Republicans Blocked Funding For Pandemic Response

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
LIAR....lying POS....
NOWHERE did I say he was responsible for the virus Just the dimwits response to it which cost 1000's of lives

Was this NOT your post?
eddiew said:
"did he have control over making an earlier virus response? Or was he NOT responsible blaming everyone but himself?"

Please show us your reliable source and working link showing that President Trump's actions cost 1,000s of lives. If you can make that lame claim, then with equal justification we can say that he SAVED millions of lives.

Cato @ Liberty

April 21, 2020 3:05PM
How One Model Simulated 2.2 Million U.S. Deaths from COVID-19
By Alan Reynolds
When it came to dealing with an unexpected surge in infections and deaths from SARS‐CoV‐2 (the virus causing COVID-19 symptoms), federal and state policymakers understandably sought guidance from competing epidemiological computer models.

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Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
Don't confuse them with bald-faced FACTS!
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

Stupid TDS afflicted posts like this is one of the reasons why we ridicule you idiot Moon Bats so much.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

And nothing you posted is true......good job.

The CDC and NIH have more than enough money to stockpile those supplies...but they chose to study monkeys smoking, and frat boys getting drunk instead...

And again, hilary had more than enough money to supply protecton to the Bhengazi ambassador.....she chose not to.
4 people who volunteer to go to a dangerous mission in the middle of a hostile country vs. 88,000 dead Americans due to Trump’s incompetence.

thats more than the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan War, Iraq War COMBINED.

and you still want to complain about Benghazi, you little bitch?
"Trump's incompetence"?

You misspelled "Communist Chinese dishonesty"

You just keep doing like your Communist masters tell you, you weak-minded idiot.
daveman - always ready to spout the latest wingnut talking points. You're not supposed to drink the water from those sump pumps, loser.
Ooooh, another pathetic shot at my military service. You sure you wanna go there, USO Band Boi?

Better check your push alerts from the CCP, Komrade Keyboardist.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
Of course you would. You're a moron.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
Of course you would. You're a moron.

Your thinking a bunch of millionaires need federal bailout monies is pretty idiotic
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:
Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

That term is not allowed for use by pussy civilians who refused to serve their country.

And deploying to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, and Afghanistan is hardly being rear echelon.

You'd know that if you weren't too big a pussy to enlist. Run along now, boy.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
Of course you would. You're a moron.

Your thinking a bunch of millionaires need federal bailout monies is pretty idiotic
Except I've never thought that. Far too much of the stimulus package went to people and businesses that didn't need it...and they should be forced to give it back.

And illegals are criminals. Only leftists like to reward criminals. It's because leftists hate normal people.
When did the GOP ever refuse to fund security for Benghazi? The person that was in charge of security for Libya testified before Congressional investigators that funding was never an issue in Libya and that the Clinton led State Department felt they had adequate security there! Care to try again?
Playing dumb again?

Simple question, Synthaholic! You claim the GOP refused to fund security for Benghazi? Show where funding was EVER the issue with security in Libya!

God, you're an idiot! I know that the Democrats TRIED to blame budget cuts on the deaths of our four State Department personnel but that narrative was blown to smithereens when the woman in charge of security for Libya testified that funding was never an issue and that the Clinton State Department STILL thought security levels in Libya were sufficient! So what do YOU do? You go back and cite one of the attempts by a compliant media outlet (the Huffington Post) to sell that story?

"WASHINGTON State Department officials said Wednesday that security levels at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were adequate for the threat level on the anniversary of 9/11 but that the compound was overrun by an "unprecedented attack" by dozens of heavily armed extremists.

The officials testified before an election-season congressional hearing on accusations of security failures at the consulate that led or contributed to the deaths of the Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The officials said the number of U.S. and local security guards at the compound was consistent with what had been requested by the post.

"We had the correct number of assets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11," said Charlene Lamb, the deputy secretary of state for diplomatic security in charge of protecting American embassies and consulates around the world."

A competent president with a comprehensive and consistent plan for the country would have been welcome. Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool.

