Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?

Why don't Soros and Steyer?
Because the united States has been taken over by money. And you don't think class warfare exists?

No. Should I say it again?
Stupid people usually repeat themselves and their mistakes. You wonder why government is stupid it because society is stupid. But nobody ever thinks that applies to them.
Politicians lying, what a revelation! In my life time, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and every Congressman lied,

Now the left is wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire?

Let's hold everyone's feet to the fire. To me they all lie , stretch the truth and nutters on the left and nutters on the right, Trump and Hillary seem to be two of the worst.

Instead of blaming each other, clean up your own party and don't let either side get away with it.

I agree; HOWEVER, there are lies and there are damn lies.......Let us NEVER FORGET that the lies that brought us the Iraq war cost us thousands of US lives......hundred of thousands of Iraqi lives...and more than $2 trillion of borrowed money.

Comapare the above consequence to a lie, to the one regarding a BJ.

Right the lie that Kerry and both Clinton's who 9 months earlier while in the White House agreed with Bush.
So what? It was Republicans who tricked the country into Iraq. Only immoral shit stains and tards blame the victim.

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
When roads are being fixed and they don't raise your taxes to pay because they cut corporate taxes, they looked out for you.

Oh, they ran up the debt for my benefit?

Ever get a paid sick day? Thank a liberal.

Yeah, right. corporations never allowed sick days before Congress passed a law requiring it.

Libturds live in a world of total delusion.
Both parties lie during campaigns. Before campaigns. After campaigns.

Anyone who doesn't recognize & admit that is absolutely blinded by their partisanship.
Politicians lying, what a revelation! In my life time, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and every Congressman lied,

Now the left is wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire?

Let's hold everyone's feet to the fire. To me they all lie , stretch the truth and nutters on the left and nutters on the right, Trump and Hillary seem to be two of the worst.

Instead of blaming each other, clean up your own party and don't let either side get away with it.

I agree; HOWEVER, there are lies and there are damn lies.......Let us NEVER FORGET that the lies that brought us the Iraq war cost us thousands of US lives......hundred of thousands of Iraqi lives...and more than $2 trillion of borrowed money.

Comapare the above consequence to a lie, to the one regarding a BJ.

Right the lie that Kerry and both Clinton's who 9 months earlier while in the White House agreed with Bush.
So what? It was Republicans who tricked the country into Iraq. Only immoral shit stains and tards blame the victim.

In other words, Democrats are a bunch of suckers?

But you think they are qualified to run the country?
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

Do you actually talk like this in real life? If so, people must just pat you on the head and hand you cookies saying there, there...
Politicians lying, what a revelation! In my life time, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and every Congressman lied,

Now the left is wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire?

Let's hold everyone's feet to the fire. To me they all lie , stretch the truth and nutters on the left and nutters on the right, Trump and Hillary seem to be two of the worst.

Instead of blaming each other, clean up your own party and don't let either side get away with it.

I agree; HOWEVER, there are lies and there are damn lies.......Let us NEVER FORGET that the lies that brought us the Iraq war cost us thousands of US lives......hundred of thousands of Iraqi lives...and more than $2 trillion of borrowed money.

Comapare the above consequence to a lie, to the one regarding a BJ.

Right the lie that Kerry and both Clinton's who 9 months earlier while in the White House agreed with Bush.
So what? It was Republicans who tricked the country into Iraq. Only immoral shit stains and tards blame the victim.

In other words, Democrats are a bunch of suckers?

But you think they are qualified to run the country?

Yes, I always wonder about that strategy. We are stupid and gullible and we believe whatever we are told by anyone. Elect us!!!

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
You mean the private bankers whom we owe the money to?

What did bush do for you?

Gov Rick Snyder in Michigan raised taxes and cut social programs. Only the rich benefit. This is why the gap between rich and poor is widening.

You'll hear when you listen to Bernie Sanders.

You are seriously trying to blame bankers for the debt? Really? Loaning the government money is evil?

