Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

B******* if it weren't for Democrats the Rich would have all the money and we would be surfs democracy no coincidence sounds a lot like Democrats

Libturds themselves have admitted that under Obama the wages of the middle class have been stagnant. You're theory is full of holes.
Yeah well remember when Republicans said the president doesn't have all that much to do with the economy? Whatever happened to that? Not a lot any Democrat president can do with obstructionists like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell running the other houses

Boehnor and McConnell "obstructionists? You're joking, right?
Just the worst in our history lol..."No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Forgot to mention total liars and brainwashers....

Puhleeze. McConnell and Boehnor are the two most disgusting quislings we've ever had in the Republican leadership.
You are WAY out there, and duped. they are actually your party's leaders.
You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
Do you realize not one candidate plans on paying off or even down the debt? Private bankers own us and in 8 more years we'll owe them twice as much.

Which begs the question, why do we have private bankers controlling the federal reserve? Why do we pay them interest on the debt? Ron Paul agrees with me by the way.

The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further. They have made that plain.
Not true at all. The only difference is the Democrats will double the debt spending money on us and the GOP say the best thing to do is spend it all on the rich and let it trickle down to you

I think you just agreed the Democrats plan to run up the debt. Corporate welfare is about 1/100the what Democrats pretend it to be. It just isn't that big a problem compared to all the other bloated Democrat programs.
The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further.

Worried about the future in piling up debt???

Would you be equally worried about the future because of global warming with the piling up of pollutants???

AGW is a con, so I'm not worried at all. I'm only worried that the lib fascists will fool enough people to put this over on America.
Every country in the world know global warming is true.

What it like living in the right wing American bubble of ignorance.

They "know" no such thing. AGW is a con. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.

No, I would call any liberal organization a propaganda organ.
When my father, a union employee, has all that he does you may not want to admit why but.. ....
that did answer the question bobo.....socialism has its negatives too....things work better when you have elements of both co-existing....
DUH. Modern socialism is ALWAYS that.
is ALWAYS what?....
elements of both. NEVER communism, in its modern definition, always democratic.
ill go with long as a little of each was there balancing each other out things seemed to work pretty good....and as long as someone was keeping tabs on both....
As opposed to when greedy idiot crony Pubs are in charge. See S+L and 2003-8
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Bull. My brother is rich and he's OK paying a little more so our country takes care of the poor. It's why he's a liberal. He doesn't have the greedy gene in him thank god.

No one is stopping him from writing them a check.
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
What about Warren buffet? Do you think the world would be a better place if the koch brothers thought like him?

I just can't see how a billionaire or millionaire would say no to paying more so poor can be taken care of.

I hear for guys like that it's no longer about money. It's about power and they're bored. And we all know money makes people all kinds of crazy. Power corrupts.

No, actually, I think the world would be a better place of Warren Buffet thought like the Koch brothers.

Putting money back into their business does far more good for the working class than pissing it down the government sewer hole.

It's funny that turds like you don't understand that money also corrupts people in government.

It really is appalling how thoroughly brainwashed you are.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.

No, I would call any liberal organization a propaganda organ.
Like Wiki, the US Gov't, all newspapers but the Adelson Examiner, the Moonie Times, and Murdoch Rags...and all TV outlets but Fox, chump.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.

No, I would call any liberal organization a propaganda organ.
Like Wiki, the US Gov't, all newspapers but the Adelson Examiner, the Moonie Times, and Murdoch Rags...and all TV outlets but Fox, chump.

That's pretty close to being accurate.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.

No, I would call any liberal organization a propaganda organ.
Like Wiki, the US Gov't, all newspapers but the Adelson Examiner, the Moonie Times, and Murdoch Rags...and all TV outlets but Fox, chump.

That's pretty close to being accurate.
Functional idiot tin foiler
Again, in 2002 and 2003 the intelligence on Iraq and their WMD's referenced by Democrats was the faulty intelligence out our by the Bush regime. Read the Senate Intelligence committees report about the Bush regime's use of faulty intelligence that was used to take us to war in Iraq. By the way, your source is a joke, they're an extreme right wing website.

The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt!
Lmfao, what real question? I explained to you the reason for what Democrats said about Saddam's WDM's from 1998 to 2003 and the proof is well documented, including the Senate Intelligence committee's report on the false intelligence reports pushed by the fucked up Bush regime. You're just a right wing hack lapdog who is trying to avoid admitting how Bush/Cheney/Tenner/Wolfowitz sent 4500 American troops to their death over a lie so companies like Halliburton could make a profit. People like you aren't Patriots, you're pussies

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

The reply was to sealybobo, not you.

