Republicans Blocked Funding For Pandemic Response

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

And nothing you posted is true......good job.

The CDC and NIH have more than enough money to stockpile those supplies...but they chose to study monkeys smoking, and frat boys getting drunk instead...

And again, hilary had more than enough money to supply protecton to the Bhengazi ambassador.....she chose not to.

The CDC and NIH had more than enough money to buy all of the PPE we needed but they stole, wasted or lost Billions............

The "Experts," who were running these agencies didn't do their F*****G jobs......and yet you worship them....

If NIH and CDC are still having trouble coming up with ways to fund their fight against Ebola, here is a list of 15 wasteful programs totaling $15,135,574,669.00 where they could have saved:

  • Telling Taxpayers How to Eat ($15 billion) – Yes, that’s billion with a “b” in front. In a massive overstep of government power, Obamacare carved out $15 billion for Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to convince Americans to make “healthy” choices through “Community Transformation Grants” (CTG). The CTG program “supports efforts to modify behavior through anti-obesity campaigns, as well as anti-smoking and pro-sin tax regulations and legislation” at the state and local levels, according to the bipartisan Citizens Against Government Waste.
  • Grant Money to China ($90 million) – NIH awarded more than $90 million to Chinese researchers. This included $2 million to develop a vaccine for a parasite disease common in China. The Traditional Values Coalition asked, “As our country heads to fiscal ruin, why are we giving millions in taxpayer dollars to Chinese science — which benefits China and its institutions — when they hold more than $1 trillion in American debt?”
  • Duplicate Agricultural Programs ($22 million) – CDC spent $22 million on their Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Program. The problem? This project was nearly identical to efforts already underway at the Department of Agriculture. CDC allotted $181,966 for developing a smart phone app for specialized farmers in Tennessee.
  • “Why Are Lesbians Fat?” ($2.87 million) – That’s one question NIH has decided to research for the last four years, spending more than $2.87 million so far on the project. The ongoing study is meant to explain why “women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic,” operating under the claim that “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese. First funded in 2011, the study is slated to continue into 2016.
  • Promoting HPV Vaccine for Young Girls ($544,188) – CDC provided $544,188 for a study on how to boost the number of young girls getting Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations in Los Angeles County. Although CDC says the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risk, it counts 772 serious adverse side effects, including 32 deaths, among the millions of doses administered to young girls between June, 2006, and December, 2008. Parents have raised moral objections as to whether young girls should receive the vaccine, which covers four sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Drunken Monkeys ($3.2 million) – NIH spent $3.2 million getting monkeys drunk just to see what would happen. The agency apparently has quite a fascination with excessive drinking, since it also “doled out money in recent years for research on binge-drinking mice, inebriated gamblers and pilots seeking the sensation of flying drunk,” according to The Washington Times.
  • Bizarre Sex Studies ($1.5 million) – Congress voted to give NIH $1.5 million to spend on four obscure sex studies: “Mood Arousal and Sexual Risk Taking,” “Study on Sexual Habits of Older Men,” “Study on San Francisco’s Asian Prostitutes/Masseuses,” and “Study on American Indian Transgender Research.” NIH still received the requested funds from Congress, despite efforts by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., in 2004 to defund the projects.
  • Funds for Homosexual Activists in Public Schools ($1.4 million) – CDC gave The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the homosexual activist group, $1.4 million to create “safe spaces” in public schools starting in 2011. The funding will be distributed during a five year period, as GLSEN works in 20 targeted school districts across the country. GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard claimed in 2011 that safe spaces “are vital to these students’ health, success in school and life prospects."
  • Centers for ‘Gun Disease’ Prevention ($2.6 million) – CDC spent $2.6 million on studies that also seemed to favor greater gun control before when Congress defunded the research in 1999. Apparently Congress thought CDC had more important issues to study, like how to control actual diseases. For FY 2015, President Obama is asking Congress to grant CDC $22.2 million in new funding to study and prevent gun violence. Obama has made similar requests in previous years, though unsuccessfully.
  • National Institutes of ‘Gun Control’ ($5 million) – Separately from the CDC, NIH also handed out nearly $5 million for research promoting gun control as of October, 2009, according to an article in The Washington Times. NIH pursued research on “gun related violence,” despite the issue being well outside the organization’s typical domain. Grants included “$642,561 in taxpayer funds to learn how inner-city teenagers whose friends, acquaintances and peers carry firearms and drink alcohol on street corners could show up in emergency rooms with gunshot wounds.”
  • Cocaine Enhances Japanese Quail’s Sex Drive ($181,406) – No joke, this was a real study sponsored by NIH and slated to run through next year. Why quail? Because “quail provide a convenient and interesting alternative to standard laboratory rats and pigeons.”
  • Empowering Women to Choose Contraception … in Jail ($279,789) – Liberals have long battled to expand women’s access to contraceptives. So in June 2012, NIH allocated $279,789 “to improve contraceptive use for incarcerated women” as they neared the end of their jail time. The program, which ran from June 1, 2008, through on May 31, 2014, was ultimately intended to reduce unexpected pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among recently incarcerated women.
  • Bogus AIDS Experiments ($4.9 million) – Results of an HIV/AIDS vaccine study funded by NIH were faked by researcher at Iowa State University (ISU), calling into question $19 million in grants awarded to the same researcher over the years. “Inauthentic” samples throughout a period of four years made the vaccine reportedly appear far more effective than it actually was. Although NIH refused to pay ISU the final installment of the grant money, the university was allowed to keep more than $4.9 million after paying back the researcher’s salary – nearly three-quarters of the original grant.
  • Sex Workers Spreading STDs ($675,786) – Ever wonder why sex workers spread HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? The answer might seem obvious, but NIH is spending $675,786 to find out exactly how and why in an ongoing study. Researches are continuing the regular testing of 600 female sex workers on the U.S.-Mexico border for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.
  • Examining ‘Barriers to Correct Condom Use’ ($423,500) – It turns out “young, heterosexual adult men” weren’t using condoms as frequently as NIH would like. A study investigating the apparent problem in 2009 came with $423,500 price tag.

