Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

Why is politician greed more appealing than CEO greed? Politicians remove their opposition.

Endless wars is both parties
Hi bid elections are both parties

Dirty energy? You mean like clean coal? No, that's the Democrats because coal scares them. Zero emission nuclear? Nope, scares Democrats. Ah, let's move energy out of State, like California, then it doesn't count! LOL, understanding of the issue makes it no Democrat plug

College debt? Yeah, let's teach college kids first thing they aren't responsible for their own bills...

Planned parenthood - I agree

Guns - yeah, disarming honest citizens must scare the crap out of criminals, LOL. And let's not keep them in prison, that'll sae some dough.

And finally, let's fire low income workers to help them!!!!!
Horse patoot. Pubs blocking Dem reg. of big money and lobbying...Coal suqs, invest in knowledge for 3-4 million tech job s going begging DUH. Your concern for bloated lying cheating megarich is pathetic. Nobody wants to disarm honest citizens. Change the gd channel, Pub dupe. FIRE them? IDIOT.
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little
Liitle red X? lol
In other words, Democrats are a bunch of suckers?

But you think they are qualified to run the country?

Well, lets say what your wrote is "true"....then,you judge:

Leaders who may or may not be "suckers"......OR

Leaders who LIE to take us to war.......

Come on......judge.
In other words, Democrats are a bunch of suckers?

But you think they are qualified to run the country?

Not really, but considering the alternative.....


Jerry Lewis is more qualified to run the country than a typical Democrat.
B******* if it weren't for Democrats the Rich would have all the money and we would be surfs democracy no coincidence sounds a lot like Democrats

Libturds themselves have admitted that under Obama the wages of the middle class have been stagnant. You're theory is full of holes.
Yeah well remember when Republicans said the president doesn't have all that much to do with the economy? Whatever happened to that? Not a lot any Democrat president can do with obstructionists like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell running the other houses

Boehnor and McConnell "obstructionists? You're joking, right?
Middle class wages have been stagnating because Democrats are opening the floodgates to immigration from third world countries. Any other claims are attempts to deflect from the issue. Almost all new jobs created in this country go to immigrants. Only a sleazy scumbag Democrat would deny it.
Only an ignorant punk would bellow your bombastic Horse shit
This is somebody who knows a lot more than you dummy boy

ROBERT B. REICH, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written fourteen books, including the best sellers “Aftershock, “The Work of Nations," and"Beyond Outrage." He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause. His film, INEQUALITY FOR ALL is available on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon. His new book, "SAVING CAPITALISM: For the Many, Not the Few" is out 9/29.
The Political Roots of Widening Inequality

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015

For the past quarter-century I’ve offered in articles, books, and lectures an explanation for why average working people in advanced nations like the United States have failed to gain ground and are under increasing economic stress: Put simply, globalization and technological change have made most of us less competitive. The tasks we used to do can now be done more cheaply by lower-paid workers abroad or by computer-driven machines.

My solution—and I’m hardly alone in suggesting this—has been an activist government that raises taxes on the wealthy, invests the proceeds in excellent schools and other means people need to become more productive, and redistributes to the needy. These recommendations have been vigorously opposed by those who believe the economy will function better for everyone if government is smaller and if taxes and redistributions are curtailed.

Why would anyone listen to some socialist idiot stooge from the Clinton administration? I can find a hundred economists who say exactly the opposite. His theory has been tried time and time again and it doesn't work. No government ever taxed and spent it's what to prosperity.
cite them....
Ever heard of the GI Bill or the Marshall Plan? Right now nothing is more necessary than an infrastructure jobs plan and training for 3-4 million tech jobs going begging. See community college. You chumps are so worried about the poor megarich and giant corps, both laughing all the way to the bank, you're functional morons.

We have millions of unemployed college graduates, so why would we want to crank out even more of them? What Democrats call a "jobs program" is really just a Democrat reelection slush fund.

BTW, the Marshall plan didn't improve European economies on iota. The U.S. bureaucrats getting the hell out of the way is what finally lead to the recovery of the European economies.
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
I don't worry about gays, and I am far from financially fucked.
Then why are you telling people who have less than you that they should vote for the party that favors you?

A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.

At work we were talking yesterday about how ridiculous the costs of college has become.

I was able to buy a home 1 year after graduating. Today college grads will spend 10 years just paying off their student loans.

I see the future. In 30 years the masses will not have enough to retire. And if you do save anything healthcare costs will eat it up.
A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.
as someone who delivered the mail i can say you are right on about that bobo....
Omg you're a government worker? I love anti government people who spent their whole lives sucking off the government tit.
I hope you're right, but the Republicans are very skilled at picking crappy candidates and Jeb seems like a perfect fit for that
"you don't go to war with the Army you want you go with the Army you have"...Donald Rumsfeld...

What is that supposed to mean? The Republicans have better candidates than Jeb and the HW DC cabal that fucked the country for three terms already
Who do they have and why are they losing to trump?
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
Do you realize not one candidate plans on paying off or even down the debt? Private bankers own us and in 8 more years we'll owe them twice as much.

Which begs the question, why do we have private bankers controlling the federal reserve? Why do we pay them interest on the debt? Ron Paul agrees with me by the way.
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
Do you realize not one candidate plans on paying off or even down the debt? Private bankers own us and in 8 more years we'll owe them twice as much.

Which begs the question, why do we have private bankers controlling the federal reserve? Why do we pay them interest on the debt? Ron Paul agrees with me by the way.

The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further. They have made that plain.
The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further.

Worried about the future in piling up debt???

Would you be equally worried about the future because of global warming with the piling up of pollutants???
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further.

Worried about the future in piling up debt???

Would you be equally worried about the future because of global warming with the piling up of pollutants???

AGW is a con, so I'm not worried at all. I'm only worried that the lib fascists will fool enough people to put this over on America.
"Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove."

Republican aren't worried about that, they practice the doctrine of repeating a lie often enough so it's perceived to be true – where demonstrating it to be a lie becomes pointless.
Where are the lies, black shyster?


Nothing in that photo is true.

The fact that people like you are so easily duped says a lot about half of this country -- the red tea drinking half.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Not really, but considering the alternative.....


Jerry Lewis is more qualified to run the country than a typical Democrat.
B******* if it weren't for Democrats the Rich would have all the money and we would be surfs democracy no coincidence sounds a lot like Democrats

Libturds themselves have admitted that under Obama the wages of the middle class have been stagnant. You're theory is full of holes.
Yeah well remember when Republicans said the president doesn't have all that much to do with the economy? Whatever happened to that? Not a lot any Democrat president can do with obstructionists like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell running the other houses

Boehnor and McConnell "obstructionists? You're joking, right?
Just the worst in our history lol..."No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Forgot to mention total liars and brainwashers....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
If the rich and giant corps pay their fair share, LESS debt.

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