Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

"Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove."

Republican aren't worried about that, they practice the doctrine of repeating a lie often enough so it's perceived to be true – where demonstrating it to be a lie becomes pointless.
can you elaborate on that?....
It's impossible to disprove a NaziCon lie to NaziCons.

Well, first you need a lie to disprove.
Too late. Even Bush admits there were no WMD's.

When Bush disbanded the Iraqi Military, that resulted in the De-Ba'athification of the Iraq government and ended Bush's dream of a coalition government in Iraq. The Shiites became the main power and Iraq became close friends with Iran thus the rise of Isis.
Jeb said little bro got rid of al Qaeda in Iraq. Only there was no al Qaeda until Saddam was removed from power. Bush let al Qaeda into Iraq. Bin Laden and Saddam were enemies you see.

These are all facts. We know this to be true. It's accepted reality. Only tards believe otherwise. The ever shrinking and semi sane part of the GOP knows this to be true.

That means Jeb is lying or he doesn't know what he's talking about. Which is it?

The only thing you guys can come up with are discredited delusions. I have to admit, those delusions provoke pity and provide humor.
That means Jeb is lying or he doesn't know what he's talking about. Which is it?
i said this about you when you said what you said about which is it big talk?....
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth
so when socialism sucks what happens then?....
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.
That Bush is a liar comes as no surprise.
can you expound on that please?....
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?
what if you worked in the business with your parents and was helping them run their business that they wanted YOU to inherit and run that earning it?...
If you like your insurance you can keep it.
Healthcare premiums will drop by thousands.
You have to read the bill to find out what's in it.
Guam might tip over.
I voted for the bill before I voted against it.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
That was not my penis posted online to that woman.
Freddie & Fannie are perfectly stable.
Romney never paid his taxes.
Romney killed my spouse.
GOP wants you to eat dog food.
Depends on what the meaning of is, is.

I like rderps game. It's easy to win.
Compare that with:

Tens of thousands of young American died or were maimed in Iraq for no apparent reason.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions created no jobs anyone can point to.
Republicans have tried their best to keep millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans protected BP after that horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.
Republicans shut down the government costing billions.
Republicans got 97% of everything they wanted and then the economy was downgraded.
Republicans threatened unemployment benefits for millions if Bush Tax Cuts weren't extended.
Republicans did nothing for Middle East Christians after invading Iraq.
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China.
Republicans did nothing as more than 40,000 factories were closed.

Look at my list and the millions of Americans affected.

And look at your list. BJ's? Penis? Dog Food?

This is why you are a delusional moron. Worse, you actually believe you "won" something. What? Moron of the Millennium?
My list was largely comprised of things I remember you STRONGLY defending or excusing.

Continue derping along now
You strongly remember dog food, BJ's, one man's taxes, and Depends.

I remember what Republicans did to this country and how people suffered. I was right. You really are Moron of the Millennium.
Yes, I remember your words. You are one of the, if not the, biggest trolls on this site.
Trying to run from your idiotic statements is pointless. They are yours, embrace your stupidity.


I've questioned politicians and rightwingers from my own party. When was the last time you did? Ever?
dean would never question those he feels know more than him,why?....because they told him not too...
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.
Did you hear the courts, I think in south carolina, found that all the voter I'd laws were unconstitutional. One court even ruled it was intentional but of course another court said it wasn't intentional, but we all know better.

And it wasn't just voter I'd laws it was early voting and a bunch of other Jim Crow type stuff you know it was to discourage voters.

But its the citizens fault for not voting. It should make people want to vote more but people are sheep who think it doesn't matter when its the only thing that matters.

For example blacks don't matter because they don't vote. 95% of blacks should vote not 20%.
For example blacks don't matter because they don't vote.
if steve magarrett would have said that you or another from the left would have been all over the guy....
If you like your insurance you can keep it.
Healthcare premiums will drop by thousands.
You have to read the bill to find out what's in it.
Guam might tip over.
I voted for the bill before I voted against it.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
That was not my penis posted online to that woman.
Freddie & Fannie are perfectly stable.
Romney never paid his taxes.
Romney killed my spouse.
GOP wants you to eat dog food.
Depends on what the meaning of is, is.

