Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
Sure, give a couple Dem lies and I'll agree. And not a prediction that Pubs blocked or went awry, a factual lie like the myriad ones you're full of, hater dupe. And see sig last line. I'm no hater.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.
pay attention dumbass....i can give a flying fuck about the goddam republicans....i look at them like i look at your fucking party....they are both a pile of.... but you keep on voting for the same shit frankie....after all if it wasnt for you party people this forum would be pretty boring...
And Pub propagandists win again. For the billionth time, WHAT DEM SHYTTE, BLOWHARD? lol. We give myriad examples of GOP bs. See sig.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
Sure, give a couple Dem lies and I'll agree. And not a prediction that Pubs blocked or went awry, a factual lie like the myriad ones you're full of, hater dupe. And see sig last line. I'm no hater.

Can't see your sig. I don't care to see your sig. You are a hater dupe, I don't care what hater dupes think. It's all irrelevant.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...
If trump runs who do you think that will hurt? Who did Ross Perot hurt when he ran?

So us Democrats don't want a 3rd party candidate putting Jeb in the white house. If they have good ideas they belong to the Democratic party.

Why don't you like Bernie Sanders?
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.

And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...

A third party vote is pretty useless.
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
see frankie this is what am trying to tell are so full of your party you just cant see someone thinking your party and the other party are kinda pathetic frankie....i can see the difference that you cant see....because you cant or wont....
What about it is shyttte, dingbat? If she lies I'll find out, hasn't yet. Twenty times I've asked you for an example. Ridiculous.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
Today middle class America has turned into LOWER middle class America. Paying more for things, making less, saving less, more in debt, higher costs.

Now lets compare that to all the men I knew growing up. They worked for the Big 3 and they made a lot of money. They had great healthcare. And they had pensions to look forward to. These blue collar middle class Americans lived the American dream.

And stupid lower middle class Americans, rather than say, "hey, I want a pension too", instead say, "why should Ford and GM workers get a pension and great healthcare when I don't, take it away from them so they don't have it better than me".

Rather than say they want good pay too lower middle class Republicans argued that auto workers should take a pay cut so they can be struggling losers too.
if you havent figured out what i am saying here frankie,then once again you prove what i am saying about you and your fellow party people....Democrats or Republicans,doesnt matter,you diehards are all alike,believe what you are told and if ANYONE is not like you there must be something wrong with that guys just cant comprehend someone going against the grain and not buying anything your gods put the hell does someone exist who does not listen to one of the party elites?....i bet that question keeps you people up at night.....
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
see frankie this is what am trying to tell are so full of your party you just cant see someone thinking your party and the other party are kinda pathetic frankie....i can see the difference that you cant see....because you cant or wont....
We see it. But the solution is to take 1 of the parties back, not start a new one. Look at how well that worked out for Perot or Paul. Stop it Harry.
And Sanders will never be the Democratic nominee, so you will buy her shit and vote Hillary.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...

A third party vote is pretty useless.
No, a third party vote is how you voice your disgust with a bought and owned two party political system. When the increase in third party voting becomes statistically significant we have a revolution, and third party votes have been increasing, neither Democrat leaders or Republican leaders want a third party even mentioned because of how much money they stand to lose. And independents have been elected to Congress already.

They keep lining up garbage candidates and keep this us v them mentality going so everyone will never vote third party, since a third party vote is just a vote "for the bad guy". Third party voting has increased and likely will increase further if we are left with a shit match up like Clinton vs Bush
I don't think you realize how angry the voters are at both parties Franco.
Yea but people are mad at the Democrats because they haven't raised middle class wages, made healthcare more affordable, shrunk the gap between the rich and poor, brought jobs back home, better regulated the bankers, oil companies and ceo's.

People are mad at the Democrats for completely different reasons they are mad at the GOP. The GOP NEVER promised to do any of the things I mentioned above.
Well you check each party's POLICIES and STATEMENTS and realize the GOP is FOS and a disaster, dingbat. Your irrelevancies about personal gossip is noted.