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

And nothing you posted is true......good job.

The CDC and NIH have more than enough money to stockpile those supplies...but they chose to study monkeys smoking, and frat boys getting drunk instead...

And again, hilary had more than enough money to supply protecton to the Bhengazi ambassador.....she chose not to.
4 people who volunteer to go to a dangerous mission in the middle of a hostile country vs. 88,000 dead Americans due to Trump’s incompetence.

thats more than the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan War, Iraq War COMBINED.

and you still want to complain about Benghazi, you little bitch?
"Trump's incompetence"?

You misspelled "Communist Chinese dishonesty"

You just keep doing like your Communist masters tell you, you weak-minded idiot.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
Name the special interest that you are referring to, then back it up with a link. Let’s see if you can find that URL in your ass.
Not worth my time. Democrats don't do anything that doesn't benefit themselves or their cronies. Your acceptance is neither required nor expected.
Yes, your time is devoted to talking out your ass and making allegations that you are incapable of backing up.
It's funny when you pretend you'd seriously consider opposing views.

I said funny, not credible.
Either you can back up your bullshit or you can’t. History has showed us all that you can’t.
We've discussed this before, retard. You refuse to accept anything that discredits your leftist programming. That's your intellectual failure, not mine.
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Same shit during Katrina. They ALWAYS abdicate their own responsibilities. ALWAYS
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.
How many more do you need, Grampa Murked U? Because there are pages of them.
NONE of them were protesters. Can you read?

People die EVERYDAY of all kinds of shit. Liberal faggots died by the thousands from aids.
Whats your point? Get back under your bed pussy
I never said anything about protesters, you dumb hillbilly motherfucker - YOU DID.

How many more do you need, Grampa Murked U? Because there are pages of them.
NONE of them were protesters. Can you read?

