Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.
poor sealy; so stupid and it IS his fault

or just poor DNA
I'm Greek. We are much smarter than the average person. We invented Democracy for god sakes. Your ancestors were cavemen back then while we were doing debate, science, logic, music, reasoning, reading, writing and math.

Here is where your people are at in the evolutionary stage of things.

Is that why Greece is bankrupt and can't figure anyway out?
Tax the rich. Problem solved. Don't like it, get out of Greece. Sell their property to Russians, Australians, French, Brits, Canadians, Americans.
Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.

this is why i simply cant take you seriously dummy!!

lmao you actually mind-phuked yourself into blaming Greece's ills on your favorite boogeyman, bush?

why dont you just go back to drooling in the corner moron? if you're good i'll bring you some souvlaki.
Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?
Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?

all i can say to this bit of stupidity is "How does trickle-up work"???
Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.

this is why i simply cant take you seriously dummy!!

lmao you actually mind-phuked yourself into blaming Greece's ills on your favorite boogeyman, bush?

why dont you just go back to drooling in the corner moron? if you're good i'll bring you some souvlaki.
That's what is funny about you right wing pukes. You don't see the rich aren't just taking over America. They are taking over the world.

Arab Spring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France, Spain, Portugal, Detroit, Greece, Puerto Rico.

It's divide and concur. First you made fun of the French, because you weren't French. Then you made fun of the Greeks, because you weren't Greek. Then they did Detroit, and you made fun of Detroit, not realizing your own state almost went bankrupt. Meanwhile they are making austerity cuts on you too idiot.

Hell, have you seen your countries national debt? How fucking dare you make fun of anyone!

Who owns the Federal Reserve? Bankers. Who owns the rest of the world? Bankers.

I know you think I'm a conspiracy theory but while you think that, they are conspiring against us.
Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?

all i can say to this bit of stupidity is "How does trickle-up work"???
Very simple. Do you want to know? Do you REALLY want to know? What makes business owners rich? Demand. What makes companies hire? Demand. So when the middle class has money, companies hire to meet the demand for the shit they buy. It's very easy.

So thank you for not answering my question, because you can't. Loser.

I must have given you a case of cognitive dissonance.
Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.

this is why i simply cant take you seriously dummy!!

lmao you actually mind-phuked yourself into blaming Greece's ills on your favorite boogeyman, bush?

why dont you just go back to drooling in the corner moron? if you're good i'll bring you some souvlaki.
That's what is funny about you right wing pukes. You don't see the rich aren't just taking over America. They are taking over the world.

Arab Spring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France, Spain, Portugal, Detroit, Greece, Puerto Rico.

It's divide and concur. First you made fun of the French, because you weren't French. Then you made fun of the Greeks, because you weren't Greek. Then they did Detroit, and you made fun of Detroit, not realizing your own state almost went bankrupt. Meanwhile they are making austerity cuts on you too idiot.

Hell, have you seen your countries national debt? How fucking dare you make fun of anyone!

Who owns the Federal Reserve? Bankers. Who owns the rest of the world? Bankers.

I know you think I'm a conspiracy theory but while you think that, they are conspiring against us.

here in America leftard the richest got richer on the Progressive watch then they were getting under those mean ol Republicans

that's why nobody takes you seriously
Pub dupe bubble of bs lol...

i was hoping you'd say something relevant dummy

instead i get the same ol "dupe" stupidity from an idiot who was duped himself.

as were all the obama supporters

under obama the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer; both at an increased pace then was happening under Bush.
crime in increasing in inner cities, race relations have been set back decades, corporations are making record profits, obama has oveseen the largest pickup of seats in Congress by the other Party in SEVENTY YEARS, obama has ADMITTED THAT 95% OF INCOME GAINS ON HIS WATCH WENT TO THAT 1% YOU LOSERS LOVE TO HATE.......................................
in short pretty much everything you idiots say you stand for? yea the opposite has happened

and all anyone ever sees from you day in and day out is how other people are "dupes"; and an endless stream of excuses how "dupes" that you consider stupid are competely to blame for foiling the best-laid plans of you oh-so intelligent "forward-thinkers"

what a complete idiot you are
What do you want to do about the ever widening gap between the rich and poor?

