Republicans better open our fucking government or

If you're low income and get Medicaid, you don't pay taxes. OTHER people who DO pay taxes will be paying for your subsidies.

Wealth redistribution.

Actually you're wrong...everyone pays medicare/medicaid taxes regardless of income bracket. And you don't get Medicare/Medicaid refunds.

Income Tax =/= Medicaid Tax
Yup, I was wrong. My bad.

assuming they work, of course
So that we've pushed aside the "poor people don't pay taxes" thing....

Someone explain to me how exactly Obamacare is "socialist"

It really is all. If anything it empowers free markets.

Increased competition among Insurance Companies = Capitalism

No more mandatory ER care = Anti-socialism

Everyone buys their own insurance = Capitalism

Where. Is. the. Socialism??????
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It is a movement more towards a CPE than not.

Many on the left will try to use the 'high school' definition of socialism
as 'proof' as why it is not. But, this is a disingenuous argument.

Statism, crony capitalism, corporatism, socialism, are all some form of a centrally planned economy.

One can regulate an industry to a point, where it is de facto, a gov't institution but held in private hands.
For example, during the World War II.

Gov't should promote true free markets
- allow competition across state lines
-real tort reform to stop lawyers from seeking rent
-less gov't could be achieved by giving all a voucher for health care and allow
the market to allocate the resources, instead of large gov't agencies making non market decisions.
-stop the AMA from allocating how many med schools there should be allowed

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So that we've pushed aside the "poor people don't pay taxes" thing....

Someone explain to me how exactly Obamacare is "socialist"

It really is all. If anything it empowers free markets.

Increased competition among Insurance Companies = Capitalism

No more mandatory ER care = Anti-socialism

Everyone buys their own insurance = Capitalism

Where. Is. the. Socialism??????

If you can't see it're blind as a bat....

Obamacare was clearly designed to lead us to a single payer system.....

because the country would refuse universal healthcare outright.....the marxists in office are using the incremental approach...
So that we've pushed aside the "poor people don't pay taxes" thing....

Someone explain to me how exactly Obamacare is "socialist"

It really is all. If anything it empowers free markets.

Increased competition among Insurance Companies = Capitalism

No more mandatory ER care = Anti-socialism

Everyone buys their own insurance = Capitalism

Where. Is. the. Socialism??????

^ that

So that we've pushed aside the "poor people don't pay taxes" thing....

Someone explain to me how exactly Obamacare is "socialist"

It really is all. If anything it empowers free markets.

Increased competition among Insurance Companies = Capitalism

No more mandatory ER care = Anti-socialism

Everyone buys their own insurance = Capitalism

Where. Is. the. Socialism??????

^ that


open it up yourself DEMRATS!!!....stop the stonewalling....

and is there any doubt that this marxist wants Socialism.....? only in retardville...
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It is a movement more towards a CPE than not.

Many on the left will try to use the 'high school' definition of socialism
as 'proof' as why it is not. But, this is a disingenuous argument.

Statism, crony capitalism, corporatism, socialism, are all some form of a centrally planned economy.

One can regulate an industry to a point, where it is de facto, a gov't institution but held in private hands.
For example, during the World War II.

Gov't should promote true free markets
- allow competition across state lines
-real tort reform to stop lawyers from seeking rent
-less gov't could be achieved by giving all a voucher for health care and allow
the market to allocate the resources, instead of large gov't agencies making non market decisions.
-stop the AMA from allocating how many med schools there should be allowed


The industry is only "centrally regulated" as much as banks and airports are. Yes there are rules for them to follow but really how can there not be? We are talking about people's health care you want some weasel insurance company ditching your grandmother as soon as she has diabetes?

And I'm not even addressing the stupid paranoia about "ACA is leading to single payer" because until you show me some hardcore proof of this all it will ever be is scare-mongering.

I still maintain my point:

ACA is not Socialism!
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No, I much prefer a weasel gov't bureaucrat doing it

Only centrally regulated- must be like when one is a 'little pregnant"
No one said no rules- rules should promote competition and help with
economic externalities- not pick winners and losers.

A true free market with no barriers to entry for all the players will
allow for the greatest benefit for the most people. It will also allow one
to better themselves, if they so choose.

Under this system, many will try to claim it will be "equal"
but are we to believe that the President or Congress or friends of theirs will have the same
doctor as you or me?

We only have to see how Papa Obama sends his own children to private school
while taking the benefit away from poor kids to go to the same school, to see that this
will not be the case.

being cheaper to pay the tax/fine and still be covered instead of buying a plan
is going to lead to something

ACA is not socialism, as defined in high school books
It is much worse
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Because in the 18 shutdowns since 1976, Papa Obama is the first President to not negotiate

He's keeping your anti-science sequester that doesn't effect welfare.
The last few days their was a bill that considered repealing the medical device tax.

So what you want to be debated is gutting of our ability to remain number one within research, tech and infrastructure??? Working Americans shouldn't have to pay for bums and stupid wars.
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Don't forget
He is spending more money to keep veterans out of the WW II memorial

Technically, the sequester is the law of the land- just like Papa ObamaCare

What a temper tantrums he is having

Just imagine how the left would punish people when/if they have full control of health care
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Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:
Don't forget
He is spending more money to keep veterans out of the WW II memorial

Technically, the sequester is the law of the land- just like Papa ObamaCare

What a temper tantrums he is having

Just imagine how the left would punish people when/if they have full control of health care

The national parks are closed. How hard is that to understand?
Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:

You're not going to make reforms within this area until you can win elections. I know that they're over budget and need reforms.
Don't forget
He is spending more money to keep veterans out of the WW II memorial

Technically, the sequester is the law of the land- just like Papa ObamaCare

What a temper tantrums he is having

Just imagine how the left would punish people when/if they have full control of health care

The national parks are closed. How hard is that to understand?

like the open air ones
or blocking views of Mt Rushmore from public roads
or closing private business that leases on gov't land

All events, never done before in gov't shutdowns
that cost more money to close than not

Not hard to understand why at all he does it
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Predictions of the demise of the GOP are greatly exaggerated by the left as
are the claims of success for the Papa Obamacare roll out
Medicare/Medicaid are the bozo-in-office wants to impose a similar program on a point where we are already trillions in debt....

you just can't make up this shit.......:cuckoo:

You're not going to make reforms within this area until you can win elections. I know that they're over budget and need reforms.

why should the Rs let the idiot Demrats create yet another boondoggle before reform takes place......?

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