Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

A> There are 3-4 MILLION good tech jobs going begging in the US because Pubs won't even invest in a program for that.
B> Yes, people went along with the Boooshie bubblers because MONEY. But the Boooshies wrecked the world- many didn't realize the corruption behind it. The New BS GOP eats shytte period.

everyday you make a fool of yourself here giving the unmistakeable message that even "dub" Republicans are more powerful than you so-called intelligent Progressives
The US Gov't is built perfectly for a-hole obstructors. Cutting taxes on the rich and giant corps is easy with reconciliation and Pubs aren't interested in reform laws etc. Greedy lying thieving a-holes and their silly dupes.
They keep saying companies will leave if we tax them. Well move! But don't think you can live here or sell your shit here and our military won't protect you abroad anymore.

I heard fords moving a plant from mexico to Ohio! Google it. Thank god for unions huh?
or john kasich?.....
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.
are you now saying that no democrats have been busted for corruption?...
As always when you bring up this bs, much fewer. And no bs propaganda machine. Period.
hey you are the one who said they are not corrupt.....i know better...
Did they lie us into the stupidest longest war ever, or a world depression? Or stalling the recovery for 5 years? Wake the feq up.
so what are saying?....the democrat brand of corruptness is ok?...
In comparison to the GOP, it's almost non-existant. And has nothing to do with policy.
But I'm d
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.

This is another case of the intolerant left wishing for the death of Republicans.

Must be terrible to hate yourself, because you can't face facts and dole out responsibility where it lies.
But I'm doing fine. I just know I could be finer.

I don't really want you dead I want you to die broke. Why? Because you vote in favor of policies that will leave you broke at retirement. Got kids? Instead of leaving them something you'll be living with them.

And 30 year olds today instead of having a home and 2.5 kids working for Ford they live with their parents and work at Walmart.

How you living?
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die!
I don't really want you dead

back peddling bobo? and frankie had your right wing moment and both of you realized you may be no different than them ....dont worry he did the same thing....


Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.

Dumb dumb, they are all corrupt. Are seriously going to deny the Clintons weren't in bed with Wall St.? Are you seriously that big of a hack?
I don't care if they are corrupt if my 401k is growing, my home value is up, my wages are up, I have good healthcare and I know social security and Medicare will be there when I retire.

The GOP want to privatize medicare and social security. Do you want that? What are you a liberal socialist? You will be when you're 65. Or 70 if the GOP gets there way. Who's gonna hire 69 year old you?

See? Lots of difference between dems and Republicans.

But you middle class Republicans are too stupid. Too stupid!
so as long as you got yours who gives a fuck if their corruptness may be fucking over some other poor slob.....another RW moment for bobo....
Actually it began on Clinton's watch when the Democrats removed some of the safety nets that FDR put into place to prevent another Depression.
You mean they compromised with the GOP majority. To no avail, of course, with the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) New BS GOP.

More BS, Clinton and Wall St. they love each other.
Dems are capitalists of course, but they aren't corrupt cronies like your heroes and brainwashers.
are you now saying that no democrats have been busted for corruption?...
Yea that's what he's saying.
sure you want back him on that?....
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
Frustration after 20 pages of brainwashed functional morons not believing facts. The dupes start out with that attitude. Angry white brainwashed ignorant fools by definition, 50% racist too. I want a link to Dean calling you a racist. Some kind of error I believe. LINK?
it happened a month ago frankie he knows what he said....he has spent the last month dancing away every time i ask him to prove it....its not the first time he has opened his mouth and wasnt able to back up what he said...maybe someday when his one ball drops he will man up....
You're as sensitive as a little girl. LINK? Every defender of Pubs gets it sometime. They deserve to, half the dupes are racists.
im sensitive?....who gets so frustrated that he agrees with a guy saying all republicans should die after he just got done telling me how hateful republicans are?......who calls everybody haters who doesnt agree with him?..... thats the sign of a little girl frankie....waaaa!! you dont agree with me you are a pub dupe,see my sig....
They hate poor people (lazy) and commies (Dems) because they're told to, call us faggots. They hate what they don't know. My friends they are, but don't talk politics lol or they hate you too. See sig last line. Pub dupes are THE story of the last 30 years. It's my political theory, and I'm right. Read the book. Nah nah lol...
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
I don't care if they are corrupt if my 401k is growing, my home value is up, my wages are up, I have good healthcare and I know social security and Medicare will be there when I retire.

The GOP want to privatize medicare and social security. Do you want that? What are you a liberal socialist? You will be when you're 65. Or 70 if the GOP gets there way. Who's gonna hire 69 year old you?

See? Lots of difference between dems and Republicans.

But you middle class Republicans are too stupid. Too stupid!

Corruption will lead to the next recession, so I do care. It isn't just about me it is about a country. I think you should have a choice with your social security, allow a portion to be invested just like your 401k. I also know if you do well in your social security the government will screw you over because they are corrupt and greedy. Medicare is fine, except it leaves a lot to be desired as far as coverage.

I don't plan on retiring until I die. The corrupt government will not increase retirement because then they would need more money and tax the poor working class just like they have been. Democrats have not been the best friend of the middle class. They like everyone wants the middle class to pay for everyone else. Since the 80's they have created more loopholes for the rich to lower their effective rates. Have they done that for the middle class? Hell no. Obama and his cronies extended the time frame that businesses had to provide health care but they didn't do it for the middle class or the working class. They aren't for me or you. So to me voting for either party is voting against our interest. That is why I am fed up with the current system.

