Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Its not that we don't all agree with you Harry. We've just all picked a side. More people need to pick a side, not less. You are adding to the problem not fixing it dipshit. Caucus with the party that aligns most with your financial interests Harry and encourage more people to vote. It will only vote with other n8*#rs show up and vote. It can't be just you Harry. And yes I called you a N884er because to the rich, we are all n(#$rs.

Time to take back one of the two parties. It certainly won't be the GOP. The rich already own that. They also own the Democratic party but unions have some power there still. You were in a union, right harry? You sucked off the government tit for 30 years, right? You believe in higher wages not lower wages, right? Then get your head out of your god damn ass.
After checking it, and knowing that every Clinton scandal EVER was pure Pubcrappe or irrelevant politically, yes I do. Do you have ANY EXAMPLE of them lying, for the billionth time?
frankie i am talking what she is saying about why you should vote for her,i dont give a fuck about those "scandals" you believe her when she says "vote for me and i will do this that and the other thing".....thats the kinda lies i am talking about....
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
frankie i am talking what she is saying about why you should vote for her,i dont give a fuck about those "scandals" you believe her when she says "vote for me and i will do this that and the other thing".....thats the kinda lies i am talking about....
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
It's the scary GOP boogie man!!! :lol:

You guys act as if class warfare doesn't exist and the rich aren't winning.

It doesn't. It's a Socialist construct.

Winning what?
The war.

As I said, there is no war. It's a false construct with a certain use in Leftist propaganda.


Ooh, what a cute graph. Your point?
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
Because I don't trust her. Like I stated earlier why elect a continuation of the last 28 years as they have sucked.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Its not that we don't all agree with you Harry. We've just all picked a side. More people need to pick a side, not less. You are adding to the problem not fixing it dipshit. Caucus with the party that aligns most with your financial interests Harry and encourage more people to vote. It will only vote with other n8*#rs show up and vote. It can't be just you Harry. And yes I called you a N884er because to the rich, we are all n(#$rs.

Time to take back one of the two parties. It certainly won't be the GOP. The rich already own that. They also own the Democratic party but unions have some power there still. You were in a union, right harry? You sucked off the government tit for 30 years, right? You believe in higher wages not lower wages, right? Then get your head out of your god damn ass.
We've just all picked a side.
so have just aint one of your precious parties....
You are adding to the problem not fixing it
im trying to fix it by getting these jerks out that keep pulling for the same old shit...dipshits like you keep adding to it by voting for the same old shit...
You sucked off the government tit for 30 years, right?
you sound like a righty here...there is a difference between "sucking" and working bobo....people who suck off the government would never go out in a downpour in 40 degree weather to deliver mail,something i know you would not do,you would have called in sick....
get your head out of your god damn ass.
my head is in my ass?....a guy who doesnt let a party dictate who i vote for?.......yet here you are a person with your head firmly up the democrats collective ass's....maybe you should take your own advice bobo....
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
This was about the time people said Obama would never be the nominee either. Never say never.
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
frankie i am talking what she is saying about why you should vote for her,i dont give a fuck about those "scandals" you believe her when she says "vote for me and i will do this that and the other thing".....thats the kinda lies i am talking about....
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

That's hilarious coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Who said that?

Is that your only reply... Your guy killed close to half million people, cost Trillions in War debt and that is the sum total to what you got!
Hillary may well be up on charges soon.

Are you getting that from the source that has already got Bill and Obama in jail already....

This is the same mud you have been throwing for the last X years...

You have ZERO proof and you why? Cause this is apart of the 50,000 other things ye have made up in the last x years...
You guys act as if class warfare doesn't exist and the rich aren't winning.

It doesn't. It's a Socialist construct.

Winning what?
The war.

As I said, there is no war. It's a false construct with a certain use in Leftist propaganda.


Ooh, what a cute graph. Your point?

Just a cunstruct huh?
Hillary may well be up on charges soon.

Are you getting that from the source that has already got Bill and Obama in jail already....

This is the same mud you have been throwing for the last X years...

You have ZERO proof and you why? Cause this is apart of the 50,000 other things ye have made up in the last x years...

I agree, we have heard how Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections, Scott Walker will be indicted soon. Bush lied about Iraq. Bush was behind 9-11. It all gets pretty old and tiring, doesn't it.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.
pay attention dumbass....i can give a flying fuck about the goddam republicans....i look at them like i look at your fucking party....they are both a pile of.... but you keep on voting for that same pile frankie so we can be here the next few years talking about the same shit as we are party people are what makes this place entertaining....

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