Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

I'm not doing your work for you, asshole. Either provide the evidence yourself or admit your full of shit.

Moron, its HAS already been provided...if you're too dumb to scroll back a couple pages, your problem is that you're too scared to be undisputedly proven that you're an idiot......Live with it. LOL
I'm not doing your work for you, asshole. Either provide the evidence yourself or admit your full of shit.

Moron, its HAS already been provided...if you're too dumb to scroll back a couple pages, your problem is that you're too scared to be undisputedly proven that you're an idiot......Live with it. LOL

Wrong. You told me to go look it up. That's not how a debate works. I don't have to provide the facts that prove your claims. You do, asshole.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"ACA will reduce your insurance bill by $2500."

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. . . . .Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”

Point out on the above "lies' how many Americans have died or how any democrats can be accused of having committed treason.

Now you're moving the goal posts. I'm not playing this game. However, I could easily point out how four Libyan embassy personnel died because Hillary and Obama tried to blame the "riots" on a video. Then there are all the people being murdered by Isis when Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq based on a series of lies.

Wait a second. Who cares about a Libyan Embassy incident? If you're talking about Benghazi, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found no evidence of your claims, you can review their conclusions here: It's not usually considered good form when you move goal posts while blaming someone else for moving goal posts.
Wrong. You told me to go look it up. That's not how a debate works. I don't have to provide the facts that prove your claims. You do, asshole.

Here, moron.........close your eyes

Jantje_Smit said:
"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." - Condoleezza Rice, clueless war criminal

How damn true.......and a blatant LIE from the Bush administration. Here's some proof:

  • In July 2001 at the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, anti-aircraft missile batteries were installed [on roofs of buildings] following a report that terrorists would try to crash a plane to kill George Bush and other world leaders.
Hey, right wingers, WHY were anti aircraft guns placed on roofs....for decoration???
welcome to Richman land bobo.....using money to get what I want,if you dont like it,tough shit....
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
we are talking about rich people frankie,not just politicians....PLEASE.....
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
Hillary once said she "dodged gunfire". Who knows what she heard?
Obama said you could keep your insurance policy. And you could, as long as it met minimum standards. Republicans call those outrageous and horrible lies.

Republicans said there were WMD's in Iraq so we sent tens of thousands of young Americans off to die or become maimed for life.
Republicans said the Bush Tax Cuts would create millions of jobs. Instead, it created trillions in debt and redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 10%.

If anyone was going to lie, I prefer it be Democrats. Their's I can live with.
If anyone was going to lie, I prefer it be Democrats. Their's I can live with.
as Spock would say....fascinating..... you also said that if i dont see the democrats fucking me,even though i know they are,i can live with that too...
Pub country, you mean, Mr. Middle Ground see no PubEVIL.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
we are talking about rich people frankie,not just politicians....PLEASE.....
Why the hell would we do that? This is a politics forum, not psychology lol. Ay caramba.
The problem is, their base thinks FactCheck and others are leftist.

And their base will believe anything, total sheep.
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
I use the world's greatest research machine ever invented. It's called a computer. Not much new to check the last 5 years, just new and ever more imaginative phoney Pub "scandals" against Dems...
"mushroom clouds" duh

"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." - Condoleezza Rice, clueless war ciminal