People die EVERYDAY of all kinds of shit. Liberal faggots died by the thousands from aids.
Whats your point? Get back under your bed pussy
I never said anything about protesters, you dumb hillbilly motherfucker - YOU DID.

View attachment 337490
I did, and you failed to supply any links.
The bonus is you being triggered though lol.

Now get back under your bed coward
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

And nothing you posted is true......good job.

The CDC and NIH have more than enough money to stockpile those supplies...but they chose to study monkeys smoking, and frat boys getting drunk instead...

And again, hilary had more than enough money to supply protecton to the Bhengazi ambassador.....she chose not to.

The CDC and NIH had more than enough money to buy all of the PPE we needed but they stole, wasted or lost Billions............

The "Experts," who were running these agencies didn't do their F*****G jobs......and yet you worship them....

If NIH and CDC are still having trouble coming up with ways to fund their fight against Ebola, here is a list of 15 wasteful programs totaling $15,135,574,669.00 where they could have saved:

  • Telling Taxpayers How to Eat ($15 billion) – Yes, that’s billion with a “b” in front. In a massive overstep of government power, Obamacare carved out $15 billion for Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to convince Americans to make “healthy” choices through “Community Transformation Grants” (CTG). The CTG program “supports efforts to modify behavior through anti-obesity campaigns, as well as anti-smoking and pro-sin tax regulations and legislation” at the state and local levels, according to the bipartisan Citizens Against Government Waste.
  • Grant Money to China ($90 million) – NIH awarded more than $90 million to Chinese researchers. This included $2 million to develop a vaccine for a parasite disease common in China. The Traditional Values Coalition asked, “As our country heads to fiscal ruin, why are we giving millions in taxpayer dollars to Chinese science — which benefits China and its institutions — when they hold more than $1 trillion in American debt?”
  • Duplicate Agricultural Programs ($22 million) – CDC spent $22 million on their Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Program. The problem? This project was nearly identical to efforts already underway at the Department of Agriculture. CDC allotted $181,966 for developing a smart phone app for specialized farmers in Tennessee.
  • “Why Are Lesbians Fat?” ($2.87 million) – That’s one question NIH has decided to research for the last four years, spending more than $2.87 million so far on the project. The ongoing study is meant to explain why “women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic,” operating under the claim that “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese. First funded in 2011, the study is slated to continue into 2016.
  • Promoting HPV Vaccine for Young Girls ($544,188) – CDC provided $544,188 for a study on how to boost the number of young girls getting Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations in Los Angeles County. Although CDC says the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risk, it counts 772 serious adverse side effects, including 32 deaths, among the millions of doses administered to young girls between June, 2006, and December, 2008. Parents have raised moral objections as to whether young girls should receive the vaccine, which covers four sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Drunken Monkeys ($3.2 million) – NIH spent $3.2 million getting monkeys drunk just to see what would happen. The agency apparently has quite a fascination with excessive drinking, since it also “doled out money in recent years for research on binge-drinking mice, inebriated gamblers and pilots seeking the sensation of flying drunk,” according to The Washington Times.
  • Bizarre Sex Studies ($1.5 million) – Congress voted to give NIH $1.5 million to spend on four obscure sex studies: “Mood Arousal and Sexual Risk Taking,” “Study on Sexual Habits of Older Men,” “Study on San Francisco’s Asian Prostitutes/Masseuses,” and “Study on American Indian Transgender Research.” NIH still received the requested funds from Congress, despite efforts by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., in 2004 to defund the projects.
  • Funds for Homosexual Activists in Public Schools ($1.4 million) – CDC gave The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the homosexual activist group, $1.4 million to create “safe spaces” in public schools starting in 2011. The funding will be distributed during a five year period, as GLSEN works in 20 targeted school districts across the country. GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard claimed in 2011 that safe spaces “are vital to these students’ health, success in school and life prospects."
  • Centers for ‘Gun Disease’ Prevention ($2.6 million) – CDC spent $2.6 million on studies that also seemed to favor greater gun control before when Congress defunded the research in 1999. Apparently Congress thought CDC had more important issues to study, like how to control actual diseases. For FY 2015, President Obama is asking Congress to grant CDC $22.2 million in new funding to study and prevent gun violence. Obama has made similar requests in previous years, though unsuccessfully.
  • National Institutes of ‘Gun Control’ ($5 million) – Separately from the CDC, NIH also handed out nearly $5 million for research promoting gun control as of October, 2009, according to an article in The Washington Times. NIH pursued research on “gun related violence,” despite the issue being well outside the organization’s typical domain. Grants included “$642,561 in taxpayer funds to learn how inner-city teenagers whose friends, acquaintances and peers carry firearms and drink alcohol on street corners could show up in emergency rooms with gunshot wounds.”
  • Cocaine Enhances Japanese Quail’s Sex Drive ($181,406) – No joke, this was a real study sponsored by NIH and slated to run through next year. Why quail? Because “quail provide a convenient and interesting alternative to standard laboratory rats and pigeons.”
  • Empowering Women to Choose Contraception … in Jail ($279,789) – Liberals have long battled to expand women’s access to contraceptives. So in June 2012, NIH allocated $279,789 “to improve contraceptive use for incarcerated women” as they neared the end of their jail time. The program, which ran from June 1, 2008, through on May 31, 2014, was ultimately intended to reduce unexpected pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among recently incarcerated women.
  • Bogus AIDS Experiments ($4.9 million) – Results of an HIV/AIDS vaccine study funded by NIH were faked by researcher at Iowa State University (ISU), calling into question $19 million in grants awarded to the same researcher over the years. “Inauthentic” samples throughout a period of four years made the vaccine reportedly appear far more effective than it actually was. Although NIH refused to pay ISU the final installment of the grant money, the university was allowed to keep more than $4.9 million after paying back the researcher’s salary – nearly three-quarters of the original grant.
  • Sex Workers Spreading STDs ($675,786) – Ever wonder why sex workers spread HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? The answer might seem obvious, but NIH is spending $675,786 to find out exactly how and why in an ongoing study. Researches are continuing the regular testing of 600 female sex workers on the U.S.-Mexico border for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.
  • Examining ‘Barriers to Correct Condom Use’ ($423,500) – It turns out “young, heterosexual adult men” weren’t using condoms as frequently as NIH would like. A study investigating the apparent problem in 2009 came with $423,500 price tag.
Wingnut media is cobbling together hit pieces to distract from Republicans dismantling our ability to respond to a pandemic. I get it, but it ain’t gonna work. Republicans own this. Every bit.

