Republicans better stop being complacement if they intend to stay relevant

Aw, I feel sorry for the tea party. I miss the cosplay aspect of it.

The might makes right crowd simply doesn't understand that most people don't want to have a war over an election. Fraudulent or not.

Remind yourselves that trump would be one of the first ones killed.
The might makes right crowd simply doesn't understand that most people don't want to have a war over an election. Fraudulent or not.

Remind yourselves that trump would be one of the first ones killed.

I’m pretty sure we both know the election has little to do with good real Americans becoming fed up with the Hate America/Change America Mafia.
What’s that supposed to mean...what do they look like?
Are these his supporters?
I meant looking at what they do, not their appearance.
What they do?
Like busting their ass to preserve and protect all that made America the greatest nation on earth?
I've certainly never seen any of that happening.

BrokeLoser likes to take credit for his cause in anything a white person has ever done.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.
What’s that supposed to mean...what do they look like?
Are these his supporters?
I meant looking at what they do, not their appearance.
What they do?
Like busting their ass to preserve and protect all that made America the greatest nation on earth?
I've certainly never seen any of that happening.

You’ve never “seen” Conservatives protect statues from being desecrated by Leftists?
You’ve never seen them defend religious rights?
Defend capitalism?
Defend our constitutional rights?
Fight anarchy in “autonomous zones”?
Fight to keep a level of normalcy established?
You’ve never seen them support America’s right to sovereignty?

Are you deaf and blind?
What’s that supposed to mean...what do they look like?
Are these his supporters?
I meant looking at what they do, not their appearance.
What they do?
Like busting their ass to preserve and protect all that made America the greatest nation on earth?
I've certainly never seen any of that happening.

You’ve never “seen” Conservatives protect statues from being desecrated by Leftists?
You’ve never seen them defend religious rights?
Defend capitalism?
Defend our constitutional rights?
Fight anarchy in “autonomous zones”?
Fight to keep a level of normalcy established?
You’ve never seen them support America’s right to sovereignty?

Are you deaf and blind?

Pretty vague stuff except for your first one where some asshole ran his car through a crowd of people and the anti-Semitic taunts all in order to preserve honoring enemies of the Union.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.

What is this “demographic shift” you speak of and is it or has it been good for America in general? Where can you show us its benefit for Americans by and large?
If you can’t demonstrate how it’s good for America, I ask how/why you would or could support such a movement?
What’s that supposed to mean...what do they look like?
Are these his supporters?
I meant looking at what they do, not their appearance.
What they do?
Like busting their ass to preserve and protect all that made America the greatest nation on earth?
I've certainly never seen any of that happening.

You’ve never “seen” Conservatives protect statues from being desecrated by Leftists?
You’ve never seen them defend religious rights?
Defend capitalism?
Defend our constitutional rights?
Fight anarchy in “autonomous zones”?
Fight to keep a level of normalcy established?
You’ve never seen them support America’s right to sovereignty?

Are you deaf and blind?

Pretty vague stuff except for your first one where some asshole ran his car through a crowd of people and the anti-Semitic taunts all in order to preserve honoring enemies of the Union.

You need perceive the facts I’ve illustrated as vague...if you allow yourself to see them in total clarity you’d have to admit how fucked in the head you are. I get people must self manipulate or you expose your own twisted belief systems.
What’s that supposed to mean...what do they look like?
Are these his supporters?
I meant looking at what they do, not their appearance.
What they do?
Like busting their ass to preserve and protect all that made America the greatest nation on earth?
I've certainly never seen any of that happening.

You’ve never “seen” Conservatives protect statues from being desecrated by Leftists?
You’ve never seen them defend religious rights?
Defend capitalism?
Defend our constitutional rights?
Fight anarchy in “autonomous zones”?
Fight to keep a level of normalcy established?
You’ve never seen them support America’s right to sovereignty?

Are you deaf and blind?

Pretty vague stuff except for your first one where some asshole ran his car through a crowd of people and the anti-Semitic taunts all in order to preserve honoring enemies of the Union.

You need perceive the facts I’ve illustrated as vague...if you allow yourself to see them in total clarity you’d have to admit how fucked in the head you are. I get people must self manipulate or you expose your own twisted belief systems.

Yes, its' your argument and you should go into more detail.

I did for your first one and you've seemed to not be interested in defending it. But you think being American is preserving statues many of which were erected in the Jim Crowe South honoring enemies of the country who fought the Union for the right to expand slavery.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.

What is this “demographic shift” you speak of and is it or has it been good for America in general? Where can you show us its benefit for Americans by and large?
If you can’t demonstrate how it’s good for America, I ask how/why you would or could support such a movement?
The demographic shift is a term which describes the ongoing changes of racial makeup of the US. In the second half of this century, the White Americans will become a minority in the US. Some presume that this will result in political and social changes of the US.

I dont consider this 'good'. But this is the process which is already underway.

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