Republicans better stop being complacement if they intend to stay relevant

Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
it's time to walk away from both parties it's time to drop conservatism or any ISM it's time to put American first and fix the bastardization of the Constitution leftists democrats conservatives and republicans have fucked it up from it's intent
Could not have said it better myself.apparently there is going to be a civil war to arrest these democrat senators and governors and Rinos if Biden if nothing happens after Jan 6th is what I am hearing so that would be the perfect time for the people to take their country back from these criminal politicins and chuck both parties.

Someone ask Spartacus how that worked out . . .
I would ask george washington first,,,
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize. The party and the constituency better wise up, find some courage, some drive and ambition. They better become legitimate activists...FAST!
Jesse Watters nails it in his monologue.
I watch the Five almost every day and get plenty of Watters. He is a bright guy who learned a lot from O’Reilly but you can literally see it on his face how full of shit he is when he rattles off the talking points. He doesn’t hide it very well.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize. The party and the constituency better wise up, find some courage, some drive and ambition. They better become legitimate activists...FAST!
Jesse Watters nails it in his monologue.
Republicans better stop being corrupt and dishonest if they intend to stay relevant.

Stop with the baseless conspiracy theories.

Stop with the idiotic fake news.

And stop with the incessant lying.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic

Dems have been cheating and stuff ballot boxes for decades, they are pretty good at it.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic

That’s weird...suddenly you people really like “proof”?
You hated proof with regard to Roy Moore, Brett Kavanaugh and Russia...Remember?

LefTard Logic:
“Ofcourse we’ve seen the videos showing fraud and corruption, ofcouse we’ve heard and read the testimony from witnesses who watched or participated in the fraud and corruption...but, but, but...we swear there was no fraud or corruption...Yet, despite Robert Muellers findings, the lack of videos and damning testimonials we know there was Russian collusion...Yep, we swear we’re credible.”
Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
it's time to walk away from both parties it's time to drop conservatism or any ISM it's time to put American first and fix the bastardization of the Constitution leftists democrats conservatives and republicans have fucked it up from it's intent
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize. The party and the constituency better wise up, find some courage, some drive and ambition. They better become legitimate activists...FAST!
Jesse Watters nails it in his monologue.

Sorry, but this is me laughing out loud. Have you noticed Mitch McConnell's net worth ($22 million) or his wife's connections to the Chinese Communist Party? Neither democrat nor republican elected politicians are friends of America or We The People. But . . . let us forget about that for a moment. We (the nationalist, patriotic) Americans are six, count them, six decades behind the radical leftist propaganda machine and cultural war for the hearts and minds of our children. THEY have won all the battles in the war to convert our future generations to their Satanic ideology. Find some courage, you say? No amount of courage would make a difference at this late hour, my friend. No amount. That's even provided you could find a handful of people in this entire nation who don't worship gold and/or the mighty Xbox. And if it's not the Xbox that's got them by the short hairs it's cell phones, porn, pot or something else; something else they'd all rather own or have in abundance rather than their God given rights and freedoms. It's time we true American woke up and smelled the napalm; took in a deep breath of the smoldering ruins raining ashes of what used to be our shining civilization on the hill. And a Happy New Year to you and yours too.

I’m afraid night_son is probably right...There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population.
I’m afraid night_son is probably right...There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population.

Then maybe it’s time to call in an exterminator and have them rid the property of these unwanted pests.

We have about three years to find that exterminator, so they can take a good look around and develop a plan of action that we can all get onboard with before November of 2024.

Can we find such a person? Does one even exist?
I’m afraid night_son is probably right...There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population.

Then maybe it’s time to call in an exterminator and have them rid the property of these unwanted pests.

We have about three years to find that exterminator, so they can take a good look around and develop a plan of action that we can all get onboard with before November of 2024.

Can we find such a person? Does one even exist?

I agree...we need aggressive militias to assemble, we need lots of mind blowing shit to happen, we need to mobilize good Americans, we need to change public opinion.
I just don’t believe we have the numbers to vote our way out of this mess.
Conservatives have looked the other way and sat on their hands for far too long...There’s nothing to suggest they’ll take action in numbers now.
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize

Fascism and a lack of attention span both result from the same tetraethyllead poisoning
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize

Fascism and a lack of attention span both result from the same tetraethyllead poisoning
Like censoring / controlling speech, like fighting for fewer rights etc etc...Which constituency begs for more government intervention?
Are you sure you know what “fascism” is?
I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize

Fascism and a lack of attention span both result from the same tetraethyllead poisoning
Like censoring / controlling speech, like fighting for fewer rights etc etc...Which constituency begs for more government intervention?
Are you sure you know what “fascism” is?

It is the party that deputized Oregon's State Police so that they are Federally controlled now.
Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
it's time to walk away from both parties it's time to drop conservatism or any ISM it's time to put American first and fix the bastardization of the Constitution leftists democrats conservatives and republicans have fucked it up from it's intent
I had such high hopes for the teaparty in that some realized both parties were the same just differed in rate of decay,,,

buut it failed because of the republican influence,,

I've been kicked off every teaparty site for pointing this out,,
I know the TeaParty seemed perfect until they were met with an opposition force, reality...

Most of that the guys are complaining believe in lies from groups and individuals who have told you your life is shit and it is not your fault and it is Lefties/Blacks/Gays/Foreigners/Trans/Muslims..... fault... Actually if a Black life is shit, it is his fault...
Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
it's time to walk away from both parties it's time to drop conservatism or any ISM it's time to put American first and fix the bastardization of the Constitution leftists democrats conservatives and republicans have fucked it up from it's intent
I had such high hopes for the teaparty in that some realized both parties were the same just differed in rate of decay,,,

buut it failed because of the republican influence,,

I've been kicked off every teaparty site for pointing this out,,
I know the TeaParty seemed perfect until they were met with an opposition force, reality...

Most of that the guys are complaining believe in lies from groups and individuals who have told you your life is shit and it is not your fault and it is Lefties/Blacks/Gays/Foreigners/Trans/Muslims..... fault... Actually if a Black life is shit, it is his fault...
save that shit for your therapist,,
I agree...we need aggressive militias to assemble, we need lots of mind blowing shit to happen, we need to mobilize good Americans, we need to change public opinion.
I just don’t believe we have the numbers to vote our way out of this mess.
Conservatives have looked the other way and sat on their hands for far too long...There’s nothing to suggest they’ll take action in numbers now.

As much as I’d love to see a violent Conservative Revolution overthrow the Government, I don’t see it happening. The numbers of people willing to take that sort of action is far too small to make it feasible.

We don’t have the numbers to vote the Progressive scum out right now. That’s why we are going to have to endure a minimum of 4 years of horror before things can get turned around.

Unfortunately what we need now is for Conservatives to be vocal but largely inactive. Let the Progressives slit their own throats with higher taxes, reduction of Rights, etc... vocally separate and resist but understand that these things will happen.. we need to create a position where the Progressive Left cannot separate themselves from this horror show and pin it on them in 2024.

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