As one of our resident Trolls, it is patently obvious that you have never managed so much as a lemonade stand much less a large business. IF you had, you would know that with information, facts, and statistics changing daily, if not by the hour, it is not possible to have "a comprehensive and consistent plan" for anything. The plan has to be flexible. If this is not true, please explain to us all how you stick to the same plan when you are told that the virus is NOT communicable between humans and then a week or ten days later, it is extremely highly contagious.

Please explain what you mean by, "Viruses don’t respect state borders and you can’t designate a ‘No Peeing’ section of the swimming pool."
It is possible to have a comprehensive plan. Obama did for the H1N1 and Ebola viruses, and 90,000 Americans DIDN'T die. How about that!

  • Stockpile ventilators
  • Stockpile PPE
  • Flight ban that actually bans flights, not one made of Swiss cheese.
  • Flights arriving in the U.S. mandates testing and quarantine for 14 days.
  • Activate the Defense Production Act to ensure that millions of tests are produced daily.

Trump turned down tests from the WHO because he wanted us to develop our own. Probably because he wanted to make money off of it. So that's months wasted right there.

You can't have a 'No Peeing' section of a pool because the water can't be contained in one area of the pool.

You can't have one state on lockdown and the states next door be the Wild West. Because a virus doesn't stop at the border, and people cross state lines all day long.
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
POTUS cant be responsible for what he has no control over,,,
in fact no one can,,,
Do you want me to find Trump's tweet where he assured everyone that he had it under control?

Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
POTUS cant be responsible for what he has no control over,,,
in fact no one can,,,
Do you want me to find Trump's tweet where he assured everyone that he had it under control?

has nothing to do with what I said,,,

do try and keep up,,,
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
Of course you would. You're a moron.

Your thinking a bunch of millionaires need federal bailout monies is pretty idiotic
daveman has 40 years of Republican programming. He stopped thinking a long time ago. Now he just reacts.
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:
Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

That term is not allowed for use by pussy civilians who refused to serve their country.

And deploying to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, and Afghanistan is hardly being rear echelon.

You'd know that if you weren't too big a pussy to enlist. Run along now, boy.


Nice deflection to your poutrage instead of addressing the facts in my post. As usual.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
Republican stop the greedy corrupt $trillion dollar$ looting spree"
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
explain how the Dems will pay for their $trillion dollar" looting spress
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
Of course you would. You're a moron.

Your thinking a bunch of millionaires need federal bailout monies is pretty idiotic
Except I've never thought that. Far too much of the stimulus package went to people and businesses that didn't need it...and they should be forced to give it back.

And illegals are criminals. Only leftists like to reward criminals. It's because leftists hate normal people.
What is the statutory penalty for being in the United States illegally? Show us your big brain.
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
POTUS cant be responsible for what he has no control over,,,
in fact no one can,,,
Do you want me to find Trump's tweet where he assured everyone that he had it under control?

has nothing to do with what I said,,,

do try and keep up,,,
You said Trump had no control over it.
Trump said he had control over it.

Do try to keep up.
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
One side said "we want to cut pandemic/CDC spending" It wasn't the Democrats.
They had constraints, it was a group effort from the bipartisan committee
In compromises, each side proposes what they wish to cut. Republicans chose pandemic readiness as the item they wanted to sacrifice. Maybe the Democrats sacrificed after-school lunches - I don’t know. But Republicans own this lack of readiness. They had complete control for the first 2 years and did nothing.

oh, btw - the wall ain’t built, either.
Oh was from both parties no matter how much you spin, Synth.
You mean the buck never stops at Trumps door?? Like he said""I'm not responsible""
POTUS cant be responsible for what he has no control over,,,
in fact no one can,,,
Do you want me to find Trump's tweet where he assured everyone that he had it under control?

has nothing to do with what I said,,,

do try and keep up,,,
You said Trump had no control over it.
Trump said he had control over it.

Do try to keep up.
thats two different things,,,and I thought trump lied all the time??
so now you believe him??

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