Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

That's rich coming from a party who's frontrunner is under criminal investigation and appears very likely to have at the very least committed obstruction of justice...

They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?

Inherited money was earned by someone and taxes were paid on it... therefore it doesn't matter.
Sure it does. Lets say Trump dies with $10 billion. If you don't hit his kids with a death tax, they will end up becoming the rich ruling class in America. And then you will have to pay more taxes to make up for the money we won't get if you eliminate the death tax on Billionaires.

So why should Trumps kids get $10 billion? Why not give them $5 billion and pay down the debt with the other $5 billion? Do you think his kids "deserve" the money? I don't.

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy Thom Hartmann
If you don't hit his kids with a death tax, they will end up becoming the rich ruling class in America. And then you will have to pay more taxes to make up for the money we won't get if you eliminate the death tax on Billionaires.

It's not your money.

So why should Trumps kids get $10 billion?

His money, his choice.

Why not give them $5 billion and pay down the debt with the other $5 billion?

So you favor a smaller robbery. I see. Quite telling.

Do you think his kids "deserve" the money? I don't.

It's his money. It doesn't matter what you think.
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?

Inherited money was earned by someone and taxes were paid on it... therefore it doesn't matter.
Sure it does. Lets say Trump dies with $10 billion. If you don't hit his kids with a death tax, they will end up becoming the rich ruling class in America. And then you will have to pay more taxes to make up for the money we won't get if you eliminate the death tax on Billionaires.

So why should Trumps kids get $10 billion? Why not give them $5 billion and pay down the debt with the other $5 billion? Do you think his kids "deserve" the money? I don't.

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy Thom Hartmann

"The money we won't get"?

What the fuck?

Earn your own money and don't rely on stealing from the dead and/or dying!!

You fucking socialist are leeches!!
These are all facts. We know this to be true. It's accepted reality.

Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted as fact that they were products of divine intervention. Japan took it a step further and worshiped Hirohito as a god.

To them, it was accepted reality.

It was proved an error in both instances.

Stop believing the nonsense you are fed. Take the red pill.

See, rdip thinks that "fact" is defined as "however I perceive the world". To him, it's a fact that the sun moves around the Earth, because he can see it "moving" across the sky.
Hearing Jeb Bush talk about how the surge pretty much won the war. And saying there was no Isis until Obama became president. No mention of the Iraqi Christians or how Iraq became very close friends with Iran. Or what happened to the disbanded Iraqi military.

And saying his brother was given false information.

It's too late Jeb. We know everything. Talking to a gullible base isn't enough. Even much of the GOP base doesn't believe it any more.

Once out there, it can't be taken back. It's on video. Video. The bane of the GOP.

That's hilarious coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Who said that?

rdip knows for a fact that Obama never said that. Know how he knows? Because Obama told him he didn't say it.
Do the radicals really want to bring up the "Troop Surge" in Iraq when they called the U.S. commander "betray-us" in a full page ad in the NY Times? Do they want to bring up the treason of Senate majority leader Harry Reid when he told Americans "the war is lost" ? The Troop Surge was a strategic move that brought a swift end to the Iraq military resistance. Bill Clinton told Americans that Saddam was building WMD's before he decided to bomb Europe. You almost gotta laugh that the radical left seems to depend on the skewed biased spin of Media Matters for it's historical perspective
The surge had something to do with the Iraqi military resistance? What the heck are you talking about?
Half-brained, right wingers love to tout "freedoms"....but criticize their OWN party for obvious lies, and they tell you to concentrate on the democrats......As if to stick their collective heads up their arses will make it all go away.

Actually, we're telling YOU to worry about your own party, and with Hillary as your frontrunner, I think that's fair.
If you don't hit his kids with a death tax, they will end up becoming the rich ruling class in America. And then you will have to pay more taxes to make up for the money we won't get if you eliminate the death tax on Billionaires.

It's not your money.

So why should Trumps kids get $10 billion?

His money, his choice.

Why not give them $5 billion and pay down the debt with the other $5 billion?

So you favor a smaller robbery. I see. Quite telling.

Do you think his kids "deserve" the money? I don't.

It's his money. It doesn't matter what you think.
His money doesn't mean his kids money. That's why we have a death tax or inheritance tax. If you want to do away with this fine but that means your taxes are going to go up and you're already barely making ends meet.
Half-brained, right wingers love to tout "freedoms"....but criticize their OWN party for obvious lies, and they tell you to concentrate on the democrats......As if to stick their collective heads up their arses will make it all go away.

Actually, we're telling YOU to worry about your own party, and with Hillary as your frontrunner, I think that's fair.
It's everyone's business when a candidate from either party is thought to be lying. Republicans accuse Clinton of lying everyday, all day. If Jeb is going to say things he has to be able to back them up.
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?

It is the property of the owner. They can give it to whomever they want.
Not true. You can't just give me $1 million dollars tax free stupid.
If you don't hit his kids with a death tax, they will end up becoming the rich ruling class in America. And then you will have to pay more taxes to make up for the money we won't get if you eliminate the death tax on Billionaires.

It's not your money.

So why should Trumps kids get $10 billion?

His money, his choice.

Why not give them $5 billion and pay down the debt with the other $5 billion?

So you favor a smaller robbery. I see. Quite telling.

Do you think his kids "deserve" the money? I don't.

It's his money. It doesn't matter what you think.
His money doesn't mean his kids money. That's why we have a death tax or inheritance tax. If you want to do away with this fine but that means your taxes are going to go up and you're already barely making ends meet.

It's his kids' money if he gives it to them.

No, we have a death tax to legalize theft by the federal government.

Who is this mysterious "you're" of whom you speak, and why not radically slash spending instead?
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?

It is the property of the owner. They can give it to whomever they want.
Not true. You can't just give me $1 million dollars tax free stupid.

That's because laws legalizing theft permit it to be stolen.
They didn't think a socialist would win in Greece but she did. Why? Because when capitalism sucks socialism doesn't look so bad. When the top 1% have 90% of the money time to spread the wealth

Time to earn it.
Is inheritance the same as earning it?

It is the property of the owner. They can give it to whomever they want.
Then why did Dennis Hastert get in trouble?

Sources Dennis Hastert cover-up for sexual misconduct -

Federal prosecutors indicted Hastert for lying to the FBI about $3.5 million he agreed to pay to an undisclosed person to "cover up past misconduct."

Who knew Dennis Hastert, the GOP speaker of the house was just like Jerry Sandusky.

Republicans are horrible judges of character.

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