Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Franco is a dumbass, he honestly thinks democrats like paying taxes. It doesn't matter the long list of democrats that have been or are currently under investigation for tax evasion and/or fraud. You can start with Tim Geithner (treasury secretary) and go on down the line to Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Tom Daschell Obama's first choice for HHS secretary who dropped out because of the taxes he owed.

You are so full of shit Franco, I can smell you from here!
of course despite the title of this thread you arent "disproving lies". which is why of course you're crying about a dead guy that would be over a hundred years got "change" and it isnt what you thought it would be, and your wounded Progressive pride cant handle it
We're not expecting hater dupes to pay for actual argument...and it's your tripe lol. Thanks for the wars and depression, and see sig. Your party is a lying thieving disaster.

Lol! You are a precious little one, aren't you.
Franco is a dumbass, he honestly thinks democrats like paying taxes. It doesn't matter the long list of democrats that have been or are currently under investigation for tax evasion and/or fraud. You can start with Tim Geithner (treasury secretary) and go on down the line to Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Tom Daschell Obama's first choice for HHS secretary who dropped out because of the taxes he owed.

You are so full of shit Franco, I can smell you from here!

Melissa Gilbert is running for Congress in Michigan. She owes over $400,000 in back taxes. Yet, he claims that the Democrats are pure.

No point in arguing with those that naive. All you can do is laugh at the ignorance.
Total bs. Unconstitutional my ass. I hate greedy idiot lying propagandist Pub rich people if anyone. I love Dem rich people who want to raise taxes on themselves and giant tax free corporations to help the non-rich the New BS GOP have been screwing for 30 years, Pub dupe- see sig. Spare me the "why don't they just send a check to the IRS?" talking point, fool.

You're a special kind of stupid. Carry on!
Any argument but stupid personal insult, Pub dupe? Didn't think so...
Franco is a dumbass, he honestly thinks democrats like paying taxes. It doesn't matter the long list of democrats that have been or are currently under investigation for tax evasion and/or fraud. You can start with Tim Geithner (treasury secretary) and go on down the line to Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Tom Daschell Obama's first choice for HHS secretary who dropped out because of the taxes he owed.

You are so full of shit Franco, I can smell you from here!

Melissa Gilbert is running for Congress in Michigan. She owes over $400,000 in back taxes. Yet, he claims that the Democrats are pure.

No point in arguing with those that naive. All you can do is laugh at the ignorance.
We're talking policy, not irrelevant malevolent gossip, chump of the greedy idot New BS GOP...
Total bs. Unconstitutional my ass. I hate greedy idiot lying propagandist Pub rich people if anyone. I love Dem rich people who want to raise taxes on themselves and giant tax free corporations to help the non-rich the New BS GOP have been screwing for 30 years, Pub dupe- see sig. Spare me the "why don't they just send a check to the IRS?" talking point, fool.

You're a special kind of stupid. Carry on!
Any argument but stupid personal insult, Pub dupe? Didn't think so...


this thread is supposed to be about you duped Progs "disproving" Republican "lies".

all i see from you is crying about the past and ignoring the present stupid. when are you going to get around to disproving a lie or something dupe?
Franco is a dumbass, he honestly thinks democrats like paying taxes. It doesn't matter the long list of democrats that have been or are currently under investigation for tax evasion and/or fraud. You can start with Tim Geithner (treasury secretary) and go on down the line to Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Tom Daschell Obama's first choice for HHS secretary who dropped out because of the taxes he owed.

You are so full of shit Franco, I can smell you from here!

Melissa Gilbert is running for Congress in Michigan. She owes over $400,000 in back taxes. Yet, he claims that the Democrats are pure.

No point in arguing with those that naive. All you can do is laugh at the ignorance.
We're talking policy, not irrelevant malevolent gossip, chump of the greedy idot New BS GOP...

which policy dupe? because your Party and your Messiah voted for nearly everything you cry about. so which ones?
Franco is a dumbass, he honestly thinks democrats like paying taxes. It doesn't matter the long list of democrats that have been or are currently under investigation for tax evasion and/or fraud. You can start with Tim Geithner (treasury secretary) and go on down the line to Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Tom Daschell Obama's first choice for HHS secretary who dropped out because of the taxes he owed.

You are so full of shit Franco, I can smell you from here!

Melissa Gilbert is running for Congress in Michigan. She owes over $400,000 in back taxes. Yet, he claims that the Democrats are pure.

No point in arguing with those that naive. All you can do is laugh at the ignorance.
We're talking policy, not irrelevant malevolent gossip, chump of the greedy idot New BS GOP...

See! lol! He is funny!
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
So they aren't taking in enough money. That's because the rich and corporations don't pay their fair share. Same as in Greece.

That's your answer, government needs to take away more of peoples hard earned money to pay for their overspending. Typical progressive nonsense.
Bloated rich people's money ONLY, and giant corps (55% pay NO TAXES- breaking news for dupes!)

That would be unconstitutional. Equal protection under the law and all that.

Why do you hate rich people?

