Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
What did I learn today? That the GOP is the best party for the poor, middle class and rich. Turns out we don't need a 3rd party we need a 1 party system.
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
So they aren't taking in enough money. That's because the rich and corporations don't pay their fair share. Same as in Greece.

and yet they consider themselves to be good little progressive people; but dont even pay their fair share? just like in America with our own left-wingers huh?

i know you thought you made a point but you made mine actually
John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury ...
The Huffington Post
Jul 23, 2010 - John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500000 in taxes to the cash-strapped Bay S. ... Exposes Televangelism, Then Forms His Own Tax-Exempt Church ... Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht Out Of State.
Missing: hypocrite
John Kerry: Tax Raising Hypocrite - Godfather Politics
Nov 20, 2011 - Even without his wife's inherited money, Kerry is wealthy in his own name, being the ... met with key members of Congress to flesh out the Obamacare bill. ... Didn't Kerry park his sail boat in another to avoid the taxes in Mass. .... When he docked his yacht in a neighboring state to avoid MA taxes, that said ...
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
So they aren't taking in enough money. That's because the rich and corporations don't pay their fair share. Same as in Greece.

That's your answer, government needs to take away more of peoples hard earned money to pay for their overspending. Typical progressive nonsense.
Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?

all i can say to this bit of stupidity is "How does trickle-up work"???
You start helping the nonrich for a change to create demand and tax the richest and giant corps to pay for it DUH. You bitch about the rich getting all the new wealth but refuse any reform. Pub dupe functional moron lol.
SS cut elderly poverty from 70% to 30%. I have a Masters in History. Obi has a Masters in RW propaganda...and stupid insults.
stupid insults? mean like chumps....Because they're functional moron Pub dupes...Ridiculous, dupe.....hater dupe....Example, dupe?.....after 20 pages of brainwashed functional morons.....A joke, for dupes like you only.....these are all your stupid insults Frankie just in this thread....."physician heal thy self"
Political fact- they believe a gigantic pile of lies- as opposed to stupid personal insults- faggot, lazy, and of course all the sex we're having with Obama...
reality fact.... a personal insult is a personal are trying to justify why its ok for you to do something you say others are assholes for doing.....that shit dont fly either set the example or become the example...
See, I say functional morons and chumps because they're brainwashed with bs and I give MANY examples. They and you say we're loons period, just as bad- and have no examples. See sig last line.
frankie i used to call you a loon until i got my decoder ring in the mail and found out you live in my old back yard...we just dont look at the things the same way....but i would have no problems having a beer and pizza with you,just dont talk politics and we would probably have a good time....
poor sealy; so stupid and it IS his fault

or just poor DNA
I'm Greek. We are much smarter than the average person. We invented Democracy for god sakes. Your ancestors were cavemen back then while we were doing debate, science, logic, music, reasoning, reading, writing and math.

Here is where your people are at in the evolutionary stage of things.

Is that why Greece is bankrupt and can't figure anyway out?
no natural resouces- plutocrat legacy from Nixon supported dictatorship pay bribes instead of taxes...

Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?

all i can say to this bit of stupidity is "How does trickle-up work"???
You start helping the nonrich for a change to create demand and tax the richest and giant corps to pay for it DUH. You bitch about the rich getting all the new wealth but refuse any reform. Pub dupe functional moron lol.

helping the non-rich for a change?
you sad idiot; you do realize we have TRILLIONS of dollars worth of social "safety net" programs???
Why do you say the market will crash again?
Because the market can't keep going up and up and up. Eventually and occasionally they have to have a crash. But don't worry about the rich. They love it when it crashes. They get to cut spending/social programs and they buy low sell high and get even richer. It only hurts us.

That's why slow and steady and regulated is the right way to go. Don't trust the rich or corporations. They don't care about America. They don't have feelings. It's all about $. Nothing personal.
Don't trust the rich
so i said that in this thread and you had a problem with its ok because you are saying it? is it "do as i say,not as i do"? and frankie do a lot of back peddling...
You're just confused Harry. It's ok. It's not your fault.

i said i dont trust rich people left or argued implying lefty rich people have your you are agreeing with who is confused here? let me give you a video just for you...

My brother is a rich liberal who understands our society runs best when the middle class is doing well. He's ok with a progressive tax system.

