Republicans better stop being complacement if they intend to stay relevant

I’ve said it and said it again, Republicans / Conservatives don’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, they are worthless activists, they refuse to stay pissed about anything, they won’t mobilize. The party and the constituency better wise up, find some courage, some drive and ambition. They better become legitimate activists...FAST!
Jesse Watters nails it in his monologue.
Trump will try and make, the Republican party, the party of Trump. If Republicans do not go along, he will blow up the Republican party. Either way, Republicans lose.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.

What is this “demographic shift” you speak of and is it or has it been good for America in general? Where can you show us its benefit for Americans by and large?
If you can’t demonstrate how it’s good for America, I ask how/why you would or could support such a movement?
The demographic shift is a term which describes the ongoing changes of racial makeup of the US. In the second half of this century, the White Americans will become a minority in the US. Some presume that this will result in political and social changes of the US.

I dont consider this 'good'. But this is the process which is already underway.
The University Professors aka Best & Brightest Liberals, have been saying that for 50 years.
They never seem to get anything right.
But in this case they seem to be right. Look at demographic stats of CA, AZ, TX, and FL as the prime example.
That's because we are allowing people from failed nations to break the law.
Such is the future of the US to which you are eagerly looking forward.
You have no idea to what I am looking forward.
I can only go by the glee in your posts.
Glee? Because the US is turning into another Mexico? You must have misunderstood something.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.

What is this “demographic shift” you speak of and is it or has it been good for America in general? Where can you show us its benefit for Americans by and large?
If you can’t demonstrate how it’s good for America, I ask how/why you would or could support such a movement?
The demographic shift is a term which describes the ongoing changes of racial makeup of the US. In the second half of this century, the White Americans will become a minority in the US. Some presume that this will result in political and social changes of the US.

I dont consider this 'good'. But this is the process which is already underway.
The University Professors aka Best & Brightest Liberals, have been saying that for 50 years.
They never seem to get anything right.
But in this case they seem to be right. Look at demographic stats of CA, AZ, TX, and FL as the prime example.
That's because we are allowing people from failed nations to break the law.
Such is the future of the US to which you are eagerly looking forward.
You have no idea to what I am looking forward.
I can only go by the glee in your posts.
Glee? Because the US is turning into another Mexico? You must have misunderstood something.
You are against Open Borders? Business Visas? Off-Shoring?
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic

Dems have been cheating and stuff ballot boxes for decades, they are pretty good at it.
I don’t believe you

Nobody cares what you believe. :itsok:
You’re the one talking to me bub. That’s what happens in discussion forums. You post unsubstantiated lies I call them as I see them

I'm sorry, you said something?
Yes, it’s in black and white.

I'll read it when I have time, probably late 2024 I have other more important things to do like organize my sock drawer.
There may be far too many in this nation who are just too fascinated by change, too fascinated by appeasing fringe factions / abnormals, too many foreigners who do not harbor America’s core principle / value systems...too many who do not know, understand, respect and appreciate the ‘American Way’ and all that made us the greatest nation on earth.
I believe we may be outnumbered by the Change America / Hate America population
Unbelievable. The demographic shift was predicted long ago and has been talked about for at least a decade. And now, when the point of no return has already been long passed, you seem to be surprised what is going on around you.

What is this “demographic shift” you speak of and is it or has it been good for America in general? Where can you show us its benefit for Americans by and large?
If you can’t demonstrate how it’s good for America, I ask how/why you would or could support such a movement?
The demographic shift is a term which describes the ongoing changes of racial makeup of the US. In the second half of this century, the White Americans will become a minority in the US. Some presume that this will result in political and social changes of the US.