Oh BTW those giant corps produces thousands of jobs. Close
And those workers make them millions or billions of dollars. Close.
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?

apparently he was young enough and big enough to have an impact that has left-wing losers crying about him long after he died
Just reminding you right wing retards he shouldn't be sainted.
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
way to old....and no i did not vote for reagan.....did not care for the guy...i delivered mail to a complex with LOTS of elderly people living there and they were happy a man in their age bracket got elected because they felt he would understand the problems people their age face....many of them had a whole different take on the guy after his first term....and many were saying fuck him in the second term.....
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
way to old....and no i did not vote for reagan.....did not care for the guy...i delivered mail to a complex with LOTS of elderly people living there and they were happy a man in their age bracket got elected because they felt he would understand the problems people their age face....many of them had a whole different take on the guy after his first term....and many were saying fuck him in the second term.....
Funny because here in Michigan, even Big 3 union auto workers loved Reagan. Reagan saved my dad's plant and a lot of layoffs. Remember, he would be considered left of Hillary if it was today.

Many people didn't realize all the bad things Reagan did that would later end us screwing the middle class. He was the start of breaking unions and the start of hiring illegals for jobs Americans would do.

But we didn't have the internet back then and like I say, the media aint liberal so it helped sell America on Reagan.

So all those Ford workers who voted for Reagan because he saved their jobs, didn't realize his policies would cost future Americans jobs. In fact you guys still don't blame the guy. You blame Clinton, Carter, Obama Pelosi & Reid.
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
way to old....and no i did not vote for reagan.....did not care for the guy...i delivered mail to a complex with LOTS of elderly people living there and they were happy a man in their age bracket got elected because they felt he would understand the problems people their age face....many of them had a whole different take on the guy after his first term....and many were saying fuck him in the second term.....
I think you are smart enough to get this:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
rdean, you are the most hated lefty on USMB. I am so jealous. I've found the more I like someone on USMB the more the right hates that person. I consider their hate a badge of honor and the highest form of flattery. A compliment to you sir.
Yes, why the feq wouldn't I? Do you believe Jeb when he says he wants to end Medicare, Medicaid, and SS?
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
You guys wonder why Obama didn't do what he promised?

The Kentucky senator, continuously partisan and mean spirited in public, earned the jab by leading a record number of filibusters as Senate minority leader during Obama’s tenure, forcing more than a quarter of all cloture votes in the history of the Senate since the beginning of the Republic.

I guess they aren't all the same. You just think they are because you don't know the dirty shit going on behind the scenes. Why don't you know? Because the media isn't liberal like you THINK it is. You're being played boy.
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
rdean, you are the most hated lefty on USMB. I am so jealous. I've found the more I like someone on USMB the more the right hates that person. I consider their hate a badge of honor and the highest form of flattery. A compliment to you sir.
if she gets elected will i see you here bitching about her if she has excuses as to why she cant do what she promised?...and as far as jeb goes,same thing with him.....promises promises promises.....he would have a lot of opposition to end those INCLUDING from many Republicans for obvious reasons...
I'll be bitching about Pubs blocking her, refusing compromise, and brainwashing the chumps.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
You guys wonder why Obama didn't do what he promised?

The Kentucky senator, continuously partisan and mean spirited in public, earned the jab by leading a record number of filibusters as Senate minority leader during Obama’s tenure, forcing more than a quarter of all cloture votes in the history of the Senate since the beginning of the Republic.

I guess they aren't all the same. You just think they are because you don't know the dirty shit going on behind the scenes. Why don't you know? Because the media isn't liberal like you THINK it is. You're being played boy.
They know. It's a "determined ignorance". Sometimes, people want something to be a certain way, they decide it's that way regardless of the actual facts.
BP being protected by the GOP. They refuse to believe that happened. Even after video from the senate is released.
Obama being blackmailed by the GOP over extending the Bush Tax Cuts. When they said they were going to hold up unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, Obama knew they weren't kidding. But he just couldn't do that to millions of American, the GOP has no problem hurting millions of Americans.
Blocking first responders from getting health care for 10 years? No problem.
Cutting school lunches?

And no matter the horrible things the GOP does, the base refuses to see it.
in other words you will buy her shit no matter what.....just what i have been saying here....thanks for proving that.....ay carumba.....
Maybe if more people like you vote for Sanders we can take away the nomination from Hillary. We did that before with Obama we can do it again. YOU however can not get Ross Perot, Trump or Ron Paul nominated as the GOP candidate so don't even try.
you dumbasses fucked over hillary before,she should have nothing to do with you people,but she thinks like you do......and bernie is way to old for this job so are trump and a few others....being president is maybe the most stressful job there may be out there....if you are in your 70's i wont even consider them....
So Reagan was too old?
way to old....and no i did not vote for reagan.....did not care for the guy...i delivered mail to a complex with LOTS of elderly people living there and they were happy a man in their age bracket got elected because they felt he would understand the problems people their age face....many of them had a whole different take on the guy after his first term....and many were saying fuck him in the second term.....
Funny because here in Michigan, even Big 3 union auto workers loved Reagan. Reagan saved my dad's plant and a lot of layoffs. Remember, he would be considered left of Hillary if it was today.

Many people didn't realize all the bad things Reagan did that would later end us screwing the middle class. He was the start of breaking unions and the start of hiring illegals for jobs Americans would do.

But we didn't have the internet back then and like I say, the media aint liberal so it helped sell America on Reagan.

So all those Ford workers who voted for Reagan because he saved their jobs, didn't realize his policies would cost future Americans jobs. In fact you guys still don't blame the guy. You blame Clinton, Carter, Obama Pelosi & Reid.
you guys still don't blame the guy.
talking to you bobo is like talking to a far lefty or righty...nothing registers....

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