Did anyone predict it, you dumb asshole?
Absolutely. The Booosh Administration ignored all kinds of warnings, too busy fighting gay marriage and starting a corrupt real estate bubble. My theory is that Cheney didn't mind an attack too much, wanted a pretext to attack Saddam. But were surprised by how large the attack was. No evidence for that.
i see no repub evil? say that even though i have stated more than once that rich people,no matter their party,will sell out you and me before they give up their money .....and yet you frankie see no evil at all in rich who is being naive here? a rich guy like John Kerry can give a dam about you and me frankie...oh im sorry....he told you he does?....thats so nice....
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
we are talking about rich people frankie,not just politicians....PLEASE.....
Why the hell would we do that? This is a politics forum, not psychology lol. Ay caramba.
because we were talking about RICH only politicians have money? seem to think so....
and its another sheep who thinks his sides base dont do the same thing party people are easily led....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
I use the world's greatest research machine ever invented. It's called a computer. Not much new to check the last 5 years, just new and ever more imaginative phoney Pub "scandals" against Dems...
who writes what you read?....if a lefty does you believe it no questions yourself told me that a couple of days ago....remember i asked you that question....
And still not a single example of miscreant Dem policy or dishonesty. Very impressive lol.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
I use the world's greatest research machine ever invented. It's called a computer. Not much new to check the last 5 years, just new and ever more imaginative phoney Pub "scandals" against Dems...
who writes what you read?....if a lefty does you believe it no questions yourself told me that a couple of days ago....remember i asked you that question....
BS. link? I look for statistics and neutral JOURNALISTS, of which there are NONE on Fox Rush Savage Heritage, Breitbart etc etc. And for that matter ABC etc. A disgrace. SO...BBC, papers, factcheckers. Lefties my ass. Dems are pragmatic centrists in the real world.
Evidence? Fer crying out loud lol...Think POLICY, not bs Pub gossip.
we will have to just disagree here Frankie....i dont trust the super only trust rich lefties.....because none of them have ever been accused of fucking some poor slob over.....fraud is something rich lefties just dont do....your full of it
we are talking about rich people frankie,not just politicians....PLEASE.....
Why the hell would we do that? This is a politics forum, not psychology lol. Ay caramba.
because we were talking about RICH only politicians have money? seem to think so....
People are fecking complicated , of course I don't trust those I don't know personnally, and in POLITICS I don't trust greedy idiot Pubs and their dupes, because they lie cheat and steal and don't care about all kinds of people. I hope they enjoy hell.
Frankie keep up with the conversation ok? we are talking about the base believing everything they are told.... you and bobo and dean and many others here are people from the left who believe anything your party tells you....thats all the example anyone needs.....not one time during this conversation have you or Bobo say you question what you are told,not once,instead i see just obedience from you people and getting on me because i have the gall and audacity to question wealthy politicians...... please forgive me for my insolence......remember Frankie,its the ones who ask the questions who get the answers and the truth....try it sometimes.....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
I use the world's greatest research machine ever invented. It's called a computer. Not much new to check the last 5 years, just new and ever more imaginative phoney Pub "scandals" against Dems...
who writes what you read?....if a lefty does you believe it no questions yourself told me that a couple of days ago....remember i asked you that question....
BS. link? I look for statistics and neutral JOURNALISTS, of which there are NONE on Fox Rush Savage Heritage, Breitbart etc etc. And for that matter ABC etc. A disgrace. SO...BBC, papers, factcheckers. Lefties my ass. Dems are pragmatic centrists in the real world.
frankie i asked you if you believed all the bullshit that clinton and the others are saying .....what did you say?.....
You're really making irrelevancy an art form lol.
so in other words if someone does not think like you do....they are irrelevant....i have said it before....all you "party" people,left or right have the same mantra...."if you dont like what i like or want what i want....tough shit".....
I question everything, including your sanity at this point. ONE EXAMPLE, no more mealy mouth bullshytte?
I question everything
you do?....i have never seen you question any democrat in any thread in this forum....but you have told me you believe everything they say....and you are questioning my sanity?....
I use the world's greatest research machine ever invented. It's called a computer. Not much new to check the last 5 years, just new and ever more imaginative phoney Pub "scandals" against Dems...
who writes what you read?....if a lefty does you believe it no questions yourself told me that a couple of days ago....remember i asked you that question....
BS. link? I look for statistics and neutral JOURNALISTS, of which there are NONE on Fox Rush Savage Heritage, Breitbart etc etc. And for that matter ABC etc. A disgrace. SO...BBC, papers, factcheckers. Lefties my ass. Dems are pragmatic centrists in the real world.
frankie i asked you if you believed all the bullshit that clinton and the others are saying .....what did you say?.....
After checking it, and knowing that every Clinton scandal EVER was pure Pubcrappe or irrelevant politically, yes I do. Do you have ANY EXAMPLE of them lying, for the billionth time?
Of course you would call any organization dedicated to the truth liberal. You are correct.
Annenberg is a propaganda machine. There's no such thing as a leftwing organization dedicated to the truth. You can't put socialism over on people by telling the truth.
Show me one thing that Factcheck has got wrong or lied about. You can't. All you can do is make false claims about them in a failed effort to cover up the deep shit they discover about the Republicans. Republicans are immune to facts, but they dry-hump opinions and innuendo as if it were the gospel truth. The worst news organization in the world is Fox news, and that can be proven (you look it up you lazy ass), over and over again.

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What "deep shit" did they discover about Republicans? You're just ranting ad hominems. There are no actual facts in your post.
More nothing about nothing, the right wing way. Have you ever looked at Politifact? They call out liberals too. But to claim it's a "leftist site" in insanity, showing how little you know about them. Quit depending on others to provide facts for you, do it yourself you lazy scumbag. Maybe you'll find something to support your views, but not doing so only proves you're afraid of what you may find.

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More ad hominems unaccompanied by any facts. That seems to be your pattern.
Typical rightist reply when they don't have shit to use as a rebuttal. It's a shame you kids believe the shit Fox squirts at you without any questions asked, you just swallow it whole. Politifact puts Fox to shame, hell, even Jon Stewart puts Fox to shame. But Fox has you so indoctrinated that you sacrifice your right to information because they fucking TELL you to. One source, and you punks actually believe everything they tell you. Talk about stupid.

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