Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
If the rich and giant corps pay their fair share, LESS debt.
Your pity for them is pathetic.
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
Do you realize not one candidate plans on paying off or even down the debt? Private bankers own us and in 8 more years we'll owe them twice as much.

Which begs the question, why do we have private bankers controlling the federal reserve? Why do we pay them interest on the debt? Ron Paul agrees with me by the way.

The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further. They have made that plain.
Not true at all. The only difference is the Democrats will double the debt spending money on us and the GOP say the best thing to do is spend it all on the rich and let it trickle down to you
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.

FactCheck is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, a notorious leftwing trust fund.
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.
The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further.

Worried about the future in piling up debt???

Would you be equally worried about the future because of global warming with the piling up of pollutants???

AGW is a con, so I'm not worried at all. I'm only worried that the lib fascists will fool enough people to put this over on America.
Every country in the world know global warming is true.

What it like living in the right wing American bubble of ignorance.
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little
Liitle red X? lol
yea his reply had nothing to do with the question i was asking you....
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little
Liitle red X? lol
yea his reply had nothing to do with the question i was asking you....
I'm not getting your pastes, just a red x.
I don't worry about gays, and I am far from financially fucked.
Then why are you telling people who have less than you that they should vote for the party that favors you?

A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.

At work we were talking yesterday about how ridiculous the costs of college has become.

I was able to buy a home 1 year after graduating. Today college grads will spend 10 years just paying off their student loans.

I see the future. In 30 years the masses will not have enough to retire. And if you do save anything healthcare costs will eat it up.
A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.
as someone who delivered the mail i can say you are right on about that bobo....
Omg you're a government worker? I love anti government people who spent their whole lives sucking off the government tit.
show me where i have been anti-government?...or are you going to be like your good buddy dean and make statements about people you cant back up?...lets see it bobo....
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Bull. My brother is rich and he's OK paying a little more so our country takes care of the poor. It's why he's a liberal. He doesn't have the greedy gene in him thank god.
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth
so when socialism sucks what happens then?....
When my father, a union employee, has all that he does you may not want to admit why but.. ....
that did answer the question bobo.....socialism has its negatives too....things work better when you have elements of both co-existing....
DUH. Modern socialism is ALWAYS that.
is ALWAYS what?....
You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.

RIght, like we ever stopped subsidizing college, and we sure don't have enough debt to pay off.

It's time for all you libturds to come back to earth.
Do you realize not one candidate plans on paying off or even down the debt? Private bankers own us and in 8 more years we'll owe them twice as much.

Which begs the question, why do we have private bankers controlling the federal reserve? Why do we pay them interest on the debt? Ron Paul agrees with me by the way.

The Democrats plan on running up the debt even further. They have made that plain.
Not true at all. The only difference is the Democrats will double the debt spending money on us and the GOP say the best thing to do is spend it all on the rich and let it trickle down to you
Whoa. Dems have never done that, and want the rich and corps to pay their fair share for this smart investment- and the rich and corps will get a lot of the profit, the greedy short-sighted morons. Pubcrappe even gets to the good guys lol. Obama's debt is all paying for Booosh's disaster and the vics.
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth
so when socialism sucks what happens then?....
When my father, a union employee, has all that he does you may not want to admit why but.. ....
that did answer the question bobo.....socialism has its negatives too....things work better when you have elements of both co-existing....
DUH. Modern socialism is ALWAYS that.
is ALWAYS what?....
elements of both. NEVER communism, in its modern definition, always democratic.
I don't worry about gays, and I am far from financially fucked.
Then why are you telling people who have less than you that they should vote for the party that favors you?

A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.

At work we were talking yesterday about how ridiculous the costs of college has become.

I was able to buy a home 1 year after graduating. Today college grads will spend 10 years just paying off their student loans.

I see the future. In 30 years the masses will not have enough to retire. And if you do save anything healthcare costs will eat it up.
A lot of Americans today pretend they are middle class but they are barely getting by and they will never save or retire.
as someone who delivered the mail i can say you are right on about that bobo....
Omg you're a government worker? I love anti government people who spent their whole lives sucking off the government tit.
show me where i have been anti-government?...or are you going to be like your good buddy dean and make statements about people you cant back up?...lets see it bobo....
The GOP since Reagan have been pushing the idea that government is bad. You sound a lot like the anti government crowd. They'd love to privatize the mail.

Sorry if I confuse you with 9 out of 10 Republicans. You're the 1. Lol

Do you know how many dumb phuck Republicans work for the big 3? Can you believe someone benefitting from a union would vote for the anti union party?

Now their pensions are being taxed by our GOP gov.

You don't deserve the pension you probably get. Now I see how terrorists infiltrate the Iraqi army. They go in already unappreciative of the benefits a union got you. You certainly don't strike me as someone who would have flourished under individual bargaining. You think they couldn't find a minimum wage person to drop off mail. Talk about a job anyone can do. You were certainly overpaid. Ask any Republican if you should be getting a pension.
if i told you,you would not believe me and would call me a dupe and you would tell me to read your would it do any good?....
Exactly. lol. It's not that I wouldn't believe you. I would prove your Pubcrappe wrong is all...It's EVERYWHERE...
Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
Yes. You got any problem or what? LOL
you have been drinking this water,havent you?....

Frankie you go right ahead and eat up the shit these jerks tell i will question and suspect every fucking move a politician makes,especially when they are running for office,thats when the real shit starts to flow....
One Dem "lie"?
Frankie do you believe everything that Hillary and the others are saying to you right now?..
I do honestly believe that Hillary is a conservative when it comes to economics just like Bush was just like Bill Clinton was just like Obama is. The only different people saying what I like or Bernie Sanders and trump a little

You have to be a fucking dolt to believe that. Someone who wants to provide free college to everyone is conservative?

Give me a break.
We use to subsidize college. What's so outrageous about doing it again. Free 2 year community college. After that go pay $20k a year for 2 years to get a bachelor degree.
i had 2 free years out here in the 70's,just bought books and paid for registration...
Why don't the koch brothers stop giving politicians money and try getting their policies implemented just based on the merit of their ideas?
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
What about Warren buffet? Do you think the world would be a better place if the koch brothers thought like him?

I just can't see how a billionaire or millionaire would say no to paying more so poor can be taken care of.

I hear for guys like that it's no longer about money. It's about power and they're bored. And we all know money makes people all kinds of crazy. Power corrupts.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.

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