Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Bull. My brother is rich and he's OK paying a little more so our country takes care of the poor. It's why he's a liberal. He doesn't have the greedy gene in him thank god.
good for your brother bobo....there was a rich democrat on my route CONVICTED of tax fraud,lost his house,a nice one too....can i trust that guy to be honest?....
so when socialism sucks what happens then?....
When my father, a union employee, has all that he does you may not want to admit why but.. ....
that did answer the question bobo.....socialism has its negatives too....things work better when you have elements of both co-existing....
DUH. Modern socialism is ALWAYS that.
is ALWAYS what?....
elements of both. NEVER communism, in its modern definition, always democratic.
ill go with long as a little of each was there balancing each other out things seemed to work pretty good....and as long as someone was keeping tabs on both....
I don't worry about gays, and I am far from financially fucked.
Then why are you telling people who have less than you that they should vote for the party that favors you?

A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.

At work we were talking yesterday about how ridiculous the costs of college has become.

I was able to buy a home 1 year after graduating. Today college grads will spend 10 years just paying off their student loans.

I see the future. In 30 years the masses will not have enough to retire. And if you do save anything healthcare costs will eat it up.
A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.
as someone who delivered the mail i can say you are right on about that bobo....
Omg you're a government worker? I love anti government people who spent their whole lives sucking off the government tit.
show me where i have been anti-government?...or are you going to be like your good buddy dean and make statements about people you cant back up?...lets see it bobo....
The GOP since Reagan have been pushing the idea that government is bad. You sound a lot like the anti government crowd. They'd love to privatize the mail.

Sorry if I confuse you with 9 out of 10 Republicans. You're the 1. Lol

Do you know how many dumb phuck Republicans work for the big 3? Can you believe someone benefitting from a union would vote for the anti union party?

Now their pensions are being taxed by our GOP gov.

You don't deserve the pension you probably get. Now I see how terrorists infiltrate the Iraqi army. They go in already unappreciative of the benefits a union got you. You certainly don't strike me as someone who would have flourished under individual bargaining. You think they couldn't find a minimum wage person to drop off mail. Talk about a job anyone can do. You were certainly overpaid. Ask any Republican if you should be getting a pension.
what the fuck are you babbling about?....i sound anti government?....why?...because i dont agree with you on many things? me something where i am attacking the govt?....and my pension is taxed by your buddies out here in Cali,i dont remember any Democrats in Californias Legislature wanting to NOT tax retirees pensions.....
You think they couldn't find a minimum wage person to drop off mail. Talk about a job anyone can do
come on down and give it a try bobo....we used to love the new hires who thought this job was easy....if they lasted the week they had a big change in attitude,especially when its getting dark and they still have an hour or more of the route to deliver.....we all went through it....
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
What about Warren buffet? Do you think the world would be a better place if the koch brothers thought like him?

I just can't see how a billionaire or millionaire would say no to paying more so poor can be taken care of.

I hear for guys like that it's no longer about money. It's about power and they're bored. And we all know money makes people all kinds of crazy. Power corrupts.
so you dont think buffet may have been involved in less than honorable dealings in his business life?....geezus you lefties trust everyone just because they tell you they are nice guys.....when you and Frankie walk out of the room this is what happens Bobo....



even George Takai is laughing when he heard that....

Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.[/QUOTE]
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt!

The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
When roads are being fixed and they don't raise your taxes to pay because they cut corporate taxes, they looked out for you.

Oh, they ran up the debt for my benefit?

Ever get a paid sick day? Thank a liberal.

Yeah, right. corporations never allowed sick days before Congress passed a law requiring it.

Libturds live in a world of total delusion.
I didn't know there was a law requiring companies to pay sick leave.

Not all companies give sick days - Google Search

Republicans want them to work until they die. No health care, no benefits, minimum wage. The GOP "plan" for the economy.
The corporate owned airwaves won't even allow the left to have a radio station. Randi Rhodes was better than rush but they took her out of big markets and gave air America weak channels that didn't come in clear.

Bernie Sanders is left.

And if MSNBC was left they'd have thim hartmann and Randi Rhodes too not just Rachel maddow and ed Schultz.

Air America had some good channels is some markets, they had no listeners. Rhodes was a nut job who want to shoot Bush when he was re-elected. No popularity among listeners, just like MSNBC.
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt![/QUOTE]
Lmfao, what real question? I explained to you the reason for what Democrats said about Saddam's WDM's from 1998 to 2003 and the proof is well documented, including the Senate Intelligence committee's report on the false intelligence reports pushed by the fucked up Bush regime. You're just a right wing hack lapdog who is trying to avoid admitting how Bush/Cheney/Tenner/Wolfowitz sent 4500 American troops to their death over a lie so companies like Halliburton could make a profit. People like you aren't Patriots, you're pussies

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
Politicians lying, what a revelation! In my life time, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and every Congressman lied,

Now the left is wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire?

