Shouldn't Accommodate Black Voters


This isn't about "photo ID". This is clearly about restricting voter rights.

Speaking of Voter ID:


The comment has Democrats on edge, as they say it further proves their argument that the law was politically motivated and created to help Republicans.

"Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done," he said, drawing applause.

Pennsylvania lawmaker sparks fire over voter ID comment – CNN Political Ticker


Finally, some Republicans are being truthful and telling America they are trying to "undermine democracy".

Now the "can of worms".

Polls put Romney's support from the black community at ZERO. Yes, "0%". I have voted in every election since Nixon and Republicans have received a portion of the black vote in every election. But this time is different and not just because the president is black.

Going after the rights of African Americans and attempting to take away their right to vote is "aggression". This is a declaration of war. Do Republicans think today's black Americans will take this type of attack? Remember, it's only war if they "fight back". And they will "fight back". Believe it. This is a can of worms Republicans will wish they never opened. You heard it here first.
Oh Lawd, did ya ever think this might be about doing what's right?? You know making sure the person voting was actually alive????
Oh Lawd, did ya ever think this might be about doing what's right?? You know making sure the person voting was actually alive????

I guess you missed the part about cutting days and shortening hours while targeting blacks.

You can't hide behind "Photo ID" anymore. Republican leaders have spilled the beans.
Oh Lawd, did ya ever think this might be about doing what's right?? You know making sure the person voting was actually alive????

I guess you missed the part about cutting days and shortening hours while targeting blacks.

You can't hide behind "Photo ID" anymore. Republican leaders have spilled the beans.

Pssst, in case you didn't know, the rest of the US is not a bit like Chicago. Nope, not even close. Your alderman knows this but he doesn't want you to know. :eusa_shhh:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
With unemployment in the black community so high during this administration, how could you find hours and days when blacks couldn't vote?
In Ohio it's tradition for African Americans to vote after church. It's a great way to ensure that the elderly and disabled have rides to the polling places.
In Ohio it's tradition for African Americans to vote after church. It's a great way to ensure that the elderly and disabled have rides to the polling places.

So traditionally they must vote on Sunday after church or their rights are being taken away??

Seriously, did you really just type that?? :eusa_hand:
Have we hit your "Romney is a poopy head thread" 5000000 yet?

You're just flooding.
In Ohio it's tradition for African Americans to vote after church. It's a great way to ensure that the elderly and disabled have rides to the polling places.

So traditionally they must vote on Sunday after church or their rights are being taken away??

Seriously, did you really just type that?? :eusa_hand:

Could you be less whiny?

I never said that. I said its a long standing tradition in Ohio. I made no comment on rights.

However, I do feel, the cutting of hours, typcially when minorites vote, as well as the added restrictions to register voters, in many of the the swing states, feels shady to me.
If blacks are so god damn stupid they can't figure out how to do something as simple as voting what do you expect the rest of us to do?
You think that Obama using executive orders to give money to green energy and allowing millions to remain within this country. Isn't? Who's killing Democracy?
Dean really thinks blacks are inept fools. What do you all think of that?


If we're all equal then shouldn't we all be expected to observe the same standard?. Guess what all people that want to vote should have an id to vote as you should have one to drive or to get food stamps.

Without an Id, Illegals could vote in our elections. Now that's anti-democratic and takes away our voting power.
I think we should search through the hundreds of "people on welfare should not be allowed to vote" threads to find how these "real" Americans really feel about voter suppression.
I think we should search through the hundreds of "people on welfare should not be allowed to vote" threads to find how these "real" Americans really feel about voter suppression.
Be my guest. You won't find me supporting such threads.

NO ONE EXCEPT soldiers or citizens overseas needs special accommodations for voting. Period.
voter suppression is one of the only tools the repubs have left because they aren't replacing themselves fast enough.
voter suppression is one of the only tools the repubs have left because they aren't replacing themselves fast enough.

Voter fraud and allowing in millions of illegals to vote is what the democrats do. :eusa_boohoo: You're destroying this country for your thirst of power. Kind of sad. :eusa_shhh:
Anybody that is ignorant enough to believe that requiring an ID to vote only adversely affects minorities must also believe the following statements.

Requiring an ID to drive a motor vehicle only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to board an airplane only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to purchase alcohol only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to purchase tobacco only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to cash a check only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to purchase a house only adversely affects minorities.
Requiring an ID to open a bank account only adversely affects minorities.

Everyday, minorities do all of the above and have no problem supplying an ID in order to do those common everyday things.
Fools think that providing an ID to vote is somehow so much more challenging.
Oh Lawd, did ya ever think this might be about doing what's right?? You know making sure the person voting was actually alive????

I guess you missed the part about cutting days and shortening hours while targeting blacks.

You can't hide behind "Photo ID" anymore. Republican leaders have spilled the beans.

Only a racist would believe that black people are less capable than white people when it comes to voting. How does shortening the voting period hurt one race but not another?

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