Republicans better open our fucking government or

Vote for a 2 month debt ceiling raise and your sequester.

Then have a debate on welfare reform.
Vote for a 2 month debt ceiling raise and your sequester.

Then have a debate on welfare reform.

If you were paying attention you would know thats basically already been offered and OBAMA rejected it because HE wants the sequester limits lifted. Like I said pages ago, get your head out of your ass.
Vote for a 2 month debt ceiling raise and your sequester.

Then have a debate on welfare reform.

If you were paying attention you would know thats basically already been offered and OBAMA rejected it because HE wants the sequester limits lifted. Like I said pages ago, get your head out of your ass.

Which are the law of the land, as well
Funny how that works for the left now....
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Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:

You just did. Medicare/Medicaid has just been funded for the the foreseeable future through the the ACA. Guess you missed that part.
even Repubs knew that Cruz , Lee & the House t-partiers had no end game plan if the President refused to give into their demands. They threatened to shut the gov't down & got their wish :thup:
From right wing ABC news
House Republicans Wait at a Table for Dems to Negotiate Budget

The Left never wanted to negotiate

They would prefer Papa Obama to punish people like WW II veterans
by spending more money to close open air parks then keep them open
A first for any gov't shutdown.

DC Mayor asking Reid to back House move to free the district from Federal Budget Restrictions

[ame=""]Reid warns D.C. Mayor On Shutdown "Don't Screw It Up"[/ame]

Just image how they could try to punish the people
if/when they have full control of health care
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Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:

You just did. Medicare/Medicaid has just been funded for the the foreseeable future through the the ACA. Guess you missed that part.

The programs have been funded with debt.
In other words, with NO real money.
ACA is doomed to failure
Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:

You just did. Medicare/Medicaid has just been funded for the the foreseeable future through the the ACA. Guess you missed that part.

The programs have been funded with debt.
In other words, with NO real money.
ACA is doomed to failure

Theoretically everything the federal government does is funded with debt.

Is the military doomed to failure? Cause it's funded with a heck of a lot more debt then ACA...
I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.

Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax

No one with a functioning brain would believe that.
It is a movement more towards a CPE than not.

Many on the left will try to use the 'high school' definition of socialism
as 'proof' as why it is not. But, this is a disingenuous argument.

Statism, crony capitalism, corporatism, socialism, are all some form of a centrally planned economy.

One can regulate an industry to a point, where it is de facto, a gov't institution but held in private hands.
For example, during the World War II.

Gov't should promote true free markets
- allow competition across state lines
-real tort reform to stop lawyers from seeking rent
-less gov't could be achieved by giving all a voucher for health care and allow
the market to allocate the resources, instead of large gov't agencies making non market decisions.
-stop the AMA from allocating how many med schools there should be allowed


The industry is only "centrally regulated" as much as banks and airports are. Yes there are rules for them to follow but really how can there not be? We are talking about people's health care you want some weasel insurance company ditching your grandmother as soon as she has diabetes?

And I'm not even addressing the stupid paranoia about "ACA is leading to single payer" because until you show me some hardcore proof of this all it will ever be is scare-mongering.

I still maintain my point:

ACA is not Socialism!

Yes it is.
ACA is government sanction of redistribution of wealth for the sole purpose of creating entitlement.
If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.

Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax

No one with a functioning brain would believe that.


Do you ever look at your paycheck stub????
You just did. Medicare/Medicaid has just been funded for the the foreseeable future through the the ACA. Guess you missed that part.

The programs have been funded with debt.
In other words, with NO real money.
ACA is doomed to failure

Theoretically everything the federal government does is funded with debt.

Is the military doomed to failure? Cause it's funded with a heck of a lot more debt then ACA...

That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"
Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax

No one with a functioning brain would believe that.


Do you ever look at your paycheck stub????

That income tax =medicare tax.
First, not everyone pays income taxes.
Second...You said so yourself. No refund on medicare taxes. Yet there are refunds available to those who overpay their income taxes.
These two taxes are not equal. Nor are they similar.
No one with a functioning brain would believe that.


Do you ever look at your paycheck stub????

That income tax =medicare tax.
First, not everyone pays income taxes.
Second...You said so yourself. No refund on medicare taxes. Yet there are refunds available to those who overpay their income taxes.
These two taxes are not equal. Nor are they similar.

What the heck are you talking about... "=/=" is meant to say "does not equal"

I was saying Income taxes are not medicare taxes, which anyone with a functioning brain could've easily figured out on their own...It was a response to people saying "poor people pay no taxes" which is completely not true in the case of Medicare/Medicaid.
Don't forget
He is spending more money to keep veterans out of the WW II memorial

Technically, the sequester is the law of the land- just like Papa ObamaCare

What a temper tantrums he is having

Just imagine how the left would punish people when/if they have full control of health care
Enforcing border security and immigration laws is the law of the land, too -- but Obama seems to have forgotten about those.
That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"

This doesn't change anything. Our oversized military is funded through debt...without national debt our military couldn't exist in it's current size. So by your logic our military is doomed to failure.
The programs have been funded with debt.
In other words, with NO real money.
ACA is doomed to failure

Theoretically everything the federal government does is funded with debt.

Is the military doomed to failure? Cause it's funded with a heck of a lot more debt then ACA...

That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

Providing healthcare is not.

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