I dont consider this 'good'. But this is the process which is already underway.
The University Professors aka Best & Brightest Liberals, have been saying that for 50 years.
They never seem to get anything right.
But in this case they seem to be right. Look at demographic stats of CA, AZ, TX, and FL as the prime example.
That's because we are allowing people from failed nations to break the law.
Such is the future of the US to which you are eagerly looking forward.
You have no idea to what I am looking forward.
I can only go by the glee in your posts.
Glee? Because the US is turning into another Mexico? You must have misunderstood something.
You are against Open Borders? Business Visas? Off-Shoring?
The first and third things - yes. About the second one - not so sure.
I'm old enough to remember. The Democrats spent, spend, and are spending. The Democrats always voted/vote themselves pay raises. The Democrats have raised, raise, and are raising taxes to recover their expenditures. The Democrats are always trying to fix everything and anything to gain votes. The Democrats encouraged the removal of prayer, Bible reading, and philosophy from public educational institutions. The Democrats brought us no fault divorce. The Democrats brought us abortion on demand. The Democrats brought us "gay" marriage and redefined marriage to suit their agenda...

So, what have the Republican done about all this? NOTHING! They conserve and hold the status quo. They constantly preach that this and that is wrong; however, are wages for Senators and those in Congress ever reduced? Has public education been returned to the community level? Is abortion except in some extreme cases ended? It's sad to think that when Democrats are in office, they get whatever they wish, and when the Republicans get in, they allow them (the liberals) to keep everything they pushed for.

I call that a win, win situation for the wrong side.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic
actually, you are the pathetic 1 for implying, your president, TRUMP is handling these cases by himself. are you that much of a retard?
I didn’t imply that Trump was handling the cases by himself. If you’re to dumb to understand what I meant then it’s just a waste of time explaining it to you.
you most certainly did. you assholes blame TRUMP for everything, when in fact, he isnt involved directly with 99.9% of asswipe demonRATs accusations.. so yes, you did imply
No I didn’t imply that Trump was directly handling these cases by himself. I’m sure you thought I did but you’re obviously retarded so what you think doesn’t mean much.
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic

Dems have been cheating and stuff ballot boxes for decades, they are pretty good at it.
I don’t believe you

Nobody cares what you believe. :itsok:
You’re the one talking to me bub. That’s what happens in discussion forums. You post unsubstantiated lies I call them as I see them

I'm sorry, you said something?
Yes, it’s in black and white.

I'll read it when I have time, probably late 2024 I have other more important things to do like organize my sock drawer.
Good luck with that
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic
actually, you are the pathetic 1 for implying, your president, TRUMP is handling these cases by himself. are you that much of a retard?
I didn’t imply that Trump was handling the cases by himself. If you’re to dumb to understand what I meant then it’s just a waste of time explaining it to you.
you most certainly did. you assholes blame TRUMP for everything, when in fact, he isnt involved directly with 99.9% of asswipe demonRATs accusations.. so yes, you did imply
No I didn’t imply that Trump was directly handling these cases by himself. I’m sure you thought I did but you’re obviously retarded so what you think doesn’t mean much.
yo--retard...deny--deflect--twist to suit=demonRAT
Without Trump Republicans have no spine, Romney comes to mind, Kasich and many other spineless Republicans. It's like they enjoy being screwed over by Dems.
I love how you think Trump is some bad ass tough guy. Haha. He is nothing more than Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. Without daddies money he would be cleaning McFlys car. Two coats of wax Donny... 2!

Trump whooped your ass against all odds. You punks had to rig and cheat to beat him in 2020. :talk2hand:
Not according to the facts. Just because you and Donny say so doesn’t make it true. There’s a little thing called proof that needs to be presented and Trump has failed over 50 time to prove these claims true in court. It’s pathetic
actually, you are the pathetic 1 for implying, your president, TRUMP is handling these cases by himself. are you that much of a retard?
I didn’t imply that Trump was handling the cases by himself. If you’re to dumb to understand what I meant then it’s just a waste of time explaining it to you.
you most certainly did. you assholes blame TRUMP for everything, when in fact, he isnt involved directly with 99.9% of asswipe demonRATs accusations.. so yes, you did imply
No I didn’t imply that Trump was directly handling these cases by himself. I’m sure you thought I did but you’re obviously retarded so what you think doesn’t mean much.
yo--retard...deny--deflect--twist to suit=demonRAT
What exactly did I deny deflect or twist. Please dazzle us with your insight and wisdom
Trump will try and make, the Republican party, the party of Trump. If Republicans do not go along, he will blow up the Republican party. Either way, Republicans lose.