Let's hold everyone's feet to the fire. To me they all lie , stretch the truth and nutters on the left and nutters on the right, Trump and Hillary seem to be two of the worst.

Instead of blaming each other, clean up your own party and don't let either side get away with it.

I agree; HOWEVER, there are lies and there are damn lies.......Let us NEVER FORGET that the lies that brought us the Iraq war cost us thousands of US lives......hundred of thousands of Iraqi lives...and more than $2 trillion of borrowed money.

Comapare the above consequence to a lie, to the one regarding a BJ.

Right the lie that Kerry and both Clinton's who 9 months earlier while in the White House agreed with Bush.
So what? It was Republicans who tricked the country into Iraq. Only immoral shit stains and tards blame the victim.

Why did Clinton, leaving nine months earlier claim that Iraq had WMDs? Did Clinton like to the American people?
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

Democrats on the other hand don't have to worry about campaign lies. For Democrats, lies are the norm and they are not only acceptable but desirable.
The idea that Democrats are going to going to save us money with their "solutions" to these "problems" is HIlarious. Democrat "solutions" are the reason we are $18 trillion in debt.
Neither party is going to pay off the debt or save you money.

But with the Democrats you'll get something for what you pay and the rich will pay their fair share. The GOP will cut social services and taxes on the rich and then raise your taxes. They'll shift the burden more onto you.

Repeat, neither party has a plan to pay off the debt.

I get nothing from Democrats except a huge tax bill and programs that fuck up the country.

The Democrat plan is to keep growing the debt.
When roads are being fixed and they don't raise your taxes to pay because they cut corporate taxes, they looked out for you.

Oh, they ran up the debt for my benefit?

Ever get a paid sick day? Thank a liberal.

Yeah, right. corporations never allowed sick days before Congress passed a law requiring it.

Libturds live in a world of total delusion.
I didn't know there was a law requiring companies to pay sick leave.

Not all companies give sick days - Google Search

Republicans want them to work until they die. No health care, no benefits, minimum wage. The GOP "plan" for the economy.
work until they die. No health care, no benefits, minimum wage
that sure was asshole darrel issa during the postal hearings he presided over...
Politicians lying, what a revelation! In my life time, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and every Congressman lied,

Now the left is wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire?

Let's hold everyone's feet to the fire. To me they all lie , stretch the truth and nutters on the left and nutters on the right, Trump and Hillary seem to be two of the worst.

Instead of blaming each other, clean up your own party and don't let either side get away with it.

I agree; HOWEVER, there are lies and there are damn lies.......Let us NEVER FORGET that the lies that brought us the Iraq war cost us thousands of US lives......hundred of thousands of Iraqi lives...and more than $2 trillion of borrowed money.

Comapare the above consequence to a lie, to the one regarding a BJ.

Right the lie that Kerry and both Clinton's who 9 months earlier while in the White House agreed with Bush.
You are an immoral s*** stain lol

And you have no proof, all you have is propaganda from the left shit stain.
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt!
Lmfao, what real question? I explained to you the reason for what Democrats said about Saddam's WDM's from 1998 to 2003 and the proof is well documented, including the Senate Intelligence committee's report on the false intelligence reports pushed by the fucked up Bush regime. You're just a right wing hack lapdog who is trying to avoid admitting how Bush/Cheney/Tenner/Wolfowitz sent 4500 American troops to their death over a lie so companies like Halliburton could make a profit. People like you aren't Patriots, you're pussies

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

The reply was to sealybobo, not you.

And you have provided no proof, just liberal bull shit lies. Thanks for proving yourself wrong.
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt![/QUOTE]
OF COURSE he had bio/chem- Reagan GAVE them to him, dolt. What about the "mushroom cloud bs", dingbat?
Jerry Lewis is more qualified to run the country than a typical Democrat.
B******* if it weren't for Democrats the Rich would have all the money and we would be surfs democracy no coincidence sounds a lot like Democrats

Libturds themselves have admitted that under Obama the wages of the middle class have been stagnant. You're theory is full of holes.
Yeah well remember when Republicans said the president doesn't have all that much to do with the economy? Whatever happened to that? Not a lot any Democrat president can do with obstructionists like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell running the other houses

Boehnor and McConnell "obstructionists? You're joking, right?
Just the worst in our history lol..."No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Forgot to mention total liars and brainwashers....

Puhleeze. McConnell and Boehnor are the two most disgusting quislings we've ever had in the Republican leadership.
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
If the rich and giant corps pay their fair share, LESS debt.

You could tax every dime earned by every person in the entire country and it wouldn't pay off the debt, moron.
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Bull. My brother is rich and he's OK paying a little more so our country takes care of the poor. It's why he's a liberal. He doesn't have the greedy gene in him thank god.
good for your brother bobo....there was a rich democrat on my route CONVICTED of tax fraud,lost his house,a nice one too....can i trust that guy to be honest?....
POLICY! I didn't say they were all angels. Ay caramba.

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