It is the corrupt rich, writing laws that favor the corrupt rich. Where do you fit in there?
I told you. My dad worked for Ford. They had record profits while paying a fair wage, pensions, profit sharing, benefits, cadillac insurance, overtime, job security. My dad saved almost a million
He has a pension now on top of ss and Medicare. My mom contributed too but the point is instead of you dumb Americans realizing unions were bringing all our wages up and important, you let them demonize and break all the unions. Now you complain because the rich have all the money now.


None of what you posted had anything to do with my post. Unions are just as corrupt as politicians. My dad work at a company that had a union. They were great until the last few years, then they were largely ineffective and a burden for those that were good workers and a crutch for the lazy worker.

Things change and so did unions. I used to like them but like many things they become corrupt with power.
They broke the union. And what did the workers do? Perhaps you are right. Americans don't deserve high wages. They didn't appreciate all that unions did for us all.

Companies only paid union wages and benefits for fear their employees would unionize.

I know many Americans that would love the protection of a union.

Since unions can be formed by a vote, why aren't those Americans you know forming unions?
They are weak scared divided and stupid.

Easier for 10000 workers under one roof than it is to get McDonald or Walmart employees organized
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.
Sealy and franco are two of the biggest idiots on these message boards; both of them make fools of themselves here daily
Fuck off Republicans. Literally. Fucking die! I absolutely hate stupid.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.

if you invested your pension over a lifetime and it earned interest how would it lose money unless teh stack market crashed idiot? do you realize its only have like 7 losing-value years in its whole history?

ANE EVEN IF that happened that could be when government steps in; instead of a system we have now where entitlemnt programs HAVE OVER $100 TRILLION, YES TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
Sealy and franco are two of the biggest idiots on these message boards; both of them make fools of themselves here daily
Coming from anyone on the right I take that as a compliment. You may as well told me I'm beautiful.
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.

if you invested your pension over a lifetime and it earned interest how would it lose money unless teh stack market crashed idiot? do you realize its only have like 7 losing-value years in its whole history?

ANE EVEN IF that happened that could be when government steps in; instead of a system we have now where entitlemnt programs HAVE OVER $100 TRILLION, YES TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
Unless the stock market crashed? Like it did and will again?

And you act like you can't save because of social security. Are you so broke you can't save on top of social security? Then do it!
They're totally misinformed. Forgive them they know not what they do lol. See sig last line. Too bad Granny is a raging bigot lol...
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.

if you invested your pension over a lifetime and it earned interest how would it lose money unless teh stack market crashed idiot? do you realize its only have like 7 losing-value years in its whole history?

ANE EVEN IF that happened that could be when government steps in; instead of a system we have now where entitlemnt programs HAVE OVER $100 TRILLION, YES TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
How are they unfunded? Didn't we all pay in to social security? Maybe we shouldn't have cut taxes on the rich and corporations if we have unfunded liabilities.

I think they "borrowed" from social security. Put it back.
SS cut elderly poverty from 70% to 30%. I have a Masters in History. Obi has a Masters in RW propaganda...and stupid insults.
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.

if you invested your pension over a lifetime and it earned interest how would it lose money unless teh stack market crashed idiot? do you realize its only have like 7 losing-value years in its whole history?

ANE EVEN IF that happened that could be when government steps in; instead of a system we have now where entitlemnt programs HAVE OVER $100 TRILLION, YES TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
Unless the stock market crashed? Like it did and will again?

And you act like you can't save because of social security. Are you so broke you can't save on top of social security? Then do it!

how many years didnt it crash leftard?
thats pretty nice just got through telling me how your good buddy dean aint nothing like those hater republicans....and bobo here LITERALLY wants republicans to die and you support the are you and bobo and dean any different than those hater republicans?....hate is hate....
I just detest them you know I don't mean it. Although if we split the states 25 25 and went our separate ways that wouldn't suck. You'd have to leave Cali though.

And in 4 years each state can switch sides if they don't like the direction their state is going.

Our economies will produce slow steady safe growth with a fat middle call and millionaire business owners and you'd have trump billionaires a small merchant class and the broke masses. The serfs.
I just detest them you know I don't mean it.
do i? have said a few things about me that you know isnt true....feels nice doesnt it when someone says shit about you that aint true....
Well I did say it so you weren't lying.

Let's just say I would love to make you 20 years old again and not give you a pension the next time around and I'd let you privatize your social security and watch you run out of money like I know most Americans would.

if you invested your pension over a lifetime and it earned interest how would it lose money unless teh stack market crashed idiot? do you realize its only have like 7 losing-value years in its whole history?

ANE EVEN IF that happened that could be when government steps in; instead of a system we have now where entitlemnt programs HAVE OVER $100 TRILLION, YES TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
How are they unfunded? Didn't we all pay in to social security? Maybe we shouldn't have cut taxes on the rich and corporations if we have unfunded liabilities.

I think they "borrowed" from social security. Put it back.

You Think The Deficit Is Bad? Federal Unfunded Liabilities ...
Jan 17, 2014 - Federal Unfunded Liabilities Exceed $127 Trillion ... purchases by 26 percent, and cut Social Security and Medicare benefits by 11 percent.”.

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