I like rderps game. It's easy to win.
Compare that with:

Tens of thousands of young American died or were maimed in Iraq for no apparent reason.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions created no jobs anyone can point to.
Republicans have tried their best to keep millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans protected BP after that horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.
Republicans shut down the government costing billions.
Republicans got 97% of everything they wanted and then the economy was downgraded.
Republicans threatened unemployment benefits for millions if Bush Tax Cuts weren't extended.
Republicans did nothing for Middle East Christians after invading Iraq.
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China.
Republicans did nothing as more than 40,000 factories were closed.

Look at my list and the millions of Americans affected.

And look at your list. BJ's? Penis? Dog Food?

This is why you are a delusional moron. Worse, you actually believe you "won" something. What? Moron of the Millennium?
My list was largely comprised of things I remember you STRONGLY defending or excusing.

Continue derping along now
You strongly remember dog food, BJ's, one man's taxes, and Depends.

I remember what Republicans did to this country and how people suffered. I was right. You really are Moron of the Millennium.
Yes, I remember your words. You are one of the, if not the, biggest trolls on this site.
Trying to run from your idiotic statements is pointless. They are yours, embrace your stupidity.


I've questioned politicians and rightwingers from my own party. When was the last time you did? Ever?
Clearly you don't question them enough. You should be apologizing for the terrible post you wrote. And you don't even know why. Such shame you own and don't even know it.
Compare that with:

Tens of thousands of young American died or were maimed in Iraq for no apparent reason.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions created no jobs anyone can point to.
Republicans have tried their best to keep millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans protected BP after that horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.
Republicans shut down the government costing billions.
Republicans got 97% of everything they wanted and then the economy was downgraded.
Republicans threatened unemployment benefits for millions if Bush Tax Cuts weren't extended.
Republicans did nothing for Middle East Christians after invading Iraq.
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China.
Republicans did nothing as more than 40,000 factories were closed.

Look at my list and the millions of Americans affected.

And look at your list. BJ's? Penis? Dog Food?

This is why you are a delusional moron. Worse, you actually believe you "won" something. What? Moron of the Millennium?
My list was largely comprised of things I remember you STRONGLY defending or excusing.

Continue derping along now
You strongly remember dog food, BJ's, one man's taxes, and Depends.

I remember what Republicans did to this country and how people suffered. I was right. You really are Moron of the Millennium.
Yes, I remember your words. You are one of the, if not the, biggest trolls on this site.
Trying to run from your idiotic statements is pointless. They are yours, embrace your stupidity.


I've questioned politicians and rightwingers from my own party. When was the last time you did? Ever?
Clearly you don't question them enough. You should be apologizing for the terrible post you wrote. And you don't even know why. Such shame you own and don't even know it.
Answer the question hack.

wait for the coming dance....
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Answer the question, dupe. I'm not a dupe, because I'm not lied to by my party. The New BS GOP is totally fos. Read my sig. All fact. All unknown by GOP chumps.
I'm not a dupe, because I'm not lied to by my party
Tell me when I was lied to then. NOTHING compared to the disgrace GOP...
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Dean actually right again. Pubs have ruined the country and the world and Foxbots etc etc etc haven't heard about it....Nixon Reagan Booosh Harding Coolidge Hoover- 2 depressions, a giant pile of Pubcrappe and theft, and a million real scandals. Eisenhower was an Indie and the US had no competition. TR was alright. lol
My list was largely comprised of things I remember you STRONGLY defending or excusing.

Continue derping along now
You strongly remember dog food, BJ's, one man's taxes, and Depends.

I remember what Republicans did to this country and how people suffered. I was right. You really are Moron of the Millennium.
Yes, I remember your words. You are one of the, if not the, biggest trolls on this site.
Trying to run from your idiotic statements is pointless. They are yours, embrace your stupidity.


I've questioned politicians and rightwingers from my own party. When was the last time you did? Ever?
Clearly you don't question them enough. You should be apologizing for the terrible post you wrote. And you don't even know why. Such shame you own and don't even know it.
Answer the question hack.

wait for the coming dance....
Every day. Haven't found anything yet. The Dem "lies" are bs or predictions Pubs have screwed up...WHAT LIES, dupes?
Answer the question, dupe. I'm not a dupe, because I'm not lied to by my party. The New BS GOP is totally fos. Read my sig. All fact. All unknown by GOP chumps.
I'm not a dupe, because I'm not lied to by my party
Tell me when I was lied to then. NOTHING compared to the disgrace GOP...
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
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Bills looking great. Got a QB who looks like Russell of Seattle. Cubs WIN!! 8 in a row, 14 0f 15. 1908! Four amazing rookies. Red Sox front office

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