You are a is the democrats protecting the Chinese, the democrats on the Chinese payroll......the biden family is owned by the Chinese and will do anything to protect them from the fallout of the Chinese Flu, you doofus.....

Billions of dollars to the CDC and NIH and the "experts" there failed to prepare for a pandemic... you know, their fucking job.............they couldn't even put together the energy to replace the PPE obama used in his failed responses to H1N1...........but morons like you want to keep the country shut down on their say so...

You are the idiot....
“I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past admins for allowing China to take advantage of the US on trade leading up to a point where the US is losing $100’s of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would’ve done same!”
Trump tweets on how it wasn’t China’s fault that they built up a $350 billion trade surplus with the US

“My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one.”
Trump on Chinese President Xi Jinping

President Donald Trump called Chinese President Xi Jinping a "brilliant leader" and "great man" during a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron at the G7 summit in France on Monday.


“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus,” Trump wrote in a post on Twitter. “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Looks like Trump is up Xi's ass.
How many more do you need, Grampa Murked U? Because there are pages of them.
NONE of them were protesters. Can you read?

People die EVERYDAY of all kinds of shit. Liberal faggots died by the thousands from aids.
Whats your point? Get back under your bed pussy
I never said anything about protesters, you dumb hillbilly motherfucker - YOU DID.

