Republicans better open our fucking government or

Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.

And what good would that do?
Instead of switching sides, seek and find true conservative candidates and vote for them.

Your statement has the ring of truth in it. Incumbants now fear challenges in primaries more than challenges in general elections dueto gerrymandering and political funding. This allows the ulta-conservatives in Congress to openly challenge their party and the Republican party to quiver in fear from the Tea party deconstructionists. Now the key tp staying in office for a republican seems being able to pass a "true conservative" litmus test. When the Democrats lost three elections in a row, Clinton moved to the center to take the presidency. How many elections in a row will the Republicans have to lose before they move back towards the center? Will losing both houses cause moderation?I doubt it, it will just cause zealots like Cruz to double down.
obama rejected every point of negotiation out of hand. Then has the nerve to say republicans shut down the government. He knows that liberals will agree with him.
obama rejected every point of negotiation out of hand. Then has the nerve to say republicans shut down the government. He knows that liberals will agree with him.

Plus Papa Obama throws a temper tantrum and tries to "punish" people

The left will pay for their attempts to "punish" people

Just imagine what the hateful left would do to punish people if/when they obtain
full control of health care?

[ame=]Veterans Cross Barricades to get into the World War II Memorial - YouTube[/ame]

But, no doubt
the 'useful idiots' of the left will come out to defend him
obama rejected every point of negotiation out of hand. Then has the nerve to say republicans shut down the government. He knows that liberals will agree with him.

Repub's have been the do nothing congress and refused to comprimise for years. Comprimise has been a dirty word. Any Repub who dared think about it has been threatened with a Koch brothers financed primary battle. Now the Repub's want to use extrortion and blackmail to get what they haven't been able to get with normal, traditional and acceptable political practices. Any President should refuse to let the country be extorted and blackmailed into submission.
Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.

Drinking the koolaid?
Oh man, is Walmart closed or something? The dimwitted Obamabot Entitlement Moochers are out in force on this Board today.

Hey Moochers, i just heard Walmart is handing out Obama-Phones. Better run along before they run out. Off ya go now. :)
No one is going to swallow a bitter pill.

The American people will spit it out and punish the GOP in 2014 and 2016.

wrong again, snake. the bitter pill is obamacare and the American people are going to vomit it out big time in 2014 and 2016.

Your left wing attempt at socialism as defined by marx and lenin and attempted by obama will go down as a huge failure. The american people are not as stupid as you libs think they are.

I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.
No one is going to swallow a bitter pill.

The American people will spit it out and punish the GOP in 2014 and 2016.

wrong again, snake. the bitter pill is obamacare and the American people are going to vomit it out big time in 2014 and 2016.

Your left wing attempt at socialism as defined by marx and lenin and attempted by obama will go down as a huge failure. The american people are not as stupid as you libs think they are.

I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.
Teatards are down on the nat'l mall strumpeting around complaining about how they shut down the gov't. You can't make this stuff up.
Teatards are down on the nat'l mall strumpeting around complaining about how they shut down the gov't. You can't make this stuff up.

horseshit! they are demanding that obama reopen it. the republicans in congress, much less the teaparty, do not have the power to shut down the govt or reopen it. only obama can do that.

Wake up and smell the shit that is coming out of the whitehouse.
Teatards are down on the nat'l mall strumpeting around complaining about how they shut down the gov't. You can't make this stuff up.

horseshit! they are demanding that obama reopen it. the republicans in congress, much less the teaparty, do not have the power to shut down the govt or reopen it. only obama can do that.

Wake up and smell the shit that is coming out of the whitehouse.
Smell it? He eats it. And then tells us it's yummy.
No one is going to swallow a bitter pill.

The American people will spit it out and punish the GOP in 2014 and 2016.

wrong again, snake. the bitter pill is obamacare and the American people are going to vomit it out big time in 2014 and 2016.

Your left wing attempt at socialism as defined by marx and lenin and attempted by obama will go down as a huge failure. The american people are not as stupid as you libs think they are.

I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you get Medicaid and are low income, someone else pays for it. Low income people don't pay any taxes.
If you get Medicaid and are low income, someone else pays for it. Low income people don't pay any taxes.

To me, the obvious solution is to raise the wages of the working poor so that they are paying taxes and don't need these subsidies. But conservatives don't want that.
If you get Medicaid and are low income, someone else pays for it. Low income people don't pay any taxes.

To me, the obvious solution is to raise the wages of the working poor so that they are paying taxes and don't need these subsidies. But conservatives don't want that.

Disposable income going down and the 'need' for gov't dependency have an indirect relationship.
If the gov't took 100 or 90 or even 70 percent of your disposable income, how would one maintain their standard of living on less income.

It benefits the left to keep the poor down and to make even more of them. which is why the left always wants taxes higher. It increases dependency and their vote base.

Take any man and make him a tax payer- they tend to be more conservative.
So yes, conservatives would want to see that,.....
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wrong again, snake. the bitter pill is obamacare and the American people are going to vomit it out big time in 2014 and 2016.

Your left wing attempt at socialism as defined by marx and lenin and attempted by obama will go down as a huge failure. The american people are not as stupid as you libs think they are.

I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.

Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax
wrong again, snake. the bitter pill is obamacare and the American people are going to vomit it out big time in 2014 and 2016.

Your left wing attempt at socialism as defined by marx and lenin and attempted by obama will go down as a huge failure. The american people are not as stupid as you libs think they are.

I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you get Medicaid and are low income, someone else pays for it. Low income people don't pay any taxes.

Yes they do. There are more kinds of taxes then just Income Taxes...

There are no refunds for Medicare/Medicaid Taxes.
I would really love to hear why ACA is "socialism" ...The insurance companies are still the key central figure in the health care industry and no one is paying for someone else's care, you still have to pay for your own (unless your low income and get medicaid, which you pay through taxes).

If anything the removal of mandatory ER care makes ACA anti-socialist.

If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.

Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax
Yup, I was wrong. My bad.

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