And you have provided no proof, just liberal bull shit lies. Thanks for proving yourself wrong.[/QUOTE]
So how did I prove myself wrong? You couldn't rebut anything I said, nor could you provide facts to prove me wrong. Right wingers are just sacks of MRSA, they're stupid pricks who somehow think their opinion is factual. You get that mindset from Fox news, they don't use facts either, they just use entertaining opinions that don't amount to shit. Fox news and their inbred groupies are ruining America and their hatred of everything non right wing is a threat to national security. The MSM is by far a much greater and reliable source of information than Fox could ever be and they tell you sacks of MRSA not to pay attention to the MSM because they know you'll discover how fucked up Fox really is. How funny is that, I implied sacks of MRSA could think...

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
The website is using an actual airing by CNN a left wing news source.

As for proof that anyone lied, please give it. I have yet to see the proof, just speculation.

So if Iraq had WMDs when Clinton left office, then what did Iraq do with them or was it faulty intelligence?
CNN is not a left wing news source.

Republicans think if it's not fox or rush its left wing. Lol.

Even MSNBC is owned by mega corporations. They may be left on irrelevant social issues but on economics, just like hillary and Obama go along with the GOP on too much to be called left, same with MSNBC let alone msm CNN you dolt.
So yo can't answer the real question and you deflect, dolt!
Lmfao, what real question? I explained to you the reason for what Democrats said about Saddam's WDM's from 1998 to 2003 and the proof is well documented, including the Senate Intelligence committee's report on the false intelligence reports pushed by the fucked up Bush regime. You're just a right wing hack lapdog who is trying to avoid admitting how Bush/Cheney/Tenner/Wolfowitz sent 4500 American troops to their death over a lie so companies like Halliburton could make a profit. People like you aren't Patriots, you're pussies

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

The reply was to sealybobo, not you.

And you have provided no proof, just liberal bull shit lies. Thanks for proving yourself wrong.
So how did I prove myself wrong? You couldn't rebut anything I said, nor could you provide facts to prove me wrong. Right wingers are just sacks of MRSA, they're stupid pricks who somehow think their opinion is factual. You get that mindset from Fox news, they don't use facts either, they just use entertaining opinions that don't amount to shit. Fox news and their inbred groupies are ruining America and their hatred of everything non right wing is a threat to national security. The MSM is by far a much greater and reliable source of information than Fox could ever be and they tell you sacks of MRSA not to pay attention to the MSM because they know you'll discover how fucked up Fox really is. How funny is that, I implied sacks of MRSA could think...

I had a quote from Clinton that was made on CNN on video that you probably haven't watched because dumb fucks like you can't take the truth.

You have yet to prove Bush lied, just you stupid conclusions based on political leanings. You are just like the Benghazi believers.

I also don't watch FOX and I don't really give a fuck what you claim. Without proof, you are just another libtard that can't think for himself and needs Dem talking points to survive.

Proof or fuck of shit head.
Last edited:
You have proof Bush lied about WMDs?

Of course Bu$h didn't lie, it was just a honest mistake believing in the slam dunk

"I gave a speech to the nation that was cleared by intelligence services" - Bu$h, war criminal

These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed

The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.

Please try the following:

Click the Regime change button, or try again later.

If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).

To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.

If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.

If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them, click Detect weapons

You have proof Bush lied about WMDs?

Of course Bu$h didn't lie, it was just a honest mistake believing in the slam dunk

"I gave a speech to the nation that was cleared by intelligence services" - Bu$h, war criminal

These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed

The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.

Please try the following:

Click the Regime change button, or try again later.

If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).

To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.

If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.

If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them, click Detect weapons


Again, you have no proof. I bet you like Bush stole the election in 2000 and 2004, that Obama wasn't born in the US, that bush set up 911 and other nutjob conspiracies.

Left or right, you people are nuts.
Again, you have no proof. I bet you like Bush stole the election in 2000 and 2004, that Obama wasn't born in the US, that bush set up 911 and other nutjob conspiracies.

Left or right, you people are nuts.

We have proof Obama was born in the US ...the other samples you gave have no conclusive proof.......
Again, you have no proof. I bet you like Bush stole the election in 2000 and 2004, that Obama wasn't born in the US, that bush set up 911 and other nutjob conspiracies.

Left or right, you people are nuts.

Come on, Bu$h is much too stupid to steal anything. That was arranged by the real pretzeldent, Darth Cheney.

Obama was really born in the US, you can't blame that on the Kenyans

And Bu$h didn't plan 9/11, that would be Cheney too, in combination with the Saudis and the Mossad. But we'll never know for sure since the official version can't be questioned. Don't you find it funny that more effort was spend on investigating a bj in the oval office than on the biggest terrorist attack in history? That the evil Osama never took credit for the attack? That the Bin Laden family was allowed to fly out of the country without being questioned while all planes were grounded? etc. etc.


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