Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.


That's funny!

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.

I love this libturd meme that says every corporation is right-wing and everything they do is right-wing. What better example could there be of the left's inability to commit logic?
Not every stupid. But when shellshell and blue cross are advertisers and GE owns the station.

I love it that right wingers are so gullible and brainwashed.

My brother is rich. He use to be a liberal and then he started arguing with me because his even richer bosses were brainwashing him with the right wing arguments I hear here.

I was telling him how I don't tell all the Republicans at my work that I am a liberal and he said, "do you think I tell my bosses I voted for Obama?"

I'm so proud of him. He's smart enough to not let greed make him stupid.

Maybe growing up in a union state taught him how our economy runs best when the middle class and poor get their fair share.
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.


That's funny!

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.

I love this libturd meme that says every corporation is right-wing and everything they do is right-wing. What better example could there be of the left's inability to commit logic?
Not every stupid. But when shellshell and blue cross are advertisers and GE owns the station.

I love it that right wingers are so gullible and brainwashed.

My brother is rich. He use to be a liberal and then he started arguing with me because his even richer bosses were brainwashing him with the right wing arguments I hear here.

I was telling him how I don't tell all the Republicans at my work that I am a liberal and he said, "do you think I tell my bosses I voted for Obama?"

I'm so proud of him. He's smart enough to not let greed make him stupid.

Maybe growing up in a union state taught him how our economy runs best when the middle class and poor get their fair share.

You mean like Detroit and Baltimore?

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.


That's funny!

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.

I love this libturd meme that says every corporation is right-wing and everything they do is right-wing. What better example could there be of the left's inability to commit logic?
Not every stupid. But when shellshell and blue cross are advertisers and GE owns the station.

I love it that right wingers are so gullible and brainwashed.

My brother is rich. He use to be a liberal and then he started arguing with me because his even richer bosses were brainwashing him with the right wing arguments I hear here.

I was telling him how I don't tell all the Republicans at my work that I am a liberal and he said, "do you think I tell my bosses I voted for Obama?"

I'm so proud of him. He's smart enough to not let greed make him stupid.

Maybe growing up in a union state taught him how our economy runs best when the middle class and poor get their fair share.

You mean like Detroit and Baltimore?
The entire country went bankrupt after Bush's great depression.

We were the manufacturing capital till bush sent all manufacturing overseas. And I know both sides are for free trade but corporations like unfair trade. It lowers wages and costs.

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
When roads are being fixed and they don't raise your taxes to pay because they cut corporate taxes, they looked out for you.

Ever get a paid sick day? Thank a liberal.

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
You mean the private bankers whom we owe the money to?

What did bush do for you?

Gov Rick Snyder in Michigan raised taxes and cut social programs. Only the rich benefit. This is why the gap between rich and poor is widening.

You'll hear when you listen to Bernie Sanders.

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.

that and the loss of liberty and rights

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.

that and the loss of liberty and rights
Buzz words and right wing wacko talking points says what?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

CNN is absolutely left. As to being a news source, you are accurate.
It's not really left its just not right enough for you.

Who owns CNN?

It doesn't matter who owns CNN. Business is for profit and is largely neutral.

What passes for news on CNN is nearly always slanted left.

I will admit, however, that it is superior to the networks. Their news divisions are not only adhered ramora-like to the Left, but are little more than a broadcast People Magazine.

"Keep 'em stupid, keep 'em fed." The motto of the Democratic Party.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

A Hillary Clinton supporter talking about GOP lies?

Listen to what the GOP candidates are promising

Permanent war Immediately "steel in the enemy face"[Orwellian]
Elimination of Social Security
Elimination of Medicare
Elimination of Obama care
you need to work harder
you need to work longer retire at 70 +
No minimum wage
No weekends
No overtime
Fundamentalist dogma over the Constitution

Get real anyone not in the top 5 percent of earners who is voting for this steaming pile of "Bush" is crazy.......
Listen to what the GOP candidates are promising

Permanent war Immediately "steel in the enemy face"[Orwellian]
Elimination of Social Security
Elimination of Medicare
Elimination of Obama care
you need to work harder
you need to work longer retire at 70 +
No minimum wage
No weekends
No overtime
Fundamentalist dogma over the Constitution

Get real anyone not in the top 5 percent of earners who is voting for this steaming pile of "Bush" is crazy.......

CNN is not a left wing news source.

CNN is absolutely left. As to being a news source, you are accurate.
It's not really left its just not right enough for you.

Who owns CNN?

It doesn't matter who owns CNN. Business is for profit and is largely neutral.

What passes for news on CNN is nearly always slanted left.

I will admit, however, that it is superior to the networks. Their news divisions are not only adhered ramora-like to the Left, but are little more than a broadcast People Magazine.

"Keep 'em stupid, keep 'em fed." The motto of the Democratic Party.
Wrong. Old newscasters can tell you in the past the business side never told the reporters what to report but that division has been wiped away.

So if bp is an advertiser then CNN doesn't report negatively on bp.

Yes the corporate owned media is brainwashing you. They got you worrying about gays while they f you in the a financially.

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