You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
see frankie this is what am trying to tell are so full of your party you just cant see someone thinking your party and the other party are kinda pathetic frankie....i can see the difference that you cant see....because you cant or wont....
We see it. But the solution is to take 1 of the parties back, not start a new one. Look at how well that worked out for Perot or Paul. Stop it Harry.
Both of today's major political parties did not exist at the beginning of this countries political process, they (wait for it) started a new one *gasp* and look how well its worked out for them!
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...

A third party vote is pretty useless.
No, a third party vote is how you voice your disgust with a bought and owned two party political system. When the increase in third party voting becomes statistically significant we have a revolution, and third party votes have been increasing, neither Democrat leaders or Republican leaders want a third party even mentioned because of how much money they stand to lose. And independents have been elected to Congress already.

They keep lining up garbage candidates and keep this us v them mentality going so everyone will never vote third party, since a third party vote is just a vote "for the bad guy". Third party voting has increased and likely will increase further if we are left with a shit match up like Clinton vs Bush
I think in Greece the socialist won the election with something like 36% of the vote. So the conservatives got 32%, the liberals got 32% and the socialist got the most votes but certainly most of the people did not want that person to win.
What would you do if it were between her and any of the GOP assclowns?
I would vote third party, hands down. I'm not going to be forced into picking the lesser of two evils.
There's little difference between Sanders and Hillary POLICY, at least in what might be passed. Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
Third party vote is a vote for GOP bs or irrelevant..
thats funny the righties say the same thing only its a vote for the people....just cant see past their own little bubble...

A third party vote is pretty useless.
No, a third party vote is how you voice your disgust with a bought and owned two party political system. When the increase in third party voting becomes statistically significant we have a revolution, and third party votes have been increasing, neither Democrat leaders or Republican leaders want a third party even mentioned because of how much money they stand to lose. And independents have been elected to Congress already.

They keep lining up garbage candidates and keep this us v them mentality going so everyone will never vote third party, since a third party vote is just a vote "for the bad guy". Third party voting has increased and likely will increase further if we are left with a shit match up like Clinton vs Bush

Third party votes or write- in or whatever are useless until you have a majority which will never happen. The third party will have to pay to play in the same way and the same system as everyone else. That means there is no difference in the end.
You being a hater dupe is duly noted.
and he keeps on proving what i am saying about him and others like him....but he just cant see it.....but then thats franco.....thats why i like the guy....
One party's fos and a disaster, and you can't tell the difference. End of story. And my life has been a enquiry into that. Vive la Democracie and le Rouge, le Blanc, et le Bleu (la Hollande, la France, la Grande Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis [on probation when run by a-hole Pubs]). lol
see frankie this is what am trying to tell are so full of your party you just cant see someone thinking your party and the other party are kinda pathetic frankie....i can see the difference that you cant see....because you cant or wont....
We see it. But the solution is to take 1 of the parties back, not start a new one. Look at how well that worked out for Perot or Paul. Stop it Harry.
Both of today's major political parties did not exist at the beginning of this countries political process, they (wait for it) started a new one *gasp* and look how well its worked out for them!
I'm going to restart the Federalist Party and you can be a Whig.
I don't think you realize how angry the voters are at both parties Franco.
Yea but people are mad at the Democrats because they haven't raised middle class wages, made healthcare more affordable, shrunk the gap between the rich and poor, brought jobs back home, better regulated the bankers, oil companies and ceo's.

People are mad at the Democrats for completely different reasons they are mad at the GOP. The GOP NEVER promised to do any of the things I mentioned above.

Well of course they are, that is why we have two parties with two different ideologies. Duh
The point is that both parties are not doing what the people of this country wants them to do.
The voters are sick and tired of the elites in both parties that are doing nothing, other than the same thing over and over again with no real results.

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