Not at all. Either way, the party is laid open for Conservatives to sweep in and take control of the party, which would be a WIN for Republicans.
Trump will try and make, the Republican party, the party of Trump. If Republicans do not go along, he will blow up the Republican party. Either way, Republicans lose.

Not at all. Either way, the party is laid open for Conservatives to sweep in and take control of the party, which would be a WIN for Republicans.
Trump is not a conservative. See what happened to the deficit during Trump even before COVID. $2000 stimulus is not conservative. Closed markets is not conservative. Believing Putin over our security agents is not conservative. Five kids by threewives all the time being a pussy grabber is not conservative values.
You have no idea about what a conservative is.
Gee where did those teabaggers go..........
we didnt go anywhere,, we are just waiting for the conservatives to realize republicans are the same as democrats,,,
it's time to walk away from both parties it's time to drop conservatism or any ISM it's time to put American first and fix the bastardization of the Constitution leftists democrats conservatives and republicans have fucked it up from it's intent
Could not have said it better myself.apparently there is going to be a civil war to arrest these democrat senators and governors and Rinos if Biden if nothing happens after Jan 6th is what I am hearing so that would be the perfect time for the people to take their country back from these criminal politicins and chuck both parties.
We Texans can start with Greg Abbott's crippled globalist ass!!! I want that dude OUT or dead.

Damn oak tree couldn't finish the fucking job.

Trump is not a conservative. See what happened to the deficit during Trump even before COVID. $2000 stimulus is not conservative. Closed markets is not conservative. Believing Putin over our security agents is not conservative. Five kids by threewives all the time being a pussy grabber is not conservative values.
You have no idea about what a conservative is.

I never said Trump WAS/IS a Conservative. I said that Trump can be the key that unlocks the Republican Party to a Conservative takeover,whether he’s part of the party or not.
Trump is not a conservative. See what happened to the deficit during Trump even before COVID. $2000 stimulus is not conservative. Closed markets is not conservative. Believing Putin over our security agents is not conservative. Five kids by threewives all the time being a pussy grabber is not conservative values.
You have no idea about what a conservative is.

I never said Trump WAS/IS a Conservative. I said that Trump can be the key that unlocks the Republican Party to a Conservative takeover,whether he’s part of the party or not.
If Republicans want to get back as a conservative party they need to get ridiculous Trump and his sorry supporters out of there.
If Republicans want to get back as a conservative party they need to get ridiculous Trump and his sorry supporters out of there.

I agree about getting Trump out of the equation, but I believe a lot of his supporters have a Conservative core to them that needs to be nurtured and fertilized to grow.

However, they need to be taught true, traditional Conservatism, which many will not like at first. Especially the women and those who cannot support themselves as/or receive government handouts.
If Republicans want to get back as a conservative party they need to get ridiculous Trump and his sorry supporters out of there.

I agree about getting Trump out of the equation, but I believe a lot of his supporters have a Conservative core to them that needs to be nurtured and fertilized to grow.

However, they need to be taught true, traditional Conservatism, which many will not like at first. Especially the women and those who cannot support themselves as/or receive government handouts.
I do not disagree. Too many Trump supporters worship Trump not conservatism or any other principled political philosohy. They are cult like.
If Republicans want to get back as a conservative party they need to get ridiculous Trump and his sorry supporters out of there.

I agree about getting Trump out of the equation, but I believe a lot of his supporters have a Conservative core to them that needs to be nurtured and fertilized to grow.

However, they need to be taught true, traditional Conservatism, which many will not like at first. Especially the women and those who cannot support themselves as/or receive government handouts.
I do not disagree. Too many Trump supporters worship Trump not conservatism or any other principled political philosohy. They are cult like.
there is no help for the TDS inflected they can't see they are a cult from sitting in their choir
Trump will try and make, the Republican party, the party of Trump. If Republicans do not go along, he will blow up the Republican party. Either way, Republicans lose.

Not at all. Either way, the party is laid open for Conservatives to sweep in and take control of the party, which would be a WIN for Republicans.
first you need to get rid of the rinos and the I surrender republicans

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