View attachment 337490
I did, and you failed to supply any links.
The bonus is you being triggered though lol.

Now get back under your bed coward
I backed up my comment: that wingnuts are killing themselves off. You can't read, then you embarrass yourself. Poor senile Grampa.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

And nothing you posted is true......good job.

The CDC and NIH have more than enough money to stockpile those supplies...but they chose to study monkeys smoking, and frat boys getting drunk instead...

And again, hilary had more than enough money to supply protecton to the Bhengazi ambassador.....she chose not to.
4 people who volunteer to go to a dangerous mission in the middle of a hostile country vs. 88,000 dead Americans due to Trump’s incompetence.

thats more than the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan War, Iraq War COMBINED.

and you still want to complain about Benghazi, you little bitch?
"Trump's incompetence"?

You misspelled "Communist Chinese dishonesty"

You just keep doing like your Communist masters tell you, you weak-minded idiot.
daveman - always ready to spout the latest wingnut talking points. You're not supposed to drink the water from those sump pumps, loser.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
The states are special interest groups?
Giving emergency funding to the States is a job of the Federal government.

Giving taxpayer money to illegals is not.

Your blob bailed out the LA Lakers. I’d rather give money to illegals
How many more do you need, Grampa Murked U? Because there are pages of them.
NONE of them were protesters. Can you read?

People die EVERYDAY of all kinds of shit. Liberal faggots died by the thousands from aids.
Whats your point? Get back under your bed pussy
I never said anything about protesters, you dumb hillbilly motherfucker - YOU DID.

View attachment 337490
I did, and you failed to supply any links.
The bonus is you being triggered though lol.

Now get back under your bed coward
I backed up my comment: that wingnuts are killing themselves off. You can't read, then you embarrass yourself. Poor senile Grampa.
The virus is killing predominantly blacks and elderly. You clearly don't care about those two demographics as all your attention is on the trailer park.

You're an idiot and there really isn't anything to say but cry more pussy. Cowards like you are part of our nations problems.
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:
Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash
How many more do you need, Grampa Murked U? Because there are pages of them.
NONE of them were protesters. Can you read?

People die EVERYDAY of all kinds of shit. Liberal faggots died by the thousands from aids.
Whats your point? Get back under your bed pussy
I never said anything about protesters, you dumb hillbilly motherfucker - YOU DID.

View attachment 337490
I did, and you failed to supply any links.
The bonus is you being triggered though lol.

Now get back under your bed coward
I backed up my comment: that wingnuts are killing themselves off. You can't read, then you embarrass yourself. Poor senile Grampa.
The virus is killing predominantly blacks and elderly. You clearly don't care about those two demographics as all your attention is on the trailer park.

You're an idiot and there really isn't anything to say but cry more pussy. Cowards like you are part of our nations problems.
Trailer park? That last example was a middle-class woman and her family in Houston, I believe. I can give you a bunch more. A couple of clergy in the group, too, getting to meet Jesus sooner than they wanted.

But it's revealing how you view Trump supporters! Trailer trash!
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron
Link to a protester dying?

I know thats a stretch but give it your best shot
Oh you mean the same Mardis Gras the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor didn't shut down, despite knowing it would mean a drastic increase in coronavirus transmission?

Yes, I know they blamed Trump for their incompetence. No one believes that but retards.

You know -- like you.
Why would the Governor and Mayor know that?

Mardi Gras was on February 25.

Here's Trump on the 25th:

Feb. 25

At a news conference in India, Trump says that the coronavirus is “well under control” and that there are “very few people with it.”

That day, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, tells CNBC that the U.S. has “contained” the coronavirus and that the outbreak is unlikely to be an “economic tragedy.”

When are you going to learn not to debate facts with me, REMF?

^^^^abdication at its finest.

The left are trash

Trump abdicating his presidential responsibilities - you don't care.

you should probably read the constitution about the duties and responsibilities of the president,,,that way you dont look like an ignorant moron

As REAL leaders do. :rolleyes:

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