Middle class wages have been stagnating because Democrats are opening the floodgates to immigration from third world countries. Any other claims are attempts to deflect from the issue. Almost all new jobs created in this country go to immigrants. Only a sleazy scumbag Democrat would deny it.
Middle class wages have been stagnating because Democrats are opening the floodgates to immigration from third world countries. Any other claims are attempts to deflect from the issue. Almost all new jobs created in this country go to immigrants. Only a sleazy scumbag Democrat would deny it.
Only an ignorant punk would bellow your bombastic Horse shit
This is somebody who knows a lot more than you dummy boy

ROBERT B. REICH, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written fourteen books, including the best sellers “Aftershock, “The Work of Nations," and"Beyond Outrage." He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause. His film, INEQUALITY FOR ALL is available on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon. His new book, "SAVING CAPITALISM: For the Many, Not the Few" is out 9/29.
The Political Roots of Widening Inequality

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015

For the past quarter-century I’ve offered in articles, books, and lectures an explanation for why average working people in advanced nations like the United States have failed to gain ground and are under increasing economic stress: Put simply, globalization and technological change have made most of us less competitive. The tasks we used to do can now be done more cheaply by lower-paid workers abroad or by computer-driven machines.

My solution—and I’m hardly alone in suggesting this—has been an activist government that raises taxes on the wealthy, invests the proceeds in excellent schools and other means people need to become more productive, and redistributes to the needy. These recommendations have been vigorously opposed by those who believe the economy will function better for everyone if government is smaller and if taxes and redistributions are curtailed.
I'm not a dupe, because I'm not lied to by my party
Tell me when I was lied to then. NOTHING compared to the disgrace GOP...
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
Both parties lie during campaigns. Before campaigns. After campaigns.

Anyone who doesn't recognize & admit that is absolutely blinded by their partisanship.
That's why so many want to try something different a la Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders
Tell me when I was lied to then. NOTHING compared to the disgrace GOP...
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little
Middle class wages have been stagnating because Democrats are opening the floodgates to immigration from third world countries. Any other claims are attempts to deflect from the issue. Almost all new jobs created in this country go to immigrants. Only a sleazy scumbag Democrat would deny it.
Only an ignorant punk would bellow your bombastic Horse shit
This is somebody who knows a lot more than you dummy boy

ROBERT B. REICH, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written fourteen books, including the best sellers “Aftershock, “The Work of Nations," and"Beyond Outrage." He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause. His film, INEQUALITY FOR ALL is available on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon. His new book, "SAVING CAPITALISM: For the Many, Not the Few" is out 9/29.
The Political Roots of Widening Inequality

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015

For the past quarter-century I’ve offered in articles, books, and lectures an explanation for why average working people in advanced nations like the United States have failed to gain ground and are under increasing economic stress: Put simply, globalization and technological change have made most of us less competitive. The tasks we used to do can now be done more cheaply by lower-paid workers abroad or by computer-driven machines.

My solution—and I’m hardly alone in suggesting this—has been an activist government that raises taxes on the wealthy, invests the proceeds in excellent schools and other means people need to become more productive, and redistributes to the needy. These recommendations have been vigorously opposed by those who believe the economy will function better for everyone if government is smaller and if taxes and redistributions are curtailed.

Why would anyone listen to some socialist idiot stooge from the Clinton administration? I can find a hundred economists who say exactly the opposite. His theory has been tried time and time again and it doesn't work. No government ever taxed and spent it's what to prosperity.
In other words, Democrats are a bunch of suckers?

But you think they are qualified to run the country?

Not really, but considering the alternative.....


Jerry Lewis is more qualified to run the country than a typical Democrat.
B******* if it weren't for Democrats the Rich would have all the money and we would be surfs democracy no coincidence sounds a lot like Democrats

Libturds themselves have admitted that under Obama the wages of the middle class have been stagnant. You're theory is full of holes.
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.

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