I thought if we gave them all the money it'd trickle down? Trump went from $1 bill to $8 and now he's sitting on $7 bill. What did you say will get him to spend some of that money again?

all i can say to this bit of stupidity is "How does trickle-up work"???
Very simple. Do you want to know? Do you REALLY want to know? What makes business owners rich? Demand. What makes companies hire? Demand. So when the middle class has money, companies hire to meet the demand for the shit they buy. It's very easy.

So thank you for not answering my question, because you can't. Loser.

I must have given you a case of cognitive dissonance.

government doesnt, cant create demand that sustains itself you mindless moron; nor is that its job in or system

the problem with you losers is you're full of yourselves and full of shit at the same time
your leaders made people poorer; needier. now they are trying to get by on welfare and food stamps where they use to have jobs you idiot

you have no credibility speaking on what works and what doesnt
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.
Greece is the laughingstock of the planet right about now
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.

this is why i simply cant take you seriously dummy!!

lmao you actually mind-phuked yourself into blaming Greece's ills on your favorite boogeyman, bush?

why dont you just go back to drooling in the corner moron? if you're good i'll bring you some souvlaki.
That's what is funny about you right wing pukes. You don't see the rich aren't just taking over America. They are taking over the world.

Arab Spring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France, Spain, Portugal, Detroit, Greece, Puerto Rico.

It's divide and concur. First you made fun of the French, because you weren't French. Then you made fun of the Greeks, because you weren't Greek. Then they did Detroit, and you made fun of Detroit, not realizing your own state almost went bankrupt. Meanwhile they are making austerity cuts on you too idiot.

Hell, have you seen your countries national debt? How fucking dare you make fun of anyone!

Who owns the Federal Reserve? Bankers. Who owns the rest of the world? Bankers.

I know you think I'm a conspiracy theory but while you think that, they are conspiring against us.

More incentive for people to become rich.
your leaders made people poorer; needier. now they are trying to get by on welfare and food stamps where they use to have jobs you idiot

you have no credibility speaking on what works and what doesnt
You never answered my question from before so Phuck off.
as i said already your leader obama has admitted the top ONE PERCENT got NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of income gains o his watch

anybody with a brain knows this is why you losers pretend you havent been in charge all this time
you're the clown who actually mentally masturbated to a fantasy that Bush is responsible for the mess in Greece

why should normal people not laugh at you sealybobo?
Same thing happened in Greece that happened in Detroit that happened in every state in America right after Bush's Great Recession. Almost every state in America was Greece back in 2008. But the Greeks were smarter than us. Rather than give in and let the rich fuck them all in the ass, they said fuck you.

If only Americans had balls, which they most certainly do not. Remember the 99%ers? They were right and so were the Greeks for voting in the socialist party. I'm supporting Bernie Sanders. We need WELL REGULATED Capitalism. Government control of the "free" market.

You are literally too stupid for words.
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
your leaders made people poorer; needier. now they are trying to get by on welfare and food stamps where they use to have jobs you idiot

you have no credibility speaking on what works and what doesnt
At least we agree the rich are too rich and we need to spread that money around. How should we do it?
Just pay attention to the next country/city that goes bankrupt. They will pick us off one at a time until they get what they want. And they will never allow cuts to military or to increase taxes on the rich or corporations. Those options aren't on the table anymore.

Pay special attention to the liberal government of said country/city that goes bankrupt. Also pay attention to the reason, which is mostly due to government pensions.
So they aren't taking in enough money. That's because the rich and corporations don't pay their fair share. Same as in Greece.

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