I'm just happy that finally Republicans admit that its the rich who are screwing us over. You finally realize it's not people on welfare doubling the debt.

They aren't sending union jobs down south to Mississippi they're bypassing the right to work states and going to Mexico and China. So you guys were bashing unions, not realizing you non union Americans are overpaid too.

The masses, the poor, the middle class vote mostly Democratic. They aren't all dumb. Its the poor and middle class that vote GOP that are getting it wrong. If you would come caucus with us we might be able to take the party back.

I like my analogy. The GOP is 100% OWNED by the rich. The Democratic party is 88% owned by the rich. So which party do you have a better chance taking back?

. So you guys were bashing unions,
there you go again,saying something about me i have never done,if i hated unions why would i have stayed in mine for 35 years?...
not realizing you non union Americans are overpaid too
i was union,still am.....i am starting to hear bobo talk taking over here....
Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.
Americans dont have balls?...speak for yourself bobo,there are plenty of Americans out there who have balls,when was the last time you did 3 tours in Iraq?...i worked with 3-4 kids who have done just that...if you said that to them they would do this to your balls....
SS cut elderly poverty from 70% to 30%. I have a Masters in History. Obi has a Masters in RW propaganda...and stupid insults.
stupid insults? mean like chumps....Because they're functional moron Pub dupes...Ridiculous, dupe.....hater dupe....Example, dupe?.....after 20 pages of brainwashed functional morons.....A joke, for dupes like you only.....these are all your stupid insults Frankie just in this thread....."physician heal thy self"
Political fact- they believe a gigantic pile of lies- as opposed to stupid personal insults- faggot, lazy, and of course all the sex we're having with Obama...
reality fact.... a personal insult is a personal are trying to justify why its ok for you to do something you say others are assholes for doing.....that shit dont fly either set the example or become the example...
A personal insult is a personal insult, a POLITICAL insult is a political insult. Again you go off the tracks. When you say Dems are just as bad at lying, you have to have examples...ay caramba.
See, I say functional morons and chumps because they're brainwashed with bs and I give MANY examples. They and you say we're loons period, just as bad- and have no examples. See sig last line.
frankie i used to call you a loon until i got my decoder ring in the mail and found out you live in my old back yard...we just dont look at the things the same way....but i would have no problems having a beer and pizza with you,just dont talk politics and we would probably have a good time....
Absolutely, all my friends out here in Wyoming county are hater dupes lol. I NEVER say someone is a loon or an idiot, it's always a functional idiot because they are misinformed by lying Pubs or are racists because ditto- it's the story of Reaganism. They don't really know any blacks or latinos...if I don't say functional it's because I hate typing. After all this is a politics forum and I'm trying to get thru YEARS, decades of PUBCRAPPE.
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
So they aren't taking in enough money. That's because the rich and corporations don't pay their fair share. Same as in Greece.

That's your answer, government needs to take away more of peoples hard earned money to pay for their overspending. Typical progressive nonsense.
Bloated rich people's money ONLY, and giant corps (55% pay NO TAXES- breaking news for dupes!)
poor sealy; so stupid and it IS his fault

or just poor DNA
I'm Greek. We are much smarter than the average person. We invented Democracy for god sakes. Your ancestors were cavemen back then while we were doing debate, science, logic, music, reasoning, reading, writing and math.

Here is where your people are at in the evolutionary stage of things.

Is that why Greece is bankrupt and can't figure anyway out?
no natural resouces- plutocrat legacy from Nixon supported dictatorship pay bribes instead of taxes...

What's funny, Pub dupe? Never heard of their corruption? That's it. You think they have ANY resources?
poor sealy; so stupid and it IS his fault

or just poor DNA
I'm Greek. We are much smarter than the average person. We invented Democracy for god sakes. Your ancestors were cavemen back then while we were doing debate, science, logic, music, reasoning, reading, writing and math.

Here is where your people are at in the evolutionary stage of things.

Is that why Greece is bankrupt and can't figure anyway out?
no natural resouces- plutocrat legacy from Nixon supported dictatorship pay bribes instead of taxes...

What's funny, Pub dupe? Never heard of their corruption? That's it. You think they have ANY resources?
Lol! You are funny.

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